Monday, October 20, 2008


Daniel 11:32b "...but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits."

After all of this, look at the promise: The people (and people can actually mean nation.) The people who know God (elohim), the people who are intimately aquainted with God, the people who know God by experience, this is what they will be like; They will be courageous. They will not retreat in the face of adversity. They will be strong. They will display strength. They will be a source of strength. The people who really know God will be powerful and they will do...(exploits is not in the Hebrew). They will accomplish. They will produce. They will not sit back in fear but they will go out and make things happen.

How? How can this happen when so much junk is going on around them? How can this happen when everything seems to be caving in? I mean look at all that was being prophesied in Daniel. I don't claim to have a clue about the meaning of all of this. All that I know is that terrible things were happening. The kings of the north and the south were going at it destroying one another and in the middle of it the people who knew God were strong and effective. Why? Because they knew their source of strength. The knew who was in control. They had confidence in the One that they knew so well.

In the middle of all that is going on in this country the people who know their God - the nation that knows their God - The Church - should not circle the wagons in retreat. We should be strong and do. We should be courageous and effective and in His power do great things because we know the One who in in charge: Jesus. The last chapter has been written and He wins! Go out and do.

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