Saturday, November 12, 2011

That Location Thing

Eph 2:13 "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." NKJV


So many times we think about the death of Jesus and the blood that He shed in light of our forgiveness. You know: "What can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus." This is an amazing truth that we need to hang on to, but when Jesus died on the cross much more was taking place.


Like what? This verse lays out one thing. Those of us who were far off (Frankly that is all of us, no matter who we are…but Paul was writing in terms of Jew and Gentile. The Jew was near because they had a special relationship with God. They were His chosen people. They were the ones who He made a nation through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They were the ones who were rescued from Egypt to go to the Promised Land. They were the ones who were given the law.) So what about us Gentiles? We were aliens. We were strangers. We had no hope We were without God. Then that one magic word: "But". I love that word. It changes everything. 2:4 said "But God" and it changed everything. And here, "But now" those of us who were far off have been brought near. Here is that location thing again. Here we are positionally again. We who were far away are now near. We now have access to God. We are close to Him. We are in His presence. Again, location…location…location.


How did this happen? What changed? The blood of Christ. Jesus' death on the cross did this. When He died, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom and God gave all of us, Jew and Gentile, free access to His throne How can I ever look at prayer differently again? How can I take this access for granted? It was paid for at a high price. And look what else the blood of Jesus did: No more separation. No more hatred. No more strangers. No more foreigners. No more law. We now have peace and reconciliation and unity…all because of the blood of Jesus. All who have trusted Jesus' death on the cross for their forgiveness, eternal destination and control are one. It doesn't matter what our nationality. It doesn't matter what our prior religion It doesn't matter what we once were, we are now new, we are brought near, we are in His presence, our location is right next to God…through the blood of Jesus.


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