Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Long Time Coming

Wow. It's been a long time since I last wrote. I have been journaling a lot. I just have not gotten around to posting any of it. I am not sure that anyone really reads this, yet, I will start again with the hope and prayer that it may impact someone's life.

I have been reading in the Old Testament. Right now I am in the middle of Numbers. Numbers? Isn't that a boring book? Not at all. I will eventually get some posts from that book, but for now lets hit Exodus 3:14

"And God said to Moses, 'I AM who I AM', and He said 'Then you shall say to the children of Israel: 'I AM has sent me to you.'"

If someone comes up to me and asks: "What is your name?" my reply is: "Glen Richardson". My name identifies who I am in society. My first name is really no big deal because it is something that my parents picked out to distinguish who I am as it relates to my real identity which is indicated by my last name: Richardson. (My mom wanted to name me Gary. My dad won.) I am a part of the Richardson family. My Dad was Ralph Richardson. His Dad was Ralph Richardson. I guess it goes all the way back to England where it began as the Son of Richard. That is part of my identity. It helps define me in some way.

But God - When you ask Him His Name, He doesn't give a last name. He doesn't have a Dad. Instead, when Moses wanted to know who He was, when Moses asked how to identify Him, God said: "I AM who I AM - I AM." What does that mean? The Hebrew word is "hajah" and it means: "To be, to exist, to happen." In other words, who are you God? "I Exist". To Be. This really identifies Him as the eternally existant One. No beginning. No ending. He always was. Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End. The First and the Last. The same yesterday, today and forever. No Father. No Mother. No birth. No death. The God who always is. To Be. I Am. You know what is hard for me to grasp? That the forever God would be talking to a guy like Moses. That the eternally existant One would be willing to talk to me. That the One who is and always was wants a personal relationship with the one whose name is Glen Richardson, the temporal one...but He does.

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