Jer. 10:10 " But the Lord is the true God, He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth will tremble. And the nations will not be able to endure His indignation."
Does anybody care? Is anyone afraid? Does anyone have a clue? Apparently not. This world and this country run without a thought about God or who He is. Our leaders make stupid decisions. The headlines today on MSN are: "How Democrats clear impasse on health bill". The impasse? Coverage for abortion. How did they clear it? "...abortion opponents were promised an opportunity to try to insert tougher restrictions into the legislation during debate on the House floor. Big deal. This is nothing but appeasement. This is nothing but molifying a few. This is nothing but window dressing. Once this gets on the house floor, trying to amend the bill by debate is improbable at best. Their hope is " matter how that vote turns out, Democrats on both sides of the abortion divide will then unite to give the health care bill a majority."
Their plan is: "See we tried, we gave you a chance, now let's stop fighting and get behind this thing." The problem: "The Lord is the true God. He is the living God and the everlasting God. At His wrath the earth will tremble. And the nations will not be able to endure His indigation."
These people are ignoring God. They don't give a rip about His perspective or His authority. He is the true God. He is the Living God. He is the everlasting God - and they don't care. If they did, the abortion issue would not even be a debate. Marriage would not be a debate. Prayer would not be a debate. The Ten Commandments would not be a debate. Even spending money that we don't have would not be a debate.
We have strayed so far from the ways of God. We will tremble. We will not be able to endure His indigation.
God help us.
Footnote: Amazing. I may have been wrong with the recent House bill vote. Let's see what the Senate does and the end result. Stay tuned.
12-8-09 Now we know how the Senate keep abortion funding in Obamacare. Is my prediction of appeasement coming true? Pray that it does not. I am wondering what millions of people's response will be if they are forced to pay for other people's abortions? I am wondering how long God is going to put up with this?
12-29-09 Here is where we are now according to the head of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius:
SEBELIUS: And I would say that the Senate language, which was negotiated by Senators Barbara Boxer and Patty Murray, who are very strong defenders of women’s health services and choices for women, take a big step forward from where the House left it with the Stupak amendment, and I think do a good job making sure there are choices for women, making sure there are going to be some plan options, and making sure that while public funds aren’t used, we are not isolating, discriminating against, or invading the privacy rights of women. That would be an accounting procedure, but everybody in the exchange would do the same thing, whether you’re male or female, whether you’re 75 or 25, you would all set aside a portion of your premium that would go into a fund, and it would not be earmarked for anything, it would be a separate account that everyone in the exchange would pay.
BLOGHER: It’s a bit confusing, but …
SEBELIUS: Okay. It is a bit confusing, but it’s really an accounting that would apply across the board and not just to women, and certainly not just to women who want to choose abortion coverage.
BLOGHER: Oh, that’s good, that’s good.
Pray that the House defeats this entire mess.
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