Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Getting Verbal

Is. 12:4 - " And in that day you will say: 'Praise the Lord, call upon His Name; Declare His deeds among the peoples; Make mention that His Name is exalted."

This is the second time that the phrase: "In that day you will say..." is used. Again, this is a promise to Israel of a future day, but it is a reminder to me of what to do in this day.

Praise the Lord. Give Him thanks. This is something that should always be on my mind and coming from my mouth. God is truly amazing. As I was thinking about who He is and all that He does this morning, I was astonished. Think about this: He hears me and He hears all who talk to Him at the same time. He controls my life and He controls everything. He provides for me and He provides for the birds of the air. He is intimately involved with my life. He is intimately involved with everyone's life that ever lived. He is huge! There is no way we can ever fathom what He is like, what He can do, what He has done. Yet, He wants a relationship with me. Amazing. Praise Him. Thank Him.

The verse goes on to say: "Call upon His Name". This can be a cry out for help to Him and it can be a proclamation of who He is. It is a verbal thing. It isn't just something that we do in the privacy of our lives, although it should be done there, but this verse reveals that it is very public. Look - "Declare His deeds among the peoples." Make known what He is doing in the nations, with other people, with my friends and family. Remind people that His Name is exalted.

This is very convicting because I am not real verbal. Sure I can do it in church, and it should be done there. I can do it with my family, and it should be done there. But it should also be done with those I know. Those I work with. Those I come in contact with. Point to Jesus. Talk about how great He is and what He is doing.

God, open the doors and give me boldness to get verbal.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Glen, I dig your blog.