Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dinner with God

Ex 29:46 ""And they shall know that I am the LORD their God, who brought them up out of the land of Egypt, that I may dwell among them. I am the LORD their God."

Ever get the idea that God wants to drive something home? Obviously, everything that He says in His word is vital and should be emphasized, but He still seems to nail some things repeatedly. In Exodus He wanted His people to get this lesson: "I am the LORD" I know that I have written about this before. Just look at Ex 6:2, 7:5, 8:10,10:2. Early in the book of Exodus God was establishing something…He was the LORD. He was the eternally existing One. He was the only One.

Last night during prayer meeting a woman in our church read a great portion of scripture that emphasized that God alone was the Lord, that there is no one anywhere that can compare with Him. Really when you take the time to really think about this, there is no one, there is nothing, there is absolutely not a person or thing on this earth or anywhere else in all of creation that can compare to God. He alone is majestic. He alone is in control. He alone has all power. He alone can create out of nothing. He alone is all love and all justice and all mercy.

And the amazing thing is this: "I am the LORD…their God." This God who does not have any rivals wants to be associated with a group of people. "I am their God…I am their Lord…they are mine and I am theirs." Did He have to do this? Did He have to decide to connect Himself with a bunch of sinful, complaining, imperfect people? I don't think so, but He chose to do this. And He still does. He still wants to be our God…He still wants to me my God. Even though He is the LORD, He humbles Himself to be connected to me.

And He wants to dwell with me. He wants to live with me. It reminds me of Rev 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any man hears My voice and opens the door I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me." Many have painted the picture of Jesus standing at the door of our hearts knocking and the door does not have a handle on the outside. He is just out there waiting for us to respond. I have never really thought of this before but the LORD, the God of all creation, the God of all power, the God of all eternity who lives in unapproachable light, approaches us. He wants to have fellowship with us. He wants to come and share His meal with us. He wants to be our God. He desires to be my God.

Thank You LORD.


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