I Cor 11:1 "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ."
At first glance I think that this looks pretty pompous. Here is Paul telling the church at Corinth to imitate him. To follow him. Now, I am not sure that I would want that. I mean, do I really want someone to imitate me…to follow me? I know how screwed up I can be. I know the junk that goes through my mind and the dumb things that I do and say. It is weird, but I think that Paul did too. In another book to another church Paul said: "…what I hate, that I do." Rom. 7:15 So how can he say: "Imitate me"? Does he really want people to do those things that he doesn't want to do himself?
The clincher comes next: "…just as I also imitate Christ." The word for "just as" actually means "to the degree that". In other words, follow me, imitate me, pattern your life after mine to the extent that I look like Jesus. Where I look like Jesus, do that. Where I don't look like Jesus, don't do that. The standard is Christ. He is the goal. He is the measuring tool. He is the One we really need to pattern our lives after. Not a man (Paul), but God (Jesus).
I have to ask myself: "How am I doing in imitating Jesus?" That is a tough one. Really…how am I doing in having my life look like the life of Christ? How am I doing in seeing His character, His words, His attitudes, His actions reflected in my life? I certainly am far from perfect, but am I seeing Him more and more each day? Am I growing? Am I progressing? Is this process of, what we call "sanctification" becoming more evident in my life? Or am I just holding still, treading water, just hanging on? Are my thoughts becoming more God centered? Are my reactions becoming more measured? Is my time spent redeeming it? Are my words more gracious and healing?
I know one thing, I have a long way to go. But I also know this, I want to say: "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ." He is my model. Jesus help me be more like You today.