Tuesday, March 8, 2011

More Proof

Matt 2:11 "And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh."


More proof of Jesus deity. I picture this: Mary, Joseph and Jesus are no longer in a cave or stable. Jesus was born and Joseph being the great Dad that he was, knew that they had to get out of there to a safer, cleaner environment. So, he looked around and found a place to stay. It was a house in Bethlehem. Now it is interesting to me that they did not go back to where they had traveled from originally. Instead they stayed in Bethlehem for a couple of years…living in this house.


The Wise men who knew how to study the night sky knew that they had to follow this unusual phenomena that was moving ahead of them. First they made a pit stop with King Herod who gave them some line about wanted to worship this child too. As they followed the star, it led them to this house. They knocked on the door and Joseph probably went to the door to see who was there. To his surprise he saw a bunch of guys with treasures. Pretty cool. I don't know what was said in that conversation at the door, but I can imagine it was something like they told King Herod…that they saw and followed the star and that they wanted to come in and present gifts to the baby who was now probably around two years old. Not only that, but they wanted to come in and worship Him.


Worship a baby? Why? I mean if this was just like any other child that is born into the world, why would some strangers want to come in and fall on their faces and worship Him? Now some of us have been accused of worshiping our kids, but not like this. These guys entered the house and fell down. They didn't trip on the carpet. They were forced down. They were filled with astonishment because they knew that they were in the presence of Someone that they had to get low before, so they got on their faces in His presence and they worshiped Him. Wait a minute. Didn't part of the 10 commandments say that you should only bow down to almighty God, no one or nothing else? How is it that these guys are bowing before this baby and worshiping Him? Duh! They knew that they were I the presence of God and they had to get low…fast.


Not only that, they gave some pretty cool gifts. Gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gold was given to kings. Frankincense was incense offered up to gods. And myrrh was a spice used in burial. Jesus, this baby that the wise men worshiped was King, God and born to die.


I wonder why I don't fall on my face before Him? Too familiar? Too proud? No more.


1 comment:

Barbie said...

Yeah, in our Beth Moore study, she encouraged us to get down face down on the floor each day as an act of worship and humbling ourselves before God. It's not comfortable, but it is definitely humbling. It makes me think how people were so willing to do that before fake gods who do nothing. Yet, I have seen the power of my living God at work and it's still hard for me to do! We need to get over ourselves.