Jer. 10:10 " But the Lord is the true God, He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth will tremble. And the nations will not be able to endure His indignation."
Does anybody care? Is anyone afraid? Does anyone have a clue? Apparently not. This world and this country run without a thought about God or who He is. Our leaders make stupid decisions. The headlines today on MSN are: "How Democrats clear impasse on health bill". The impasse? Coverage for abortion. How did they clear it? "...abortion opponents were promised an opportunity to try to insert tougher restrictions into the legislation during debate on the House floor. Big deal. This is nothing but appeasement. This is nothing but molifying a few. This is nothing but window dressing. Once this gets on the house floor, trying to amend the bill by debate is improbable at best. Their hope is " matter how that vote turns out, Democrats on both sides of the abortion divide will then unite to give the health care bill a majority."
Their plan is: "See we tried, we gave you a chance, now let's stop fighting and get behind this thing." The problem: "The Lord is the true God. He is the living God and the everlasting God. At His wrath the earth will tremble. And the nations will not be able to endure His indigation."
These people are ignoring God. They don't give a rip about His perspective or His authority. He is the true God. He is the Living God. He is the everlasting God - and they don't care. If they did, the abortion issue would not even be a debate. Marriage would not be a debate. Prayer would not be a debate. The Ten Commandments would not be a debate. Even spending money that we don't have would not be a debate.
We have strayed so far from the ways of God. We will tremble. We will not be able to endure His indigation.
God help us.
Footnote: Amazing. I may have been wrong with the recent House bill vote. Let's see what the Senate does and the end result. Stay tuned.
12-8-09 Now we know how the Senate keep abortion funding in Obamacare. Is my prediction of appeasement coming true? Pray that it does not. I am wondering what millions of people's response will be if they are forced to pay for other people's abortions? I am wondering how long God is going to put up with this?
12-29-09 Here is where we are now according to the head of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius:
SEBELIUS: And I would say that the Senate language, which was negotiated by Senators Barbara Boxer and Patty Murray, who are very strong defenders of women’s health services and choices for women, take a big step forward from where the House left it with the Stupak amendment, and I think do a good job making sure there are choices for women, making sure there are going to be some plan options, and making sure that while public funds aren’t used, we are not isolating, discriminating against, or invading the privacy rights of women. That would be an accounting procedure, but everybody in the exchange would do the same thing, whether you’re male or female, whether you’re 75 or 25, you would all set aside a portion of your premium that would go into a fund, and it would not be earmarked for anything, it would be a separate account that everyone in the exchange would pay.
BLOGHER: It’s a bit confusing, but …
SEBELIUS: Okay. It is a bit confusing, but it’s really an accounting that would apply across the board and not just to women, and certainly not just to women who want to choose abortion coverage.
BLOGHER: Oh, that’s good, that’s good.
Pray that the House defeats this entire mess.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Ps. 99:2,3,5,9 "The Lord is great in Zion and He is high above all the peoples. Let them praise your great and awesome Name - He is holy...Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his footstool -He is holy...Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His holy hill, for the Lord our God is holy."
No clue. I have no clue. We have no clue. We are a bunch of dumb sheep. If we had any clue of what God is like, we would all fall on our faces...but we don't, because we have no clue. He is great, he is high above the peoples (us), He is awesome, full of awe, to be feared and revered, and He is holy, He is holy, He is holy. Kind of like in Revelation where the four living creatures cry out "Holy, holy, holy Lord God almighty, who was and is and is to come." Rev. 4:8
The four living creatures get it but we don't...but wait, just wait. When Jesus is revealed to this world then every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Someday we will all get it, someday we will all have a clue - every one of us and our response will be appropriate.
But what about now? What about those of us who claim to have an inkling. We should be living differently. We should be responding appropriately. We should be worshipping fully. We should be praising. We should be exalting.
I have to ask myself: "Is my worhsip only something that I do in public? Shouldn't my worship be full throttle when I am alone? Just me and God. I mean, who is looking then? Where is my heart? Do I really believe this stuff that I teach about , that I sing about? Why am I so restrained?" Because I really have no clue. God let me grow in my knowledge of you so that my private and public that my life is what you want to see. Not a show, not going through the motions, but genuine, heartfelt, authentic worship - because I am seeing You more and more.
No clue. I have no clue. We have no clue. We are a bunch of dumb sheep. If we had any clue of what God is like, we would all fall on our faces...but we don't, because we have no clue. He is great, he is high above the peoples (us), He is awesome, full of awe, to be feared and revered, and He is holy, He is holy, He is holy. Kind of like in Revelation where the four living creatures cry out "Holy, holy, holy Lord God almighty, who was and is and is to come." Rev. 4:8
The four living creatures get it but we don't...but wait, just wait. When Jesus is revealed to this world then every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Someday we will all get it, someday we will all have a clue - every one of us and our response will be appropriate.
But what about now? What about those of us who claim to have an inkling. We should be living differently. We should be responding appropriately. We should be worshipping fully. We should be praising. We should be exalting.
I have to ask myself: "Is my worhsip only something that I do in public? Shouldn't my worship be full throttle when I am alone? Just me and God. I mean, who is looking then? Where is my heart? Do I really believe this stuff that I teach about , that I sing about? Why am I so restrained?" Because I really have no clue. God let me grow in my knowledge of you so that my private and public that my life is what you want to see. Not a show, not going through the motions, but genuine, heartfelt, authentic worship - because I am seeing You more and more.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Heart and Hands
Ps. 78:72 "So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands."
This is a description of David's leadership he did it. There are a few elements that are key: shepherding and guiding, integrity and skillfulness, heart and hands.
The shepherd is to feed. The word for shepherd is actually used 75 times in relation to feeding, 63 times in relation to shepherding and 8 times in relation to pastoring. This is something a leader does. He feeds those under his care. But the feeding is based upon his character. It is based upon integrity. It is based upon innocence, uprightness, simplicity and the fulness of his life. What he feeds is what he is, what he lives, what he is like in his inner man. It comes from within...the heart.
Frankly, it is easy to prepare a meal and throw it in front of can be anything. But to truly feed hungry people, to truly shepherd, one must dig from a pure, innocent, unblemished heart. If the heart is not pure, the food will be rotten. Unfortunately, there are hypocrites in positions in leadership. There are fakes who pastor. There are guys just going through the motions just to collect a paycheck or to obtain or retain their power. This is not how David lead. It is not how we should lead.
But then look, he guided his people. He brought them along with skillfulness, with intelligence, with understanding, with knowledge, with insight. He was not lazy. He had a pure heart and he used his hands, his body, to work hard, to prepare well, to research, to think, to mold what he did to the needs of his people because he knew who they were and he had insight into what needed to be done.
I wonder how hard I work at preparation? Do I want things to come easily? Do I research and think and prepare with skill? Do I consider my audience and get ready with them in mind, or do I throw in front of them leftovers from something I made before? No way...this must not be done. We have to lead others with the integrity of our hearts and guide them with the skillfulness of our hands. Purity of heart before God and hard work. There is no substitute for effective leadership.
This is a description of David's leadership he did it. There are a few elements that are key: shepherding and guiding, integrity and skillfulness, heart and hands.
The shepherd is to feed. The word for shepherd is actually used 75 times in relation to feeding, 63 times in relation to shepherding and 8 times in relation to pastoring. This is something a leader does. He feeds those under his care. But the feeding is based upon his character. It is based upon integrity. It is based upon innocence, uprightness, simplicity and the fulness of his life. What he feeds is what he is, what he lives, what he is like in his inner man. It comes from within...the heart.
Frankly, it is easy to prepare a meal and throw it in front of can be anything. But to truly feed hungry people, to truly shepherd, one must dig from a pure, innocent, unblemished heart. If the heart is not pure, the food will be rotten. Unfortunately, there are hypocrites in positions in leadership. There are fakes who pastor. There are guys just going through the motions just to collect a paycheck or to obtain or retain their power. This is not how David lead. It is not how we should lead.
But then look, he guided his people. He brought them along with skillfulness, with intelligence, with understanding, with knowledge, with insight. He was not lazy. He had a pure heart and he used his hands, his body, to work hard, to prepare well, to research, to think, to mold what he did to the needs of his people because he knew who they were and he had insight into what needed to be done.
I wonder how hard I work at preparation? Do I want things to come easily? Do I research and think and prepare with skill? Do I consider my audience and get ready with them in mind, or do I throw in front of them leftovers from something I made before? No way...this must not be done. We have to lead others with the integrity of our hearts and guide them with the skillfulness of our hands. Purity of heart before God and hard work. There is no substitute for effective leadership.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Ps. 63:1 "O God, You are my God. Early will I seek You, my soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You, in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water."
This is a statement made by David that confirms his object of worship, his focus in life, his primary relationship. "O God, You are my God." What a statement! "O God", the One true God, the only God, You (personally) are My (personal) God. "I am His and He is mine." The God of all, the great I AM, the Creator of all things seen and unseen. (Did you ever think about this - God created the angels too. The Bible does not talk about how or when He did it, but He did.) The God of the earth and the heaven(s). The God of atoms and molecules. The God of biology, chemistry and physics. You are my God. Wow. I really can't grasp this truth, but this God wants to be my God, my object of worship, my focus in life, my primary relationship.
How did David cultivate that relationship? "Early will I seek You." Early, at the first opportune moment, first thing, I will diligently look for You and wait to hear from You. David was so thirsty for God, his body was in such need for God he could feel it. He had to seek Him early. David said: "You are the anchor for my life. You are the director of all that I have to do. I need you, so early, first thing I do, I will look for You and find You. "
What about me? Will I look for God early in His word? Will I seek Him early in prayer? If I am thirsty I will.
You know, I have always told people to give God the best part of their day. I have to retract that. Go to God in the first part of your day.
My friend Dave has a practice. He will not drink any water until he has prayed. He will not eat any food until he has spent time in the word. That is thirst. That is hunger. That is the way it should be. Early.
This is a statement made by David that confirms his object of worship, his focus in life, his primary relationship. "O God, You are my God." What a statement! "O God", the One true God, the only God, You (personally) are My (personal) God. "I am His and He is mine." The God of all, the great I AM, the Creator of all things seen and unseen. (Did you ever think about this - God created the angels too. The Bible does not talk about how or when He did it, but He did.) The God of the earth and the heaven(s). The God of atoms and molecules. The God of biology, chemistry and physics. You are my God. Wow. I really can't grasp this truth, but this God wants to be my God, my object of worship, my focus in life, my primary relationship.
How did David cultivate that relationship? "Early will I seek You." Early, at the first opportune moment, first thing, I will diligently look for You and wait to hear from You. David was so thirsty for God, his body was in such need for God he could feel it. He had to seek Him early. David said: "You are the anchor for my life. You are the director of all that I have to do. I need you, so early, first thing I do, I will look for You and find You. "
What about me? Will I look for God early in His word? Will I seek Him early in prayer? If I am thirsty I will.
You know, I have always told people to give God the best part of their day. I have to retract that. Go to God in the first part of your day.
My friend Dave has a practice. He will not drink any water until he has prayed. He will not eat any food until he has spent time in the word. That is thirst. That is hunger. That is the way it should be. Early.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Keep Going
Ezra 5:9 " Then we asked those elders, and spoke thus to them: 'Who commanded you to build this temple and to finish these walls.'"
So, when you listen for the vision, share the vision, show the vision, give toward the vision, build the vision everything will fall into place, right? Wrong. Be prepared for opposition toward the vision.
Cyrus, King of Persia inspired the people to do this work, to give to this work, but Cyrus was not around forever. Apparently the work took so long that oppositon arose that challenged the work, and King Artaxerxes ordered the work to stop...and it did, for a time.
This is tough. When you think that you have heard from God and share the vision, show the vision, give toward the vision and build the vision and then it stops. This is a time of testing. Was this really God's vision or were we mistaken? That is when you have to go back to the basics. Go back to your foundation. Go back to God. Go back to the vision. "Then we asked those elders, and spoke thus to them: 'who commanded you to build this temple and furnish its walls?" These guys asked the elders to go back to the beginning, back to the origin. What was their purpose? Why were they doing this? Who gave them this command?
Opposition to a vision is inevitable. It will come - count on it. When it does, go back to the beginning. Why are you doing what you are doing? Who told you to do it? If the foundation is solid, if the vision is from God the opposition will be inconsequential. Start over if you have to. Pick up where you left off if you have to.
Listen for the vision, share the vision, show the vision, give toward the vision, build the vision, expect opposition to the vision, revisit the vision. Keep going.
So, when you listen for the vision, share the vision, show the vision, give toward the vision, build the vision everything will fall into place, right? Wrong. Be prepared for opposition toward the vision.
Cyrus, King of Persia inspired the people to do this work, to give to this work, but Cyrus was not around forever. Apparently the work took so long that oppositon arose that challenged the work, and King Artaxerxes ordered the work to stop...and it did, for a time.
This is tough. When you think that you have heard from God and share the vision, show the vision, give toward the vision and build the vision and then it stops. This is a time of testing. Was this really God's vision or were we mistaken? That is when you have to go back to the basics. Go back to your foundation. Go back to God. Go back to the vision. "Then we asked those elders, and spoke thus to them: 'who commanded you to build this temple and furnish its walls?" These guys asked the elders to go back to the beginning, back to the origin. What was their purpose? Why were they doing this? Who gave them this command?
Opposition to a vision is inevitable. It will come - count on it. When it does, go back to the beginning. Why are you doing what you are doing? Who told you to do it? If the foundation is solid, if the vision is from God the opposition will be inconsequential. Start over if you have to. Pick up where you left off if you have to.
Listen for the vision, share the vision, show the vision, give toward the vision, build the vision, expect opposition to the vision, revisit the vision. Keep going.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Show and Tell
Ezra 2:68, 69a "Some of the heads of the father's houses, when they came to the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God, to erect it in its place. According to their ability, they gave to the treasury for the work..."
It is one thing to talk and hear about the is another thing to see the vision. These guys came to the house of the Lord. They physically went to the place where it was in Jerusalem. When they did they "offered freely" to build the house of God.
Sometimes we have to go beyond talking - we have to show. As kids we used to have "show and tell" in school. It was when you brought an object to school and told your class about it. I loved show and tell. It was fun. It allowed us to talk and show our enthusiasm about the object and explain why were were excited about it.
As leaders, we have to engage in a little "show and tell". We have to physically show people - take people to a place, take people to those who need Christ, take people to the field where you are going to minister to kids, let them see it with their eyes. Then when they hear about the vision and see what it is, they will "give freely" "according to their ability". Not everyone can give the same way. If God has blessed people financially, if God has blessed me, we should give according to our ability, according as God has prospered. "On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper." I Cor. 16:2
If you have it, give it. God does not bless us so we can hoard it. Use it for His kingdom. Let's participate in a little "show and tell" and see what the Lord does.
So, here is the progression so far: Listen to God, share the vision, show the vision.
It is one thing to talk and hear about the is another thing to see the vision. These guys came to the house of the Lord. They physically went to the place where it was in Jerusalem. When they did they "offered freely" to build the house of God.
Sometimes we have to go beyond talking - we have to show. As kids we used to have "show and tell" in school. It was when you brought an object to school and told your class about it. I loved show and tell. It was fun. It allowed us to talk and show our enthusiasm about the object and explain why were were excited about it.
As leaders, we have to engage in a little "show and tell". We have to physically show people - take people to a place, take people to those who need Christ, take people to the field where you are going to minister to kids, let them see it with their eyes. Then when they hear about the vision and see what it is, they will "give freely" "according to their ability". Not everyone can give the same way. If God has blessed people financially, if God has blessed me, we should give according to our ability, according as God has prospered. "On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper." I Cor. 16:2
If you have it, give it. God does not bless us so we can hoard it. Use it for His kingdom. Let's participate in a little "show and tell" and see what the Lord does.
So, here is the progression so far: Listen to God, share the vision, show the vision.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It has been a long time since I took the time to post. I have had the chance to go through several books in the OT. Then I came upon Ezra. You don't hear much about the book of Ezra. It lays out some great principles regarding vision and leadership. So much so that it has motivated me to post some thoughts from that book.
Ezra 1:2-4 "Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: All the kingdoms of the earth the Lord God of heaven has given me. And He has commanded me to build Him a house at Jerusalem which is in Judah. Who is among you of all His people? May his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel (He is God), which is in Jerusalem. And whoever is left in any place where he dwells, let the men of his place help him with silver and gold, with goods and livestock, besides the freewill offerings for the house of God which is in Jerusalem."
After King Josiah things went down for the people of Judah as far as leadership was concerned. They had a string of very bad kings who lead them to captivity in Babylon. The temple was burned with fire and all of its articles were taken to Babylon and put in the Babylonian temple. Thank God that a king rose up in the form of Cyrus king of Persia. Even though this guy was not a Jew, he listened to God and God charged him with the same purpose that He gave to Solomon: Build Him a home in Jerusalem. This was it. This king listened to God. He heard God speak and give him a vision for what needed to be done. He then took that vision to the people and he asked the people to do two things: Work and give. "Go up to Jerusalem...and build." "Let the men of his place help him with silver and gold..."
Things haven't changed much. Whenever you need to get something done you need workers and givers. The thing is, these workers and these givers do not work and they do not give until you share a vision with them. In order to get people motivated, you have to reveal the vision. But the vision cannot be your own. It has to come from God. Once God gives leaders a clear vision of what to do and the people that they lead are challenged with that vision, people move. People are not motivated to work or give simply by telling them to work or give. They are motivated by vision...God's vision. The question is: If I am leading am I listening? If not, be like Cyrus and listen to see what God wants. Then put out the challenge. People will work...people will give.
Ezra 1:2-4 "Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: All the kingdoms of the earth the Lord God of heaven has given me. And He has commanded me to build Him a house at Jerusalem which is in Judah. Who is among you of all His people? May his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel (He is God), which is in Jerusalem. And whoever is left in any place where he dwells, let the men of his place help him with silver and gold, with goods and livestock, besides the freewill offerings for the house of God which is in Jerusalem."
After King Josiah things went down for the people of Judah as far as leadership was concerned. They had a string of very bad kings who lead them to captivity in Babylon. The temple was burned with fire and all of its articles were taken to Babylon and put in the Babylonian temple. Thank God that a king rose up in the form of Cyrus king of Persia. Even though this guy was not a Jew, he listened to God and God charged him with the same purpose that He gave to Solomon: Build Him a home in Jerusalem. This was it. This king listened to God. He heard God speak and give him a vision for what needed to be done. He then took that vision to the people and he asked the people to do two things: Work and give. "Go up to Jerusalem...and build." "Let the men of his place help him with silver and gold..."
Things haven't changed much. Whenever you need to get something done you need workers and givers. The thing is, these workers and these givers do not work and they do not give until you share a vision with them. In order to get people motivated, you have to reveal the vision. But the vision cannot be your own. It has to come from God. Once God gives leaders a clear vision of what to do and the people that they lead are challenged with that vision, people move. People are not motivated to work or give simply by telling them to work or give. They are motivated by vision...God's vision. The question is: If I am leading am I listening? If not, be like Cyrus and listen to see what God wants. Then put out the challenge. People will work...people will give.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Generation to Generation
Judges 2:10 "When all that genertion had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel. Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord..."
The question is: "Why?" Why didn't the next generation know the Lord? Why didn't the next generation know what the Lord had done for Israel? Maybe it was their fault. They weren't interested, they didn't care, they had their own life to live, they couldn't be bothered. Or maybe, just maybe, it was because the generation that came before them, the generation that knew the Lord, the generation that knew the work that He had done failed to pass on that knowledge. Maybe that generation did not do what Exodus 10:2 instructed them to tell their sons and their sons sons the mighty things that God did. It may have been a little of both. That the next generation did not care to know and the current generation did care to pass it along. Sad. The end result was that the children of Israel did evil in God's sight.
As I read Newsweek this week and the death of Christian America, I can't help but think that we are headed this way. Why? Why is there a 10% reduction in people who claim to believe? Why is there an increase in atheism? Why is the next generation not getting it? Why are "church kids" not getting it? Because they don't care? Maybe. But why do they feel this way? Unfortunately, it may be because the current generation has failed to pass on what they know, what they they have been given, what they have experienced.
Our next generation is dropping off the faith chart like flies because believing parents have not discipled their kids, older men have not mentored younger men and older women have not mentored younger women. This has to stop. The next generation must know the Lord. They must know what He has done. The alternative is too devastating.
The question is: "Why?" Why didn't the next generation know the Lord? Why didn't the next generation know what the Lord had done for Israel? Maybe it was their fault. They weren't interested, they didn't care, they had their own life to live, they couldn't be bothered. Or maybe, just maybe, it was because the generation that came before them, the generation that knew the Lord, the generation that knew the work that He had done failed to pass on that knowledge. Maybe that generation did not do what Exodus 10:2 instructed them to tell their sons and their sons sons the mighty things that God did. It may have been a little of both. That the next generation did not care to know and the current generation did care to pass it along. Sad. The end result was that the children of Israel did evil in God's sight.
As I read Newsweek this week and the death of Christian America, I can't help but think that we are headed this way. Why? Why is there a 10% reduction in people who claim to believe? Why is there an increase in atheism? Why is the next generation not getting it? Why are "church kids" not getting it? Because they don't care? Maybe. But why do they feel this way? Unfortunately, it may be because the current generation has failed to pass on what they know, what they they have been given, what they have experienced.
Our next generation is dropping off the faith chart like flies because believing parents have not discipled their kids, older men have not mentored younger men and older women have not mentored younger women. This has to stop. The next generation must know the Lord. They must know what He has done. The alternative is too devastating.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Legacy (cont.)
Like I said in my last post, this is something that I have been thinking about for a while. In fact, I dug out something I wrote almost exactly two years ago. This is what it said:
Ps. 71:18 – “Now that I am old and gray do not abandon me O God. Let me proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after me.” NLT
Ps. 78:4,6,7 – “We will not hide these truths from our children, we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about His power and His mighty wonders…so the next generation might know them-even the children not yet born-and they in turn will tell their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew in God, not forgetting His glorious miracles and obeying His commands.” NLT
I am convinced that our generation and past generations have failed in effectively passing on our faith to our kids. Statistics show that only 5% of today’s teenagers consider themselves Biblical Christians. (I am avoiding the term “evangelical” since that is a term that has been embraced by so many but practiced by so few.) Only 6% of the 20-30 Somethings consider themselves Biblical Christians. (Source: George Barna) Something is wrong and the trend has to be reversed.
How is this going to happen? Our generation has to start applying the admonition laid out in Ps 71 and 78. We have to tell this next generation our personal faith stories. We have to tell them about the mighty miracles that we have seen God do in our lives. We have to tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord. We have to tell our kids and those in their peer group about how God has worked in our lives..not in a general way…but in a specific way, so they can see that God is real and personal and interested in their lives.
So, what can you do? Write out your personal faith history. Talk about how you came into a relationship with Christ. Talk about the ups and downs of your walk. Recite how God has specifically answered prayer and revealed Himself to you. Go through your life and write it out…then give it to your kids. After they have read it, talk about it. Be real. Be honest. Be practical. Let this generation set its hope anew in God.
Ps. 71:18 – “Now that I am old and gray do not abandon me O God. Let me proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after me.” NLT
Ps. 78:4,6,7 – “We will not hide these truths from our children, we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about His power and His mighty wonders…so the next generation might know them-even the children not yet born-and they in turn will tell their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew in God, not forgetting His glorious miracles and obeying His commands.” NLT
I am convinced that our generation and past generations have failed in effectively passing on our faith to our kids. Statistics show that only 5% of today’s teenagers consider themselves Biblical Christians. (I am avoiding the term “evangelical” since that is a term that has been embraced by so many but practiced by so few.) Only 6% of the 20-30 Somethings consider themselves Biblical Christians. (Source: George Barna) Something is wrong and the trend has to be reversed.
How is this going to happen? Our generation has to start applying the admonition laid out in Ps 71 and 78. We have to tell this next generation our personal faith stories. We have to tell them about the mighty miracles that we have seen God do in our lives. We have to tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord. We have to tell our kids and those in their peer group about how God has worked in our lives..not in a general way…but in a specific way, so they can see that God is real and personal and interested in their lives.
So, what can you do? Write out your personal faith history. Talk about how you came into a relationship with Christ. Talk about the ups and downs of your walk. Recite how God has specifically answered prayer and revealed Himself to you. Go through your life and write it out…then give it to your kids. After they have read it, talk about it. Be real. Be honest. Be practical. Let this generation set its hope anew in God.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Ex. 10:2 "and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and your sons son the mighty things I have done in Egypt..."
A heritage. A legacy. This is something that I have thought about for a while. What am I going to leave behind that will impact my kids and others? I guess it is part of why I do a journal. Not only so I can meditate on God's Word, but also so I can leave something that can influence others when I am just a memory.
The thing that hits me with this verse, however, is that God does not want me to leave a legacy for me, He wants me to leave a legacy for Him. That His Name is exalted. That His Name is remembered. That the mighty things that He has done be repeated in my kid's lives and in their kid's lives.
God said to Moses that He was hardening Pharoah's heart for future generations. He was causing Pharoah to refuse to let the Jews go so the people of Israel could tell their sons and their son's sons the mighty things that they did? No, so that they could recite the mighty things that God did. It was a legacy for God. How God worked. How God performed signs. How God moved. How God is powerful and mighty.
I have always thought that Dad's should develop a story for their kids. Basically a story of their life that their kids could read. Now I know that the story that needs to be told to our kids is not what we have done, not what we have accomplished, but rather what God has done. The mighty deeds that God has done in my life. Have I done that? Do I tell my kids how awesome God is so that they can tell their kids? I need to start. Develop this story centering on how mighty God He has worked. His legacy, not mine.
A heritage. A legacy. This is something that I have thought about for a while. What am I going to leave behind that will impact my kids and others? I guess it is part of why I do a journal. Not only so I can meditate on God's Word, but also so I can leave something that can influence others when I am just a memory.
The thing that hits me with this verse, however, is that God does not want me to leave a legacy for me, He wants me to leave a legacy for Him. That His Name is exalted. That His Name is remembered. That the mighty things that He has done be repeated in my kid's lives and in their kid's lives.
God said to Moses that He was hardening Pharoah's heart for future generations. He was causing Pharoah to refuse to let the Jews go so the people of Israel could tell their sons and their son's sons the mighty things that they did? No, so that they could recite the mighty things that God did. It was a legacy for God. How God worked. How God performed signs. How God moved. How God is powerful and mighty.
I have always thought that Dad's should develop a story for their kids. Basically a story of their life that their kids could read. Now I know that the story that needs to be told to our kids is not what we have done, not what we have accomplished, but rather what God has done. The mighty deeds that God has done in my life. Have I done that? Do I tell my kids how awesome God is so that they can tell their kids? I need to start. Develop this story centering on how mighty God He has worked. His legacy, not mine.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Long Time Coming
Wow. It's been a long time since I last wrote. I have been journaling a lot. I just have not gotten around to posting any of it. I am not sure that anyone really reads this, yet, I will start again with the hope and prayer that it may impact someone's life.
I have been reading in the Old Testament. Right now I am in the middle of Numbers. Numbers? Isn't that a boring book? Not at all. I will eventually get some posts from that book, but for now lets hit Exodus 3:14
"And God said to Moses, 'I AM who I AM', and He said 'Then you shall say to the children of Israel: 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
If someone comes up to me and asks: "What is your name?" my reply is: "Glen Richardson". My name identifies who I am in society. My first name is really no big deal because it is something that my parents picked out to distinguish who I am as it relates to my real identity which is indicated by my last name: Richardson. (My mom wanted to name me Gary. My dad won.) I am a part of the Richardson family. My Dad was Ralph Richardson. His Dad was Ralph Richardson. I guess it goes all the way back to England where it began as the Son of Richard. That is part of my identity. It helps define me in some way.
But God - When you ask Him His Name, He doesn't give a last name. He doesn't have a Dad. Instead, when Moses wanted to know who He was, when Moses asked how to identify Him, God said: "I AM who I AM - I AM." What does that mean? The Hebrew word is "hajah" and it means: "To be, to exist, to happen." In other words, who are you God? "I Exist". To Be. This really identifies Him as the eternally existant One. No beginning. No ending. He always was. Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End. The First and the Last. The same yesterday, today and forever. No Father. No Mother. No birth. No death. The God who always is. To Be. I Am. You know what is hard for me to grasp? That the forever God would be talking to a guy like Moses. That the eternally existant One would be willing to talk to me. That the One who is and always was wants a personal relationship with the one whose name is Glen Richardson, the temporal one...but He does.
I have been reading in the Old Testament. Right now I am in the middle of Numbers. Numbers? Isn't that a boring book? Not at all. I will eventually get some posts from that book, but for now lets hit Exodus 3:14
"And God said to Moses, 'I AM who I AM', and He said 'Then you shall say to the children of Israel: 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
If someone comes up to me and asks: "What is your name?" my reply is: "Glen Richardson". My name identifies who I am in society. My first name is really no big deal because it is something that my parents picked out to distinguish who I am as it relates to my real identity which is indicated by my last name: Richardson. (My mom wanted to name me Gary. My dad won.) I am a part of the Richardson family. My Dad was Ralph Richardson. His Dad was Ralph Richardson. I guess it goes all the way back to England where it began as the Son of Richard. That is part of my identity. It helps define me in some way.
But God - When you ask Him His Name, He doesn't give a last name. He doesn't have a Dad. Instead, when Moses wanted to know who He was, when Moses asked how to identify Him, God said: "I AM who I AM - I AM." What does that mean? The Hebrew word is "hajah" and it means: "To be, to exist, to happen." In other words, who are you God? "I Exist". To Be. This really identifies Him as the eternally existant One. No beginning. No ending. He always was. Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End. The First and the Last. The same yesterday, today and forever. No Father. No Mother. No birth. No death. The God who always is. To Be. I Am. You know what is hard for me to grasp? That the forever God would be talking to a guy like Moses. That the eternally existant One would be willing to talk to me. That the One who is and always was wants a personal relationship with the one whose name is Glen Richardson, the temporal one...but He does.
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