Saturday, January 22, 2011

Walk Together

Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"

It is a great thing to be in agreement with another person. It is huge when it is someone like your spouse. And it is even larger when it is God.

Agreement reveals something. It shows that you have communicated with each other and are coming from the same perspective. You are on the same page. There is no misunderstanding. There is no holding back. Everything that needs to be hashed out has been hashed out and you have come to a meeting of the minds. There is agreement. There is unity.

I was recently involved with a discussion between two people where they were not seeing eye to eye. One person wanted to do one thing, and the other person wanted to do another thing. They tried to talk but as they talked, it just got rougher and the ability to communicate just broke down. There was no agreement. It was tough for these people to have a meeting of the minds. It created a barrier and both wondered what to do to resolve the conflict. What did they do? They communicated more. They began again. They made a fresh start. It was a clean slate and the old misunderstandings were eliminated. Initially they did not agree and they could not walk together. All they could do was wonder what to do. When it resolved, they understood one another and now walk together in understanding, in agreement, in unity.

God was saying to the nation of Israel: "It is tough for us to walk together because we don't agree. You want to go your way and I want you to go this way. That is called sin. Those things are called "iniquities" v2 These things separate us. There is no communication. There is no meeting of the minds. There is no understanding. There is no agreement. There is no unity. And for this I will punish you". V2

That is where we all are…in rebellion against God. We want to do one thing and God wants us to do another. The barrier is up. There is no walking together when our relationship with God is like this. Something has to change if we want to live in unity with God, if we want to be in sinc with Him. We have to agree. We have to agree with Him that we are screwed up sinners who need His forgiveness and grace. And we have to repent. We have to change our minds and agree that God's way is the only way. Only then will we walk together with him, communicating with Him, understanding Him, following Him.

It is kind of weird…when that happens our other relationships change too. "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another." Our unity with God brings unity with others. Our agreement with God brings agreement with others. Our fellowship with God brings fellowship with others.

Walking together with God and others…what a concept.

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