Saturday, April 2, 2011


Matt 12:34b, 35 "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things."

Words. They really are an amazing creation. When you think of all of the things that God created, He also created this ability to communicate through speech. Did God have to make words? Could He have done this another way? Could He have made us with the ability to just think each other's thoughts? Yes, He could. (That would be a scary thing.) But what are thoughts without words? If we did not have words, we would not be able to formulate thoughts.

The weird thing is this…our thoughts eventually do come out…and they come out through our mouths. Oh sure, we can suppress them. We can try to hold them in, but in the end, they end up spilling out. That is what Jesus is saying: Out of the abundance, out of the stuff that fills our minds our mouths speak. And this is how we can tell how people are thinking: Good words show a good mind. Evil words show an evil mind. It is that simple. It is really amazing. The word for treasure is "thesaurus"…a treasury of words. And out of the treasury of words that float around in our brains, our mouth speaks, either good or bad.

What are some good things that I would love to see flow out of my mouth? How about words of encouragement? If this is flowing then my brain is formulating good thoughts about others and I let them know it. How about words of support and comfort? If this is coming out then I am probably thinking about the needs of others. How about words of wisdom and knowledge? If this is exiting my mouth I am probably thinking about how we can come up with solutions to problems. How about the words of God? If this is coming out, then guess what is filling my mind? God's word. How cool is that?

On the flip side, what don't I want to see exit my mouth? How about words of criticism? Then I have a critical mind and critical thinking. How about words of discouragement? Then I am not thinking well of others. How about words of gossip? Then I am probably prideful in the way I think. How about taking God's name in vain? Then that shows that I do not fear God.

Oh God, please…"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Ps. 19:14

(Take a look at this article. Even the world knows the difference:

Go Butler!)

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