Thursday, June 28, 2012

Good-bye America

The recent decision by the Supreme Court on the new health care law is even more dangerous than Obamacare. The basis for their decision was that the penalty an individual must pay if they do not buy insurance is considered a tax and this falls under Congress' power to tax. 

This decision establishes the dangerous precedent that Congress can tax non-acts. Congress now has the power to tax things that are not things. They have the power to tax the non-purchase of insurance. In the past taxes were paid on income that you earned and goods that you purchased. Not any longer. Now Congress has the power to tax non-income. They have the power to tax non-sales. They have the power to tax non-events. This is worse than England and the Boston Tea Party. At least England was taxing tea. Now our government can levy a tax on nothing.  Who knows what Congress will do with this new power.

We have to find assurance in the fact that God is in control.  He is the One who makes kingdoms rise and fall. 

Unfortunately, that sucking sound you hear is the loss of our freedom. Good-bye America.

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