Matt 23:8-10 "But you, do not be called 'Rabbi' for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ."
Titles. We get so wrapped up in them. In fact, our identity most of the time is centered on a title. I know that when a guy meets another man for the first time, one of the first things that comes out of either's mouth is: "What do you do?" In other words, "what is your title?". If I tell people I am an attorney, that kind of wraps up what I do…but it does not address who I am. There is a difference.
The deal with the scribes and Pharisees was that they were really into this title thing. Their big deal was "I am a Rabbi" or "I am a temple father" or "I am a teacher". This didn't just encompass what they did, it identified who they were…deep down who they were. It really identified the fact that they had this deep inner need for recognition. They had this deep desire to be looked up to and admired and respected and revered. And it revealed that deep down, they thought that they were better than your average Joe out there. Deep down they thought that they were pretty hot stuff. They would be offended if someone told them that they were just a person, just like everyone else, who needed to be forgiven for their rotten sin. No. They were better than that. They didn't need anyone to tell them what to do. Instead, they told people what to do and gave others heavy burdens to bear.
Jesus' advice: "Stay away from that." Stay away from titles. Stay away from the deep desire for recognition. Stay away from this prideful heart. Instead, humble yourself. Be a servant and realize that "you are all brethren." We are all the same. No one is better than the other. There is only One who deserves recognition. There is only One deserves the title of Rabbi, Father, Teacher…Jesus.
It is weird, but as I have written before, I am a guy who wants recognition. I am a guy who struggles with wanting to hear my name spoken in front of people. Stop it. As James MacDonald said in one of our studies, when this desire rears its ugly head I need to tell it to "Shut up!".
The other weird thing is that the other night I received a phone call from a guy in our church who is fairly new to our body. He called me to ask about a Bible that he recently bought. Then he said: "Thank you." For what? "For accepting me. My wife and I love you and Georgann." You see, this guy had this mindset that as an attorney he didn't think that I would give him the time of day. That I was some hot stuff. Nothing can be further from the truth. I am small stuff. I am one of the "brethren". The ground is level at the foot of the cross. The only One who deserves to be recognized, exalted, lifted high who deserves any high title at all is Jesus. The rest of us are all the same, all brethren, all people who need the cleansing blood of Christ. No titles. No pretense. No pride. Take it all away.
1 comment:
Good thoughts dad. I need that reminder too. Love you!
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