Tuesday, April 26, 2011

All Authority

Matt 28:P18b "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."


This is the basis for it all…Jesus. The reason that we do anything in this life is because of Him. The reason that we have this great commission is because of Him. The reason that we pursue making disciples is because of Him. The reason that we baptize is because of Him. The reason that we teach is because of Him. The reason that we obey is because of Him. Get it? It's all about Jesus.


And it all starts with this: "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." That means everywhere. It is kind of weird but I thought that I was going to start a new study in a new book today so I went to Genesis. What does it say right up front? "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Then I remembered: "Oh yeah, I didn't really finish Matthew yet." But look at the parallel. God created the heavens and the earth and all authority has been given to Jesus. Where? In His entire creation. There is nothing left out. There is nothing missing. Jesus has all authority in all that exists.


What is this authority? First, it is all. It is every. It is any. It is the whole…both individually and collectively. This authority is all encompassing. It is everything that God has. Jesus has it. The King James translates this word: "power". It also means the liberty to do as He pleases. Strength. Influence. Privilege. The power to rule or govern universally over all mankind. The authority to make all decisions.

Jesus has it. He has it all.


If He were not God do you think that God would usurp His authority and give it to some created being? No way. This is God the Father giving God the Son every bit of authority and power and privilege that could be given. When Jesus came to earth in the flesh, He gave up some of that power. He did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but He came in the form of a servant. (Phil. 2) Guess what? It is back. Jesus is in control...of everything.


This is why He could tell His guys what they needed to do next. Go. Or, as you go make disciples of all nations. This is not a suggestion. This is not a request. This is a command. This is an imperative. Based upon His authority make disciples, baptize, teach. Do it. Jesus commanded it. We don't have an option.


What am I doing to fulfill this command given from the One who has all authority over all of His creation?


Get busy.

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