Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Growth in the Garden

I Cor 3:7 "So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase."

I take great pride in my garden. It isn't a big thing, just a 4' x 4' box garden, but man is it productive. This year I planted two types of lettuce, pepper, tomatoes, basil and squash. Everything is growing like crazy. I already have tomatoes on my one plant and we have eaten some of the lettuce. (And it seems like the squash is taking over the entire thing.) Now, what did I do to make that garden grow? I planted the plants. I water it when needed. But did I make the plants grow? Did I create the lettuce that we have eaten, or the tomatoes that are popping or any of the other veggies that we will get? It would be stupid for me to say that I did. I did not produce this stuff. I only planted and watered. God is the One who created it all. God is the One who came up with the bright ideas to make it all. And God is the One who gives the fruit.

The same principle applies when it comes to watching God work in people's lives. The Corinthian church was an interesting church. Even though they had the mind of Christ, they did not use it. Instead they digressed into their old, fleshly, divisive ways and argued about whose teaching got them into the kingdom. It was almost like saying: "John MacArthur's the guy. You have to follow him." Or, "James MacDonald is the one." Or, "We follow Beth Moore." Dumb, dumb, dumb. None of these people would want to hear this because they know that the results that they see from their ministries are not something that they created. And Paul and Apollos did not want to hear it either. It was all by God's grace. They simply planted or watered. It was God who used them in the lives of people.

Yesterday I was in Heinens. I saw a lady there I had not seen in a while. She used to go to Lake Ridge but she has decided that it is best for her right now to go with her Dad to his church. Our conversation eventually lead to how things were going at church. I was able to share with her that we are seeing amazing growth. Her response: "It's because of two things: Randy and the music." Now she meant this as a compliment, and I was grateful to hear it, but what should have sprung up in my mind was: "No…it is God. It is all God. We may just plant, we may just water but it is God who is giving the increase." Now, I did not take credit. I really did not say anything. But I should have opened my big fat mouth and said: "It is the Lord." This is what Paul was saying: "Never ever take credit for anything that you see God doing around you. You are just a vessel. You are just His instrument. You may be a seed planter. You may be a Word waterer…but it is all God."

As I see the Lord at work around me, may I always reflect the glory back to Him.


1 comment:

Barbie said...

Absolutely! Now if only it were easier to give God the credit instead of just taking it for ourselves. Why do we get such satisfaction from the approval of man?