Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In the Beginning

Gen 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

There are all kinds of questions that are popping in my brain right now as I read the first chapter of Genesis. For example: "Where did God live before He created everything? Was it the place we call heaven or was that a part of His creation?" Also, since I am a six day creationist: "What day of the week did God create the heavens and the earth?" We know that the first day He created light and darkness (v3,4) but did He create the heavens and the earth on that day as well? Another: "What does it mean that the earth was formless and void?" Also, as you keep reading: "Is there water above the water that we know on earth? I mean verse 6 says that God separated the waters with a firmament. Does that mean that there is water somewhere else? Also: "What was the source of light in verse 4 when He created the sun and moon and stars on the fourth day?" Also, verse 24 says that the earth brought forth the living creatures, the cattle and beasts and creeping things. "Does that mean that the DNA that is found in the ground is also found in animal's bodies?" I am sure that people have thought through all of these questions and more. I just have not studied it enough.

The thing is, even in the middle of all of these questions, I know one thing: God created it all. It is kind of interesting, but before this verse was ever written, man did not know about this being called God. It was not until the forth word in this verse was written that we were introduced to God…Elohiym. People intuitively knew that there was something out there that was in charge of everything. Elohiym is a term that people would understand to apply to any deity, but this was different. This was introducing people to the One God…the God of creation. The God who started it all. The God, who created time as we know it (in the beginning). The God who created all that we can see and experience. (The heavens and the earth.) This was the God that Moses was introducing people to. It was not an impersonal God. It was not a being who people cannot relate to. It is a God who is intimately involved with all that we do and all that we know because He started it all. He created it all. He is in control of it all. He was in the beginning and He still is now thousands of years later.

In the beginning…at the first…God created. God formed. God shaped it all.

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