Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Getting Verbal

Is. 12:4 - " And in that day you will say: 'Praise the Lord, call upon His Name; Declare His deeds among the peoples; Make mention that His Name is exalted."

This is the second time that the phrase: "In that day you will say..." is used. Again, this is a promise to Israel of a future day, but it is a reminder to me of what to do in this day.

Praise the Lord. Give Him thanks. This is something that should always be on my mind and coming from my mouth. God is truly amazing. As I was thinking about who He is and all that He does this morning, I was astonished. Think about this: He hears me and He hears all who talk to Him at the same time. He controls my life and He controls everything. He provides for me and He provides for the birds of the air. He is intimately involved with my life. He is intimately involved with everyone's life that ever lived. He is huge! There is no way we can ever fathom what He is like, what He can do, what He has done. Yet, He wants a relationship with me. Amazing. Praise Him. Thank Him.

The verse goes on to say: "Call upon His Name". This can be a cry out for help to Him and it can be a proclamation of who He is. It is a verbal thing. It isn't just something that we do in the privacy of our lives, although it should be done there, but this verse reveals that it is very public. Look - "Declare His deeds among the peoples." Make known what He is doing in the nations, with other people, with my friends and family. Remind people that His Name is exalted.

This is very convicting because I am not real verbal. Sure I can do it in church, and it should be done there. I can do it with my family, and it should be done there. But it should also be done with those I know. Those I work with. Those I come in contact with. Point to Jesus. Talk about how great He is and what He is doing.

God, open the doors and give me boldness to get verbal.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

God is My Salvation

Is. 12:2 - "Behold God is my salvation. I will trust and not be afraid. For the Lord Jehovah is my strength and song. He also has become my salvation."

This is so cool. Isaiah is continuing to affirm who God is. Behold - Look - I declare this that God, the Mighty One, is my salvation. My deliverer. My victory. No one else. Nothing else. I am not relying on me. I am not relying on someone else. I am not relying on something else. Not me, not the President, not Wall Street, not Congress. GOD alone is my deliverer, my victory, my Savior. I will trust and be confident and I will not fear. I will not tremble. I will not be in dread. All of the world could be going crazy. The whole financial structure may fall down around us, but GOD is my salvation. I will not fear. Why? The Lord Jehovah- Yahh Yehova. Why did he use God's name twice? For emphasis. To nail this truth down. Yes, GOD, GOD is my strength. He is my might. Both physically and socially and emotionally and spiritually. When I begin to falter, God is my strength and in the middle of all of the garbage, get this, He is my song of praise. I can make music even though Assyria is nailing Judah. I can make music even though my 401K is going in the dumper. I know what the future holds. (Look at Is. 11:1-10) We know the end game. He will truly restore. God is my salvation. God is my strength. God is my song.

And then one more time: He is my salvation. It is interesting it says He also has become, or He is becoming my salvation. He is my salvation in the present and He is my salvation in the future. He will always be my Deliverer. He will always be my victory. Don't count on anything else. It is all God.

What a shot in the arm for what we as believers may see in the near future. God has it all under control. God is in charge. Behold...Look...God - Jehovah - The LORD is my (our) salvation, now and forever. We will sing. We will have strength. We will not fear. Praise GOD!

(A footnote for those who don't know Jesus...He alone is your salvation. The sooner everyone realizes this the better. He is the only One you can count on for now and eternity. Believe it.)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

That Day is Now

I am studying in Isaiah now. Amazing stuff. Look at 7:14, 9:6 and tell me that the Bible is not absolute truth coming from the mouth of God. You would have to be blind to not see the truth. It is amazing how Jesus was prophesied 500 years before He ever came on the scene.

Anyway, I just got done writing about how our country may be experiencing the result of turning our back on God, much like in Daniel. It is going to be interesting to see what happens in the next four years. Hang on to your hats.

Now for some encouraging stuff from Isaiah.

Is 12 - Wow! What a great chapter. I am going to have to deal with it one verse at a time!
v1 - "And in that day you will say: 'O Lord, I will praise You . Though You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away and You comfort me.'"

This is the coolest stuff because it is really pulsating with the heart of God. What is He really like? What does He do with sin? What does He do with rebellion against Him? What does He do when we violate His character? He gets angry. Yes, God gets angry and His anger is justified. We kick Him in the teeth and we expect Him to like it? To turn away and ignore it? We totally violate what He tells us to do (and He tells us what to do out of His love and concern for us) and we spurn that love. We say: "Got out of my face." What do we want God to do? Say: "Oh, that's big deal"? Come on! Give God some credit. His anger is right.

But then look, He really does not want to stay angry. He really wants to turn from anger. He want to restore and refresh (the actual meaning of turn away). This is His heart. He wants our fellowship. He craves for our love. And He will forgive, and believe it or not, He will forget. Then what? He does the coolest thing. In the middle of us beating ourselves up, He comforts us. He consoles us. He has compassion on us. Amazing. He is there to forgive and comfort...and we don't deserve any of it.

No wonder Isaiah says that in that day (actually the day is when Israel is restored, but it can happen to us now.) in that day we will praise Him. In that day we will give Him thanks. In that day we will confess the Name of God.

That day is now.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Daniel 11:32b "...but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits."

After all of this, look at the promise: The people (and people can actually mean nation.) The people who know God (elohim), the people who are intimately aquainted with God, the people who know God by experience, this is what they will be like; They will be courageous. They will not retreat in the face of adversity. They will be strong. They will display strength. They will be a source of strength. The people who really know God will be powerful and they will do...(exploits is not in the Hebrew). They will accomplish. They will produce. They will not sit back in fear but they will go out and make things happen.

How? How can this happen when so much junk is going on around them? How can this happen when everything seems to be caving in? I mean look at all that was being prophesied in Daniel. I don't claim to have a clue about the meaning of all of this. All that I know is that terrible things were happening. The kings of the north and the south were going at it destroying one another and in the middle of it the people who knew God were strong and effective. Why? Because they knew their source of strength. The knew who was in control. They had confidence in the One that they knew so well.

In the middle of all that is going on in this country the people who know their God - the nation that knows their God - The Church - should not circle the wagons in retreat. We should be strong and do. We should be courageous and effective and in His power do great things because we know the One who in in charge: Jesus. The last chapter has been written and He wins! Go out and do.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Be Strong

Dan. 10:19 "And he said, 'O man, greatly beloved, fear not. Peace be to you, be strong, yes be stong. So when He spoke to me I was strengthened..."

I love this. Now it is no longer Gabriel coming to Daniel. It is One who looks like the "sons of Man" (v16). Any guess as to who it probably was? The son of man, the One who met Shad, Mesh and Abed in the furnace. The One who is called the Son of Man in the N.T. - Jesus. It is my guess that the Son of Man - the Son of God met with Daniel and this time, instead of an angel telling Daniel that he was greatly loved, instead of an angel telling Daniel not to fear, it was Jesus. Amazing. God in the form of His Son came to Daniel and told him for the third time that he was "greatly beloved". The Son of God came and told Daniel not to fear. Only this time He added some stuff. He also said: "peace be to you". Shalom, quiet, tranquility, contentment, completeness be to you.

Kind of sounds like Jesus with His disciples in John 20:19: "Peace be with you." Here were these guys cowering in fear after the death of their Leader and He came to them after His resurrection and said the same thing that He said to Daniel, "Peace be to you."

So, once you have taken care of the fear thing. Once you have established peace, then what? "Be strong, yes be strong." He didn't say it once. He said it twice for emphasis. "Be strong. Be courageous. Be resolute. Prevail." These are not passive words. These are active words. Kill the fear, grab the peace and go out and prevail.

What a word for the church. What a word for me. In the middle of our world going through a financial crisis, Jesus comes to us as the church , He comes to me and says: "Fear not, peace be to you. Be strong." Look at this situation straight in the face and show the world where our confidence is. Not in Washington. Not in Wall Street. Not in our bank accounts. But in the One who give us this charge: "Fear not, peace be to you, be strong, yes be strong."