Saturday, April 30, 2011

God’s Best Creative Idea

Gen 2:18 "And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.'"

Of all of the ideas that God came up with in creation, this was, in my mind, the best one.

As you read chapter one, you will see that after God made something he said that it was good. In fact, after He made everything He said it was very good. Only one problem. Something was not good. "It was not good that man should be alone." Sure, man had all of this other stuff. He had the fruit trees, and herbs and plants and animals and birds and fish the garden to tend and the heavens to explore but he was alone. He had no one to share God's creation with. The actual Hebrew word for alone is "bad". It means alone, separate, apart, by itself. It was not only not good for man to be alone…it was bad. It is bad to be by yourself. It is bad to be isolated. It is bad to not have companionship. It is bad to live separate and apart from others. We need each other and frankly, guys don't just need other guys…we need women. We need a companion We needed help so we need a helper that is like us…comparable to us…similar to us but different. So God had this brilliant idea. He created a woman for the man. What is said to be bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh. The one we are to leave our father and mother for. The one we are to become one flesh with. And am I thankful.

Why am I so thankful? Because God knew what I needed. Because God knew who I needed. Because God cared so much about me that He gave me my wife, Georgann. When God said that it was not good for me to be alone, He had in mind my wife…and she is the best. That is why I say that of all of the ideas that God came up with in creation, this was the best one…because He has shown me what He had in mind when He said that men need a helper comparable to him. Georgann is my helper. And the Lord knows, she is comparable. The word here for comparable actually is part of the words "for him". It actually means in front of, conspicuous, corresponding to, parallel to. Our wives are not something that we should take for granted. Our wives are not people we need to lord over. Our wives are not subservient to all of our needs. Our wives correspond to us. They are parallel to us. And it is obvious that we need them. It is obvious that I need Georgann. She really is the best part of who I am.

Let me just say that any man who takes his wife for granted, any man who ignores his wife, or uses his wife, or abuses his wife, or takes advantage of his wife is a total jerk. God did not create women to abuse. God created women to walk with us. To be a part of who and what we are. To be singular with us. Some of us need to take a hard look at how we treat our wives, and we need to repent, big time.

So when I consider the moon and stars and the work of God's hands, when I consider the amazing wonder of the human body, when I think about the structure of DNA, out of all of these things, the best that God made was woman…was my wife. Thank you Lord.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Looking like God

Gen 1:26a, 27 "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to our likeness…So God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

This is a wild thing. God created us to be like Him. In the span of these two verses, God stated that He made man in His image according to His likeness and he repeated the word image three times and used a similar word (likeness) once. So this must be a big deal, that we have been made in the image of God.

The word "image" actually means that we resemble God. The word "likeness" means that we are similar to Him. These are words that we usually use when we talk about family. I know that when Maddie was born people were asking: "Who does she resemble? Michelle, Jeremy or one of her grandparents? Actually, when you look at her now she resembles Grandpa Dave (Jeremy's Dad). Last week I was in North Carolina visiting my sister and her family. As I was walking toward her she said to me: "You look like Dad." Funny how that happens.

What about our resemblance to God? What is that like? I am sure that it is God's heart that all mankind look like Him. After all, He made all of us to bear His image. Now that may mean that God actually has a form like ours. But most likely it means more.

Look at this verse. It says: "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness." God was not talking in a singular sense. He is using plural words…Us and Our. That must mean that God is not just one entity, and this makes sense when you consider the trinity. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. We have God the Father who is in control of it all. We have God the Son…"in beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God…and the word became flesh and dwelt among us…" (John 1) And then we have the Holy Spirit who is the unseen mover and shaker. So we have the Father (mind), Son (body), and Holy Spirit (spirit). Guess what we are like? We also have a mind, body and spirit. We have been made in a trinity…just like God. We bear the tri-part image of God…all of us. No one is left out. Every human being has this three part image where God wants to work.

The problem is, we lose the resemblance when we don't let God control these three areas of our lives. When God does not control my mind, when God does not control my body, when God does not control my spirit, I lose His likeness. I become deformed and I no longer bear the family resemblance.

It is only when God has control of my mind, my body and my spirit that I reflect His image…that I bear a family resemblance…that I look like my Dad and this family resemblance can only begin when we are born again…born into His family and yield every part of who we are to Him…mind, body and spirit.

May I look like God.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In the Beginning

Gen 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

There are all kinds of questions that are popping in my brain right now as I read the first chapter of Genesis. For example: "Where did God live before He created everything? Was it the place we call heaven or was that a part of His creation?" Also, since I am a six day creationist: "What day of the week did God create the heavens and the earth?" We know that the first day He created light and darkness (v3,4) but did He create the heavens and the earth on that day as well? Another: "What does it mean that the earth was formless and void?" Also, as you keep reading: "Is there water above the water that we know on earth? I mean verse 6 says that God separated the waters with a firmament. Does that mean that there is water somewhere else? Also: "What was the source of light in verse 4 when He created the sun and moon and stars on the fourth day?" Also, verse 24 says that the earth brought forth the living creatures, the cattle and beasts and creeping things. "Does that mean that the DNA that is found in the ground is also found in animal's bodies?" I am sure that people have thought through all of these questions and more. I just have not studied it enough.

The thing is, even in the middle of all of these questions, I know one thing: God created it all. It is kind of interesting, but before this verse was ever written, man did not know about this being called God. It was not until the forth word in this verse was written that we were introduced to God…Elohiym. People intuitively knew that there was something out there that was in charge of everything. Elohiym is a term that people would understand to apply to any deity, but this was different. This was introducing people to the One God…the God of creation. The God who started it all. The God, who created time as we know it (in the beginning). The God who created all that we can see and experience. (The heavens and the earth.) This was the God that Moses was introducing people to. It was not an impersonal God. It was not a being who people cannot relate to. It is a God who is intimately involved with all that we do and all that we know because He started it all. He created it all. He is in control of it all. He was in the beginning and He still is now thousands of years later.

In the beginning…at the first…God created. God formed. God shaped it all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

All Authority

Matt 28:P18b "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."


This is the basis for it all…Jesus. The reason that we do anything in this life is because of Him. The reason that we have this great commission is because of Him. The reason that we pursue making disciples is because of Him. The reason that we baptize is because of Him. The reason that we teach is because of Him. The reason that we obey is because of Him. Get it? It's all about Jesus.


And it all starts with this: "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." That means everywhere. It is kind of weird but I thought that I was going to start a new study in a new book today so I went to Genesis. What does it say right up front? "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Then I remembered: "Oh yeah, I didn't really finish Matthew yet." But look at the parallel. God created the heavens and the earth and all authority has been given to Jesus. Where? In His entire creation. There is nothing left out. There is nothing missing. Jesus has all authority in all that exists.


What is this authority? First, it is all. It is every. It is any. It is the whole…both individually and collectively. This authority is all encompassing. It is everything that God has. Jesus has it. The King James translates this word: "power". It also means the liberty to do as He pleases. Strength. Influence. Privilege. The power to rule or govern universally over all mankind. The authority to make all decisions.

Jesus has it. He has it all.


If He were not God do you think that God would usurp His authority and give it to some created being? No way. This is God the Father giving God the Son every bit of authority and power and privilege that could be given. When Jesus came to earth in the flesh, He gave up some of that power. He did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but He came in the form of a servant. (Phil. 2) Guess what? It is back. Jesus is in control...of everything.


This is why He could tell His guys what they needed to do next. Go. Or, as you go make disciples of all nations. This is not a suggestion. This is not a request. This is a command. This is an imperative. Based upon His authority make disciples, baptize, teach. Do it. Jesus commanded it. We don't have an option.


What am I doing to fulfill this command given from the One who has all authority over all of His creation?


Get busy.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Do Not Be Afraid

Matt 28:5b "Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come see the place where the Lord lay."


There is so much in the angel's announcement to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. When they came to visit the tomb where Jesus was buried they encountered something that they did not expect. A bunch of soldiers laying on the ground as if dead and an angel there to greet them whose face was as bright as lightning and his clothes as white as snow. I guess that if I came up to a tomb and saw this scene, I would be pretty fearful as well.


Isn't it interesting that the announcement that the angel gave to the women at the tomb "Do not be afraid" is the same announcement that the angel said to the shepherds when Jesus was born: "Do not be afraid. I bring you good tiding of great joy which will be to all people." Luke 2:10


Fear is a paralyzing thing. If I am afraid of something, or if I am afraid to do something, or if I am afraid of a certain outcome I tend to avoid it. I would rather run away from it. I want to ignore it. It stops me in my tracks. God tells us, at the beginning and at the end and everywhere in between: "Do not be afraid." "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Fear should not even be in the believer's vocabulary. Why? Because Jesus came. Jesus lived. Jesus died. Jesus rose from the dead and we have hope. We have victory. There is nothing to be afraid of.


Realize this: When we seek the crucified One, He is not dead. He is risen. The proof is an empty grave and fear is gone. Nothing can or should hold us back. We have a risen, living Savior who right now makes intercession for us. Amazing.


"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know who holds the future and life is worth the living, just because He lives."


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Truly this was the Son of God

Matt 27:54b "Truly this was the Son of God."


The result of Jesus' proclamation: crucifixion. I don't know that I ever really noticed this before, but why did the chief priest and elders take Jesus to Pilate the governor? It really does not make any sense. Jesus claimed to be the Son of God…even God Himself. This, according to Jewish law was blasphemy. (If it were not true.) The punishment for blasphemy was stoning. (I Kings 21:10,13) Why did these religious leaders feel compelled to take Jesus to the Roman authorities? I can only think of one reason: To fulfill prophesy. This is how Jesus was to die. He had to die this way. Is 53 is clear…wounded and pierced. He had to shed His blood. It is the only way that we were going to experience forgiveness and restoration. God laid it out in the OT pretty clearly. An unblemished lamb had to shed its blood for the payment of the people's sins. This did not change. God did not change. An Unblemished Lamb had to shed His blood…and He did. And it happened through crucifixion, not stoning.


So the wimp Pilate gets involved. He couldn't figure out why Jesus was in front of him either. But he caved. He washed his hands and said that he was not responsible for what happened and then he turned Jesus over to the mob and his soldiers to be crucified. What a farce of a leader he was. Pilate was not leader. He was a pawn in the hands of the mob. And Jesus died a Roman death.


The amazing thing is this: In His death the same confession that He made just the night before was now coming out of the mouths of those who watched what happened. Just the night before Jesus told Caiaphas that He was the Son of God and that He would be sitting at the right hand of God, coming in the clouds of heaven. Now, Jesus hangs on a cross. It looks like a defeat. It looks like He is done. The drama of His life is ending. His followers are gone. It is over. Really? "Then behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom (giving us open access to God); and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised." V52,53 The response of those who observed all of this: Fear…and a confession: "Truly this was the Son of God." There it is. The truth. The confession that we all have to make: "Jesus. You are the Son of God and now on that cross, You are the Savior of the world." Now the realization of who this Man was, who this Man is comes out of our mouths…the Son of God. The Son of God suffering for me. The Son of God dying on a cross for me. The Son of God taking my sin and my separation from the Father for me. The Son of God shedding His blood for me. "Truly this was the Son of God."

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Deadly Words

Matt 26:63b,64 "'I put You under oath by the living God: Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God!' Jesus said to him, 'It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of The Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.'"


These were deadly words…and Jesus knew it. Judas betrayed Him, Jesus was arrested, his guys ran away and Jesus was taken to a kangaroo court before Caiaphas the high priest and the scribes and elders. Here Jesus was, standing before the high priest, who was basically cross examining Him in front of all these guys. Caiaphas was smart. He knew the key question to ask. If this guy was faking it and really was not the Christ, the Messiah, Caiaphas was giving Him an out. All Jesus had to say at this point was: "Guys, it's been a nice run. I have enjoyed mixing it up with you…but you are right. I am not who these people think I am. I am just a very charismatic leader who attracted a following to challenge your authority." If Jesus would have said this, He may have been given a slap on the wrist and sent home. After all, his guys had already abandoned Him. He didn't have to prove anything else. The fun was over. Now let's get back to real life.


On the flip side, if He said: "It is as you said." then He was doomed. This was His death sentence. If it was not true it would be considered total blasphemy and He would be stoned to death. Jesus knew the stakes. He knew the danger in His response. If He were just a liar this was the time to come clean. But if He was Lord and if He was the Christ, the Son of God, then He was in trouble. What did Jesus do? He said: "It is as you said." But He didn't leave it at that. He kind of put an exclamation point on the statement by saying: "Nevertheless, I say to you, hereafter you will see the son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven." It was unmistakable. It was clear. There was no doubt. Jesus was claiming to be the Messiah, the Son of God. He was throwing back at the high priest and those around him Ps 110:1 and Daniel 7:13,14. The Daniel passage is really pointed: "I was watching in the night visions. And behold, One like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought him near before Him. Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away, and His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed." Any questions? The sentence was immediate. "He is deserving of death."


I have been told that Jesus never claimed to be the Son of God. Apparently those say this have not read the Bible. Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, the Son of God, the risen Christ, God the Son, and He is sitting at the right hand of the Father right now waiting to come again. Right now, I need to worship Him. My life needs to glorify Him in all that I do…as I watch…as I get ready.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Active Watching

Matt 25:13 "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming."


The last time I wrote, Jesus told His guys to be ready because He was coming at an hour when they didn't expect. Now He kind of repeats that exhortation, but now He changes it a little. Instead of "be ready" He now says "watch" because they were not going to know the hour or even the day when He would return.


Why does He say "watch"? The word for watch actually is an active word. It is a word that tells us to pay strict attention to what is going on and what we are doing. It is an active expectancy. It implies that we are to not just sit on our hands with our eyes open, but rather, we are to be busy because what we do proves that we are watching.


Jesus explains this with a few parables. The parable of the 10 virgins. Five of the virgins were actively expectant. Five of them were not. Five of the virgins were ready to go into the wedding feast because they had enough oil to see when the bridegroom came, and five of them did not. Five of them prepared for what was going to happen. Five of them were lazy. How prepared am I? I mean, am I actively expectant? Is everything ready to go? Or is Christ's coming going to take me by surprise? The active participation here is preparation.


The next parable is the giving of the talents. One guy got five, one guy got two and one guy got one. The five gained five more, the two gained two more and the one was, once again, lazy and gained nothing. The guys who used their talents, who took risks and who invested were told: "Well done." The lazy guy had to turn his one over to the guy who had ten and then he was cast into outer darkness. Interesting, the guy who had one really proved one thing: he really did not believe the things that he said that he did. He claimed that he knew that his master was exacting and expected things but he did nothing about it. He did not act on what he claimed he believed. The end result proved who he really was: a fraud.


This last weekend I went on another men's retreat. I think I am done retreating for awhile. Anyway, it really challenged me to not stay where I am. It challenged me to press on. To keep growing. To not sit on what I know and have but to keep moving forward. There is so much to learn. There is so much to do. There is so much more that God wants for me. I can't plant my talent in the ground. I have to use what God has given me and gain more. If I don't, it proves that I really don't believe.


Finally, and this is where the rubber meets the road, the sheep and the goats. The sheep: True believers. The goats: Only playing the game. The true believers prove who they are by what they did. Helped others. The ones playing the game ignored others. The true believers inherited the kingdom. The fakers: everlasting fire. Question: What am I doing to prove I am a true believer? How am I helping others…the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, the imprisoned? Really a very challenging question.


All these things proving whether I am actively watching…or if I am just playing a game.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Be Ready

Matt 24:44 "Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."


We don't hear much about this anymore in our churches. I know that in our church we center on three things Christ, the cross and His word. All solid stuff…and frankly, the things that we should be focused upon. The thing is, I have heard that some Bible based churches avoid the topic of the second coming because they are not sure about whether it is pre-trib, post-trib or mid-trib, so since they don't know they don't talk about it. That is crazy. A whole book in the Bible is centered on it. (Revelation) The book of Daniel is full of it, and Jesus spent a significant amount of time describing it in this chapter in what is known as the Olivet Discourse. Beyond that we have I Cor 15 and I Thess 4 that addresses it. And, by the way, all kinds of stuff is happening in our world right now that would point to the fact that God is at work doing something. ("For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places." (v7) Sounds like the front page of today's paper.)


The exhortation by Jesus is this: "Be ready." The Boy Scout motto – "Be prepared". Pay attention. Look around. This is going to happen when we don't expect it. In practical ways, what does getting ready look like? Does it mean stashing away gold and silver? Does it mean building our food pantry? Does it mean getting out of debt? It may, but I think it means a lot more. It means being busy in building the kingdom and don't let up. Don't let your guard down. Run after it. Be consistent. Don't get weary in well doing. Passionately pursue it. Be a faithful and wise servant. (v45)


And we need to be sure to open our mouths. When we see what is going on around us we should be in the business of reminding people that Christ is coming. Do we know when? No. But we know that in Matt 24 he gave us a ton of warning signs. Jesus did not want us to be caught by surprise so He spent a lot of time telling his guys what it was going to be like before He returned.


So be ready. Get ready. It may happen at any moment. When was the last time you heard that?


Thursday, April 14, 2011


Matt 23:8-10 "But you, do not be called 'Rabbi' for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.  And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ."


Titles. We get so wrapped up in them. In fact, our identity most of the time is centered on a title. I know that when a guy meets another man for the first time, one of the first things that comes out of either's mouth is: "What do you do?" In other words, "what is your title?". If I tell people I am an attorney, that kind of wraps up what I do…but it does not address who I am. There is a difference.


The deal with the scribes and Pharisees was that they were really into this title thing. Their big deal was "I am a Rabbi" or "I am a temple father" or "I am a teacher". This didn't just encompass what they did, it identified who they were…deep down who they were. It really identified the fact that they had this deep inner need for recognition. They had this deep desire to be looked up to and admired and respected and revered. And it revealed that deep down, they thought that they were better than your average Joe out there. Deep down they thought that they were pretty hot stuff. They would be offended if someone told them that they were just a person, just like everyone else, who needed to be forgiven for their rotten sin. No. They were better than that. They didn't need anyone to tell them what to do. Instead, they told people what to do and gave others heavy burdens to bear.


Jesus' advice: "Stay away from that." Stay away from titles. Stay away from the deep desire for recognition. Stay away from this prideful heart. Instead, humble yourself. Be a servant and realize that "you are all brethren." We are all the same. No one is better than the other. There is only One who deserves recognition. There is only One deserves the title of Rabbi, Father, Teacher…Jesus.


It is weird, but as I have written before, I am a guy who wants recognition. I am a guy who struggles with wanting to hear my name spoken in front of people. Stop it. As James MacDonald said in one of our studies, when this desire rears its ugly head I need to tell it to "Shut up!".


The other weird thing is that the other night I received a phone call from a guy in our church who is fairly new to our body. He called me to ask about a Bible that he recently bought. Then he said: "Thank you." For what? "For accepting me. My wife and I love you and Georgann." You see, this guy had this mindset that as an attorney he didn't think that I would give him the time of day. That I was some hot stuff. Nothing can be further from the truth. I am small stuff. I am one of the "brethren". The ground is level at the foot of the cross. The only One who deserves to be recognized, exalted, lifted high who deserves any high title at all is Jesus. The rest of us are all the same, all brethren, all people who need the cleansing blood of Christ. No titles. No pretense. No pride. Take it all away.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Matt 21:9b "Hosanna to the Son of David! 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!' Hosanna in the highest!"


Here is the picture. Two of Jesus' guys grab a donkey from a guy in a city opposite of Bethphage. It may have been Bethany, we really are not sure. Anyway, Jesus was close to the Mount of Olives, a short distance outside of Jerusalem. These two bring the donkey to Jesus and Jesus mounts it and rides into Jerusalem on it. As Jesus is riding into the city a crowd gathers. They are yelling. They are cheering. They are excited. They are so excited, they are taking off their coats and laying them on the road for the donkey to walk over. If they did not have a coat, or if they already used their coat, they cut down branches from the trees around them and put them on the road in front of Jesus. They basically were giving Him the "red carpet treatment". As they were doing this they were yelling out: "Hosanna to the Son of David." And they were quoting the first part of Ps 118:26 – "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." But they didn't stop there. They kept saying: "Hosanna in the highest." I think that it would be an understatement to say that these people were really into greeting Jesus.


The word Hosanna basically means: Propitious. It means Favor. It was a greeting that these people were giving to Jesus which basically said: "Long live the King." They didn't just say: Hosanna, they also said "Blessed". This means: "Praise". It means: "Prosper". May God's prosperity and favor rest upon You. Then they followed it up with another Hosanna but they added "in the highest: which means "most high, in the rank of God." Look out. Here is this crowd, giving Jesus the red carpet treatment, saying "Long live the King", saying "May God's prosperity rest upon You." Saying: "Long live the King who is as high as God." Yikes! Dangerous, but true words exiting the mouths of the people. Dangerous because this was the beginning of the end. This is all the religious leaders could stomach. This was the straw that broke the donkey's back. This was it. But true because "Out of the mouths of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise." V16.


As I think through this, I wonder what my praise is like? I know who Jesus is. I have seen Him work in my life. He is my Savior, my Lord, my Rescuer, my Forgiver, my Healer, my King…and how excited do I get? Would I lay my coat down? Would I climb a tree to cut down branches? What words come out of my mouth? Are they fit for a King? Are they fit for the Lord in the highest…the Lord most high? Do I shout out "Hosanna…Blessed"? Or am I too reserved? Am I afraid of what people would think? It's just not my personality? I shout at stadiums rooting for the Browns or Indians…what should I be like when I root for my Savior? I should be loud sometimes, and I should be silent at other times. Something to think about.


Monday, April 11, 2011


Matt 20:26-28 'Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

Position. Recognition. Authority. We all want it. We all want to be placed in positions where we are recognized. At least I do. This is one area that I really struggle. People don't see it in me, but I see it in myself. Deep down, in my heart of hearts, in my inner man I want people to mention my name. I want them to point me out when I have done something worthwhile. This is nothing but stinking pride, and I hate it…but I have to deal with it.

Jesus' disciples were the same way. Here is the God of the universe, who just told them that He was going to be betrayed to the chief priests and the scribes who were going to deliver Him over to the Gentiles to be mocked, and scourged, and then finally crucified, but that He would rise from the dead on the third day. You would think that this kind of news would shock them. You would think that this kind of news would result in concern for their Friend. You would think that this kind of news would result in a desire to protect, to take up arms, to fight…but no. After Jesus told them this news Mommy comes up to Jesus and said: "Let my boys sit in places of authority when You come into your kingdom. Let them sit on your right hand and your left hand. Let them be recognized. Give them position. Give them power." Unreal. Yet here comes a teachable moment.

Jesus then said: "Do you want to be great?" Of course the answer to that is: "Yes." "Then the way up is down. The way to lead is to serve. The way to be first is to be last." We don't like to hear this. We don't want to go down, serve and be last. We want to be in charge. But this is not how it happens. In fact, Jesus set the example throughout His life. He didn't come to take over. He didn't come to have people serve Him, although He could have. He is God. He could have demanded that everyone bow. He could have demanded that everyone submit. He could have demanded that everyone serve Him, but He didn't. Instead, He was humble. He was a servant. He taught, and healed, and fed, and helped others. He never had His eyes on Himself or His own needs. He only considered the needs of others…to the point of death. He only considered my most basic need for cleansing, for forgiveness from my sin and He did something about it and submitted Himself to the cross. Talk about the ultimate Servant. He didn't want recognition. He didn't care about power. He didn't strive for position. He came to serve.

Somehow, someway, I need to develop this attitude. Never ever caring whether I am recognized or not. In fact, I need to serving others so they can be recognized. That is how I have to live. God help me.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Famous Mottos

Matt 19:26 "But Jesus looked at them and said to them, 'With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'"

The setting is this: A rich guy comes to Jesus and asks how he can inherit eternal life. Jesus gives him an interesting answer…an answer that we would not give: "Keep the commandments." In other words, good works will get you to heaven? No. That was not the point. In fact, Jesus was trying to make a point, but this guy was not getting it. How do I know. Because he said that he had kept all of the commandments. Pretty good. This guy thought he was perfect. Jesus had to debunk that. He had to show him that he was not perfect. He had to show him his need, so He hit him between the eyes. Jesus knew that this guy was rich so He told him to give it all up. Well, there was no way. Even though this guy had a significant need, the need to put God first, the need for a Savior, he decided that he would have to stay in his imperfection because he liked it too much.

I wonder how often I am there. I like my imperfection too much. I don't want to give up a pet desire. I don't want to let go of a cherished attitude. I don't want to eliminate a habit. Jesus does not want any competition. He is God. He wants complete allegiance. In this guy's case it was all of his stuff.

Next comes the lesson for Jesus' guys. "It is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." V23 His disciples wondered about this. If a rich guy can't get in, then who can get in? I mean, you would think that the rich would be able to get in and if they can't, then certainly the poor can't get in. I am not sure that they were grasping what Jesus was getting at.

This then brought about the main lesson: "Man can't do it. It is impossible. But with God all things are possible." Even the rich can get in. Even the poor can get in. Even the proud can get in. Event the humble can get in. Even the thief can get in. Even the honest can get in. Even the hateful can get in. Even the loving can get in. How? Through the unbelievable work of God. No, you can't stay in the state that you are in. You have to repent. You have to change. You have to trust. You have to come to God and surrender…but we all can get in, not because we keep the commandments, because with man that is impossible. But we can get in because with God all things are possible…Jesus death on the cross made it all possible.

Beyond this, however, I have to think about this statement: "But with God all things are possible." Believe it or not, this is the State of Ohio's motto. I wonder if we really believe it? Where is our trust? What do we put our confidence in? Our smarts?. Our abilities? Our money? Our wisdom? Or do we really trust God? Do we say: "God, we have this 8 billion dollar shortfall this year. We don't know how to get out of it, but You do. Give us the wisdom to get out of it because with You all things are possible."

Or, what about me? Do I believe this? Sure, for my salvation…but what about my life? What about my needs? What about my future? What about the stuff I am concerned about? Am I trusting God or am I relying on my own abilities? I think that maybe this was what Jesus was getting at with the rich guy and His disciples. It isn't you…it's all God…trust Him. That leads me to another famous motto: "In God we trust." Do we? Really?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hear Him

Matt 17:5b "This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!"

If there is any question what we are to focus our attention on as believers, as a church, as the Church universal, God the Father dispelled it with this statement. And here we are toward the end of Jesus' ministry on earth. A few verses after God made this declaration Jesus told His guys that He was going to die but He would rise from the dead. (vs 9, 12, 22-23) So, at the beginning of Jesus ministry God the Father spoke from heaven when He was baptized and said: "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Matt. 3:17 and now toward the end of His earthly ministry God said: "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him." Same statement but with an addition. "Hear Him".

A couple of years ago our men's ministry went through a study by Robert Lewis called "Men's Fraternity" Robert Lewis said that this statement showed two things about the Father's relationship with the Son. He loved Him and He was proud of Him. (His point was that every boy should know that their Dad feels this way about them.) God's love for His Son was and is immeasurable. Yet even in His love, He allowed Jesus to die. Even in His love He turned His back on His Son as He hung on the cross because the Father could not stand to look at the sin that Jesus carried for me and the whole world. No wonder He could say that He was well pleased. No wonder He was proud of Him. And this love and this pride did not waver. Jesus came to do and say the things that His Father told Him to do and say. He was obedient even up to death and the Father was pleased. (Try to wrap your brain around this verse: "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand." Is. 53:10) God had pleasure in His Son, He had pleasure in His death, and He has pleasure in His reward.

No wonder He said that we need to "Hear Him". There is no one like Jesus. There is no one who has the truth…Jesus is the truth. There is no one who has the words of life…only Jesus does. If we want the truth, if we want to really live we need to listen to Jesus. We need to pay attention to Him. We need to soak in everything that He has to say. We have to concentrate on Him. We have to fix our eyes on Him. No other message, no other distractions, no other person…only Jesus.

Why? Because: "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him."

Friday, April 8, 2011

This is It

Matt 16:16b "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

This is it. This is the big enchilada. This is the major truth of the Gospel. This is what everything in Christianity rests upon…that this man is the One and only, the Christ, the Messiah, the Chosen One of God, the anointed One of God. There is no other. Not only that, but this man, is not only the Messiah, but He is the Son of the living God. He is God's Son. He is God's "only begotten Son". He possesses all of the qualities of God the Father. He is One with God the Father. Frankly, He is not just a man He is the God/man. Without this truth, without this belief all of Christendom falls. If Jesus is not the Messiah, the Son of God, God in the flesh then we are all wasting our time, energy and money. But if Jesus is who Peter declared Him to be, we need to fall on our faces in His presence and declare our total and complete allegiance.

Not only that, but it is this statement, it is this truth that the Church of Jesus Christ, His body of believers is built upon. It is this truth that He said He would build His church on. This is the foundation and it is a strong foundation, it is a sure foundation, it is a rock solid foundation that will not move. It will forever stand. The gates of hell cannot and will not prevail against it. It is this truth that the Church is built upon. It is this truth that our lives our built upon.

It is weird, but so many times we get away from this truth, as individuals and as a group of people, and we start to rely on other foundations. We think that our programs will do it. Or we think that our ideas will win the day. Or we think that different methodologies will grow the church. We rely on things like church growth methods, or purpose driven methods, or seeker sensitive methods…and Jesus says: "Guys, this is it. I am the Christ. I am the Son of the Living God. Upon this truth I will build my church." There is no other truth. There is no other way. There is no other life. Don't center on methods, or ideas, or programs. Center on this: "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God." That is it. That is all.

What is true for the church is also true for me. "Jesus, the One and only. Faithful, pure and holy. He's the Son of righteousness, worthy of all glory. Jesus Christ, the One and only."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Talk is Cheap

Matt 15:8 "These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me."

In other words: "Talk is cheap." Jesus was putting it to the scribes and Pharisees. He was chastising them because they paid more attention to their tradition than the commandments of God. He said that they talked a good game but when it came to actually practicing and doing what God commanded them to do, they ignored it. They did what they wanted. They sounded good, they sounded holy, they sounded righteous but deep down inside they didn't care about God…they only did what they wanted to do to keep their power and authority over people.

The best thing that I can do when I have an opportunity to speak in front of people is to check my heart. Do I really believe what I am saying? Better yet, do I really practice what I am preaching? Or is it all a big show? A big front? An image that I have to maintain? That is where these guys were. They wanted to appear righteous so they prayed lengthy, repetitious prayers to be seen by men. They proclaimed to everyone when they were fasting. They wanted glory. Where am I in all of this? When I pray or speak on Sunday or other events, is it a big show for me or for God?

This is so easy to do. We want to get involved in some ministry. The question that we need to ask is: "Why?" Why are we motivated to do what we want to do? Is it a genuine heart for God or is it a desire to control? Is it a desire to have power? Is it a desire to say: "This is mine…I have done this."? The line sometimes gets blurred. We walk into something with the best intentions. We sound good when we explain what we want to do and our motives for doing it, but when it actually happens, we have a tendency to get territorial. We have this desire to hang on to it like we own it when we really do not. It is God's. He is in control. He is Lord. The problem is, when we get territorial and when we get involved in a power grab, it really shows our hearts. It shows the inner man…and it is not pretty.

Oh God, make my heart pure. Make my motives pure. I ask that my heart, my mouth and my life all be on the same page…the page of giving you all the glory. "He must increase, but I must decrease."

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Matt 14:13,14 "When Jesus heard it, He departed from there by boat to a deserted place by Himself. But when the multitudes heard it, they followed Him on foot from the cities. And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick."

Jesus was an amazing man. Not only was He God, but He was a man. And as a man he dealt with the same physical and emotional stuff that I deal with. He dealt with hunger. He dealt with being tired. He dealt with the burden of people's problems. He dealt with sadness. But as God, He knew how to handle this stuff. He knew what was necessary to recharge His batteries and what was necessary was that he get away. He needed to be by Himself for a time and let the stuff that was pressing in on Him wait.

He did that here. He heard that His cousin and good friend John the Baptist had been martyred. He was beheaded because he stood for the truth and Herodias (Philip's wife but Herod's plaything) didn't like hearing the truth from John the Baptist that it was wrong for Herod to have her. (Side note: I have heard people say that we should not expect the unsaved to act like the saved, that we cannot hold them to the same standard that we have so we should not tell them what the Bible expects. Apparently John the Baptist didn't think that way because he was not hindered him from speaking the truth to Herod and Herodias. He told them what they were doing was wrong and he paid with his life. How bold am I with those in leadership?) When Jesus heard that John the Baptist was dead, He got away from it all. He took some time and went to a deserted place to be by Himself.

I know that I have recently felt some pressure. Not so much from work, or home, but from ministry. I love doing ministry. I love helping people. I love being a part of building the kingdom in the placed that God has planted me. Yet sometimes I can get weary. Just this last Sunday I was responsible to meet with some people after church. The problem is, several others kept coming up to me and saying: "Do you have a minute?" I don't know how many times I heard that on Sunday morning when I finally told our church secretary: "No". It was not the kindest response and I had to apologize. My wife actually said that I had "a little melt down". This was not Jesus. This was not what He would have done. He would have made sure that He had balance. He would have made sure that He had some margin in His life. He got away to a deserted place and spent time by Himself. I usually do not do that and I need to learn from the God-Man that this is important.

But then look…the pressure kept coming. The multitudes found out where He was and pushed to see Him. How did He respond? With a "no"? No. He responded with compassion. He met their needs. He cared about them. Later in the chapter we see where Jesus actually sent the multitudes away and went on a mountain by Himself to pray. V23

How much margin time do I give myself? Jesus needed it…so do I. Maybe then I will respond without saying: "No".

Monday, April 4, 2011

Seeing and Hearing

Matt 13:16,17 "But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. "

I wonder if the disciples understood what was going on…who they were involved with…what it was that they were hearing and seeing? I am not sure. At the time it was all happening I think that they were following Jesus because He was a guy that they had pinned their hopes on. He was a guy who was going to usher Israel into a literal kingdom. And here Jesus is, teaching people about the kingdom of God in stories. The disciples didn't get it. They didn't understand. So they did what they should have done and they asked. "Why do You speak to them in parables?" v10 Jesus response is kind of startling. Basically: "These people are to hear but not understand. They are to see but not perceive. Their ears are hard of hearing and their eyes are closed. And this is the way it should be " V14,15 Wait. That doesn't sound fair. Why are some able to hear and see and others are not? That is a question that has plagued scholar's minds for ages. The thing that we know is that God is sovereign. He is just. He is right. What He does and how He does it we will not always understand and we have to leave it with Him. (Read Romans 9.)

The thing that gets me is that these guys were given the privilege of hearing and understanding, and seeing and getting it. These guys were given the privilege…the blessing of seeing and hearing what many prophets and righteous men in the past desired to see and hear but the time was not right. Now the time was right, and Jesus took the time to explain these stories to them. Jesus opened up the mystery of the kingdom of God to them.

Now, fast forward 2000 plus years. These same mysteries are made known to us. These same mysteries are made known to me…and I wonder if I am just like the disciples…do I get it? Do I understand? Do I really grasp what it is that God is doing…how God is ushering in His kingdom? I think that I have a glimpse, but I think that it is only a glimpse. I have been blessed, along with those in my family and many I know to be able to have the Holy Spirit live in me and to have His word in the palm of my hand. He is my Teacher. He is my Counselor. He is my Convicter. He guides me into all the truth. Even now, as I write this stuff, He brings things to my brain that I would never think about otherwise. And I can hear with the disciples: "Blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear." Do I see clearly? No. It is like what Paul said: "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face." I Cor 13:12 The thing is, we still see. We still perceive. And someday everything…everything will be revealed. Wow.

I sat and watched a little of Louie Giglio's DVD: "Indescribable" last night. I have seen it before, but to see it again and to try to grasp the immeasurable greatness of God is beyond me. Sure, we see a little of it now. We hear things that the prophets and righteous men longed to hear. But some day, we will hear it all…we will see it all…and it will blow us away.

For now, however, I am blessed. Keep on the pursuit of seeing and hearing more.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Family Resemblance

Matt 12:50 "For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother."

This is going all the way back to when Jesus taught his guys how to pray: "Our Father in heaven…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Jesus is coming back to a central theme, His Father in heaven getting His will done on earth. And the cool thing about this is He is identifying heritage. He is identifying DNA. He is identifying those who belong in His family. How can you tell who is in the family of God? Those who do the will of God. Those who do what God wants, who fulfill His purposes. These are the ones who are in the family of God. On the flip side. Those who ignore God, those who avoid Him, those who are not fulfilling His purposes but their own purposes and who are living lives in opposition to His word are not in His family.

Kind of interesting. Yesterday you could tell what a person was like inside by what came out of their mouths. Today, you can tell a person's spiritual family heritage by what they do. I have to ask myself the question: How am I living? Is it all about me, or am I fulfilling God's purpose on this earth? The answer says a lot about who I really am.

The other thing about this verse that I find amazing is this: If I am doing God's will then I am Jesus' brother. Pretty cool. Jesus was the Son of God. If He is my brother, then I must also be a son of God. There is a verse in Hebrews that talks about this: "Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers." Heb. 2:11 I think that is pretty wild. The One who makes us holy (Jesus) and those who are being made holy (us) all belong to the same family. Since this is the case Jesus is not ashamed to call us His brothers, and sisters and mother. Jesus is not embarrassed by us because we are doing the will of God here on earth.

Do I bear a family resemblance? Do people see Jesus in me? When people look at me do they say: "Wow, you look an awful lot like Jesus"? I wish. If I am doing His will on earth, that should be people's reaction…not just at church…that is the easy place to look like you are a part of the family. No, I want people in our culture to see me and see something different. I want people to take note that I am part of the family of God. I must be about my Father's business.

So I ask myself: What is that? Is it anything different than I am doing now? Is there something else I should be doing? Stay open.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Matt 12:34b, 35 "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things."

Words. They really are an amazing creation. When you think of all of the things that God created, He also created this ability to communicate through speech. Did God have to make words? Could He have done this another way? Could He have made us with the ability to just think each other's thoughts? Yes, He could. (That would be a scary thing.) But what are thoughts without words? If we did not have words, we would not be able to formulate thoughts.

The weird thing is this…our thoughts eventually do come out…and they come out through our mouths. Oh sure, we can suppress them. We can try to hold them in, but in the end, they end up spilling out. That is what Jesus is saying: Out of the abundance, out of the stuff that fills our minds our mouths speak. And this is how we can tell how people are thinking: Good words show a good mind. Evil words show an evil mind. It is that simple. It is really amazing. The word for treasure is "thesaurus"…a treasury of words. And out of the treasury of words that float around in our brains, our mouth speaks, either good or bad.

What are some good things that I would love to see flow out of my mouth? How about words of encouragement? If this is flowing then my brain is formulating good thoughts about others and I let them know it. How about words of support and comfort? If this is coming out then I am probably thinking about the needs of others. How about words of wisdom and knowledge? If this is exiting my mouth I am probably thinking about how we can come up with solutions to problems. How about the words of God? If this is coming out, then guess what is filling my mind? God's word. How cool is that?

On the flip side, what don't I want to see exit my mouth? How about words of criticism? Then I have a critical mind and critical thinking. How about words of discouragement? Then I am not thinking well of others. How about words of gossip? Then I am probably prideful in the way I think. How about taking God's name in vain? Then that shows that I do not fear God.

Oh God, please…"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Ps. 19:14

(Take a look at this article. Even the world knows the difference:

Go Butler!)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Come, Take, Learn

Matt 11:28-30 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Great stuff. If you are feeling tired, if you are feeling weary, if you are feeling beat down, if you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, take Jesus' advice. Come…take…learn.

Come to me. This is an invitation. This is interesting. This isn't an invitation to everyone, it is an invitation to those who know that they have a need. It is an invitation to people who are exhausted. To people who are carrying stuff. Frankly, this really is an invitation to most of society. If you were to ask most people today, and if they were really honest, you would find that they are tired. Maybe not physically tired, but mentally tired. They feel the weight of responsibility. The feel the weight of the economy. They feel the weight of sin in their lives. To these people Jesus says: "Come to Me…I will give you rest." The word for rest really means to stop and take it easy. To be able to stop whatever activity you that is making you tired, for the purpose of collecting your strength and refreshing yourself. Jesus will do that. So many people think that they have to work hard to get into the kingdom. So many people think that if they do all the right stuff, it will give them favor with God. To this Jesus says; "No..just come to me. Stop your work. Stop your efforts. Stop. I am your rest. I am your Sabbath. Relax…I have done all of the work.

Take. Take my yoke. This doesn't sound like fun. I mean, a yoke is for working. Jesus just said that I should rest. Now He is telling me to take an implement that makes me work? Yes. We have to remember the yoke that these people had on them at that time. The yoke of the law. The yoke of what the Pharisees said that they had to do. The yoke of living by all of the rules and regulations that were in place at that time. Jesus was giving them a contrast. He was saying: "Throw down the yoke of works. Throw down the yoke of the law. Throw down the yoke of legalism and pick up my yoke. It is easy. Will there be difficult times? Yes, but in comparison they will be light. Why? Because Jesus is yoked with us. He has already taken up this yoke. He has already carried our burdens. Now we can find inner rest. No more burdened inside because He is with us in all of this. He is our partner in all of this. He is our teacher in all of this…so "learn from Me." Watch Me. Follow Me. Take My advice. Observe My gentleness. Observe My humility and live like Me.

That really is the key. We are so busy trying to work. Trying to make it. Trying to prove ourselves. Trying to gain favor with God, and all we need is to learn from Christ and take on His gentleness and humility. When I do that, things ease up.

Come to Him. Take from Him. Learn from Him.