Monday, February 28, 2011

Reciprocal Relationship

Zech 13:9b "They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say, 'This is My people', and each one will say, 'The Lord is my God.'"

Not all of Israel is going to embrace Jesus as their Messiah. Apparently two-thirds of the people will reject Him but one-third will come through some significant testing, they will come through the fire and be refined as silver and gold and will be found faithful to Him.(vs 8-9a) It will be at that point that they will have an amazing relationship with God. They will call on His name and what will God do? He will answer. He will say: "Here are my people." And they will individually say "The Lord is my God."

I think what is cool about this verse is the reciprocal nature of this relationship. It isn't just a one way thing. It isn't just people crying out to a God who is so far above them that He does not respond. Or it isn't God reaching down to a group of people who ignore Him. This is a relationship. It is communication. It is talking back and forth between God and His people. God will actually do this. He will "bend His ear" and listen to those who call on His name and He will respond with the most intimate statement that He can: "These are my people. I love them. I care about them. These are my kids." And the people will respond the Lord is my God and God is my Lord. There is no other. Our eyes look to Him (9:1) and Him alone. We are not distracted. The eternally existing One is who we worship.

The cool thing about this is that this is not just a group of people saying this. This is not just the nation saying this...these are individuals saying this. "And each one will say...". This is a one on one relationship with the God of the universe.

It is amazing, but this same relationship is available right now. This does not have to happen in the future. This is something that God wants me for me today. He wants me to call on His powerful name and He will answer. He says right now: "Glen, you are my boy. I love you." And my response is: "Lord, you are Lord. You are my God. There is no one or nothing else." "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jer 33:3 This is what God wants. He wants me to call on His name and He will answer. He will reveal. He will make Himself evident. This is a relationship. This is communication between a mortal, sinful man with the perfect God of all creation. Wow.

I have several opportunities to teach in the next few months. I need to call on God. I need to listen for His voice. I need to follow His lead. I need to share His thoughts…but it starts with me calling and then listening because I am God's kid and He is my God.

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