Matt 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
If I had to pick a verse that I would claim as my life verse, I think this is it. Why? Because I remember when I was attempting to pass the bar exam many moons ago and I was having difficulty. God reminded me back then: "Glen, pursue Me first. My kingdom. My righteousness. And then watch me work." After I got my priorities straightened out, then I saw what He did.
The thing is, this lesson is easy to forget. We get so wrapped up in everyday living that we start to run after other things. We run after money (v19-21). We are concerned about our needs..what we will eat, what we will drink and what we will wear. (v25-32) We worry about what is going to happen in our economy and we start to get a little frantic. I mean if you listen to the prognosticators in the next year gas will be $11 a gallon. Milk will be $10 a gallon. Eggs will be $4 a dozen. I just heard this yesterday…something called America's Economic Armageddon. Frankly, if you soak yourself in this stuff you will go crazy worrying. Jesus told His guys and He tells us: "Don't worry. The way that you insure that all your needs are met is not by buying gold and silver and dumping your stocks. The way that you insure that all of your needs are met is to seek, to desire, to crave My kingdom and My righteousness. When you do this everything else will come. All of your needs for food and clothing will be met."
I wonder if we really believe this? Do I? I know that I woke up this morning telling my wife that we need to think about stocking our freezer because of what I heard yesterday. This may not be a bad idea. It may be smart to prepare…but I can't get consumed by it. I, instead, have to be consumed by the kingdom of God and His righteousness. I have to be consumed with the eternal, not the temporal. I can't worry about tomorrow (v34)…I have to pursue the eternal today.
So what am I going to do today that will show that I am running after His kingdom and His righteousness first? How will I practice law that will make it an eternal endeavor? How will this affect my conversations, my actions, my attitudes? If I seek God's kingdom and His righteousness absolutely first, every day, food and clothing will be there when I need it. He promised.
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