Hbr 2:1 Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. ESV
It is so easy to become complacent. Especially in this country. Things are so easy here. Things are so comfortable here. Things are safe here. We have access to Bibles, and Christian radio and Christian books and music, our churches are free to speak without government interference. We really do have a significant amount of freedom...and with that freedom comes ease. And with ease comes responsibility. And unfortunately with that ease many times come apathy...complacency...taking things for granted...laziness...drifting.
The writer of Hebrews understood drifting. He knew that we, as humans, have a tendency to get away from that which is vitally important. The word for drift actually means to "glide by", to have things slip your mind and your life. It means just getting by with no real effort. The writer says: Don't. Don't drift. Don't just get by. Don't let things escape. Rather pay much closer attention. This is extraordinary heed, application and devotion. Why? Well, because of the "therefore". And the therefore is there because it is referring back to what he talked about in chapter one. This One called Jesus, the Son of God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Sustainer, the One worthy of worship, the One greater than the angels. We need to pay much stricter attention to what we have heard about this One and because of this One.
Do I? Am I? Or am I drifting...just floating by in my easy life? Where is the sense of urgency? Where is the discipline? Where is the commitment? When I think about me, I know how much time I spend in the word. I know how much time I spend in prayer. I know how much time I spend encouraging others. I know how much I witness...and frankly, I am drifting. I am floating. I am doing my thing in this easy country of ours. I am not making waves. I am not challenging myself or others. I don't have the sense of urgency that I should. I need to pay much closer attention to this One who loved me and gave Himself for me. Sure, I do the things that I encourage others to do...but I need to do more. I need to read more. I need to pray more. I need to encourage more. I need to witness more. I need to love God more. I need to do what Paul encourage the Thessalonian church...do more: 1Th 4:1 "Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more."
Please God...no more complacency. No more drifting. Help me pay much closer attention. Help me do more. Help me see the urgency of the hour and respond...because of who Jesus is.
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