Friday, November 11, 2011

God’s Poem…Us

Eph 2:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." NKJV


This is another one of those verses that I love. Why? Because of the thought, because of the reality, because of the truth that says that God made me and planned things for me to do. This is just another one of those verses that verifies the sovereignty of God.


First, I am His workmanship. The word for workmanship is who has been made by God. I have been created by God. I have been shaped by God. I have been formed by God. This truth gives me purpose. It gives me value. Those who believe that we have just evolved really feed the thought that man is worthless. That we are not any better than the rock that is sitting in my garden. Sure we can think, reason and feel, but we don't have any more right to live than some animal. (See where animal rights activists get their philosophy?) This reasoning is not only false, it degrades what God has done. Genesis tells me that God formed man in His image. I am a work that God has made. Why did He choose to make me? Why did He decide to form this body of mine? Why was I born? First, to be in Christ Jesus. Not only was I born physically, but I was born spiritually. When that happened, I was created in Christ Jesus for a very specific thing...for good works. Now Paul just got done telling the Ephesians that they were not saved by good works, but now he tells them that they have been saved for good works. This kind of echos what James wrote that faith without works is dead. A verification that we have been born spiritually is the fact that we perform good works. And these good works are also special works of God. God set in place the things that I would do as a believer. He outlined that I would minister to people in my job and elsewhere. He ordained that I would serve by helping people worship Him. He prepared ahead of time the work that I would do in serving people, and hopefully teach and disciple people. These are things that God did. These are things that God prepared in advance that I should walk in them. This is my walk...this is my life...this is how I am supposed to live.


And not only that, but God is not done. He has prepared more for me to do. I don't know right now what it is, but it will happen when the right time comes. How do I know? Because it is God who planned the work. It is God who prepared the work. It is God who will bring the work. It is God who will do the work.


How cool that I can be involved in the work of God. No wonder I love this verse. God made me so I can work with Him. Amazing stuff.


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