Matt 20:26-28 'Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
Position. Recognition. Authority. We all want it. We all want to be placed in positions where we are recognized. At least I do. This is one area that I really struggle. People don't see it in me, but I see it in myself. Deep down, in my heart of hearts, in my inner man I want people to mention my name. I want them to point me out when I have done something worthwhile. This is nothing but stinking pride, and I hate it…but I have to deal with it.
Jesus' disciples were the same way. Here is the God of the universe, who just told them that He was going to be betrayed to the chief priests and the scribes who were going to deliver Him over to the Gentiles to be mocked, and scourged, and then finally crucified, but that He would rise from the dead on the third day. You would think that this kind of news would shock them. You would think that this kind of news would result in concern for their Friend. You would think that this kind of news would result in a desire to protect, to take up arms, to fight…but no. After Jesus told them this news Mommy comes up to Jesus and said: "Let my boys sit in places of authority when You come into your kingdom. Let them sit on your right hand and your left hand. Let them be recognized. Give them position. Give them power." Unreal. Yet here comes a teachable moment.
Jesus then said: "Do you want to be great?" Of course the answer to that is: "Yes." "Then the way up is down. The way to lead is to serve. The way to be first is to be last." We don't like to hear this. We don't want to go down, serve and be last. We want to be in charge. But this is not how it happens. In fact, Jesus set the example throughout His life. He didn't come to take over. He didn't come to have people serve Him, although He could have. He is God. He could have demanded that everyone bow. He could have demanded that everyone submit. He could have demanded that everyone serve Him, but He didn't. Instead, He was humble. He was a servant. He taught, and healed, and fed, and helped others. He never had His eyes on Himself or His own needs. He only considered the needs of others…to the point of death. He only considered my most basic need for cleansing, for forgiveness from my sin and He did something about it and submitted Himself to the cross. Talk about the ultimate Servant. He didn't want recognition. He didn't care about power. He didn't strive for position. He came to serve.
Somehow, someway, I need to develop this attitude. Never ever caring whether I am recognized or not. In fact, I need to serving others so they can be recognized. That is how I have to live. God help me.
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