Monday, November 7, 2011


Eph 1:23,24 "And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head of all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." NKJV


Sometimes I wonder why the translators of the Bible include certain words. You can tell added words because they are in italics. This verse is one of those wondering situations. This verse should actually read: "And He put all under His feet, and gave Him head of all to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." It isn't just things that God put under Jesus feet, it wasn't just stuff that He is the ruler over, it is all…period. Jesus is the head of all. He is the controller of all. He is the ruler of all…things and people. There is nothing that escapes His sovereignty. This is true in the world and this is true in the church. Jesus is the master and Lord of all. It really does not matter whether the world acknowledges this truth. It really does not matter whether anyone bows to His lordship. It really does not matter whether people follow Him or not, He is still Lord. He is still in control. He is still the head.


I love a couple things about this verse. First the word "all". It is used four times. I am thinking that Paul wanted to get a point across. All are under His feet. He is head of all to the church. He fills all in all. There is nothing that escapes who He is and He is the picture of total completeness. Sounds like another phrase that God used with Moses. When Moses asked what God's name was God replied: "I AM". In other words, I am everything. I am all. I am complete. I am all you need. That is Jesus.


And then I love the fact that Jesus is the head of the body. Now in a physical sense, every living creature needs a head. The head (the brain) controls all the functions of the human body and all of its movements. That is Jesus. He is the head of His body, the church. He should not only control all of our conscious decisions, He should also be in control of all of the things that we do unconsciously. When we make a decision, He is in charge. When we go a direction, He is in charge. When we talk to people, He is in charge. When we spend money, He is in charge. When we minister to others, He is in charge. When we get an idea, He is in charge. When we worship, He is in charge. When we teach, He is in charge. When we have fun together, He is in charge. When we extend grace, or forgiveness, or mercy, or help…He is in charge. In every way, in all things Jesus is in charge because He is the head…but everything and everyone is also under His feet. See how complete He is? All encompassing. All consuming. All in all.


Thank you God for teaching me.

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