Sunday, January 22, 2012

Normal Man

Ez 2:1b "Son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak with you." ESV


Ezekiel's position was down low on his face. This was the position that he should have taken in the presence of a holy and powerful God. The cool thing is that God did not want him to stay there. Sure, God appreciated his heart. God knew that he was on his face because Ezekiel realized who he was and who God was, but if Ezekiel stayed on his face, God would not be able to use him. So God told him to do something…stand up. And God gave him a promise. "After you stand up I will speak with you." Wow. This holy, awesome, powerful, majestic God who sat on the throne in the expanse that was over the four living creatures and the wheels was going to communicate with this son of man…a normal man. Why? God wanted to use this normal man. God knew that if he stayed on his face that nothing would be done, so He told him to get up and then He would tell him what to do.


This is really how it is. When we come to God humbly, down low, acknowledging who we are…nothing, and admitting who He is…everything, then we are ready to be used. And the wild thing is, God wants to speak to us, God wants to use us…normal men and women. I don't get it really. God does not need me. He can do anything He wants, but in His wisdom and in His plan He wants to use a faulty vessel, a normal man. The first thing I have to do is humble myself. The next thing I have to do is stand up and be ready to be used. And the next thing that will happen? God will speak. God will communicate. The very God of all creation will share His mind with me. Will it be something audible? I think with Ezekiel it probably was, but that is not how God works today. He has given me His word and He speaks loud and clear through it. And He has given me His Spirit. I love this verse: "But when He the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth…" John 16:13 Jesus said: "Your word is truth." The Spirit of God wants to take that truth and guide me in it. I love the word for guide…it means to be my teacher. Teacher's communicate. God's desire is to communicate with me through His word through the Spirit of God. And this communication, this teaching is not just so I can increase what I know in my brain…it is so God can use this normal man.


So what is He teaching me? How is He communicating with me? How does He want to use me? Every time I get into the scriptures I need to ask that question because this awesome, powerful, mighty God of creation wants to talk to me and use this normal man. Crazy.

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