Saturday, January 28, 2012

Conformity vs Eternity

Ez 11:12 "and you shall know that I am the LORD. For you have not walked in my statutes, nor obeyed my rules, but have acted according to the rules of the nations that are around you." ESV


I don't know what it is, but the pressure to be like other people is massive. We see what they do and we see what they have and for some reason we think it is how we should live. This is the key to advertising. All advertisers have to do is get you to think that you need something that you currently don't have and they have got you. When this comes to values and character and actions, many times we think that running after money or stuff or power or position is what this life is all about. It isn't. Knowing God and obeying Him is what this life is all about.


Israel was caught up in this. They did what other nations did. They saw that they worshipped other gods. They were enticed by the mystery or the glamour or the excitement that they thought other nations had and they turned their backs on God's instructions. The end result was death and division. They were more concerned about the here and now that they forgot about the future consequences. They were more interested in satisfying their immediate wants that they failed to consider the end result. They did not have a future mindset. They did not consider God or His eternal plan.


If I am not careful, I can do that too. Immediate gratification is nice. The future consequences no so much. In order to follow God and have an eternal focus I need to keep my mind riveted on Him and His word. I have to know Him and follow His instructions, His statutes, His direction. When I am enticed I need to ask myself the question: "How does this play out in eternity?". In fact, when I am enticed I need to ask myself the question: "What will be the future consequences?".


I think that it is cool that our church is going through a six week series on Heaven. It makes you think differently. It makes you consider the temporariness of this life. Not in a morbid way, but in an exciting way. I love what Ken Ungar said. He said: "I am trying to look beyond this life, not to escape this life but to ignite this life." If we have that mindset we will not run after what other nations run after. We will not be focused on what other people do or have. We will have one purpose that will change all that we do here on this earth…to Know God and do what He wants to bring Him glory. That is how I need to make decisions. That is how I need to live.


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