Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father’s Day

Gen 50:12 "So his sons did for him just as he had commanded them."

Kind of weird that I would read this chapter today. This chapter centers on the death of Jacob/Israel and what Joseph and all of his kids did for him following his death…they did what he said. They buried him where he wanted to be buried. They mourned for him and honored him.

Today is Father's Day. The thing that hit me when I read this verse was that Jacob's sons honored him in his death. I bet he wished that they had honored him in his life also. But we know the story. They lied to him. They let him grieve over the death of a son that did not happen. They put him through all kinds of garbage when they were trying to get food during the famine. These boys were bad. It wasn't until the end of his life that they were all able to live together. Yet he still blessed them in his death. He still cared for them and their futures. And now they had an opportunity to do what he asked them to do, and they did it. So this verse: "So his sons (finally) did for him just as he had commanded them." (I threw in the extra word as a little commentary.)

God made me a Dad. As I wrote two days ago, He blessed my socks off with two amazing girls. As I think back on their lives growing up, I can honestly say that they did for me just as I had commanded. They were not like Jacob's sons. They honored me as kids and they continue to honor me in their adult life. I am thankful that they didn't wait until I died to show their love for me. They do it all the time now…and I am grateful. I really do not deserve to have such good kids. I really do not deserve to see them develop into the godly women that they are, because as they will testify, sometimes I can get a little weird and goofy. Yet, God is faithful and He brought a great woman into my life who was the best Mom any kid could have and she (with a little help from me) built into these girl's lives…and now I can say with John "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." 3 John 4

Thank you God for your faithfulness. Thank you for making me a Dad. Thank you for my girls.


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