Rom 8:31 - "If God is for us, who can be against us...Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." (v37)
Talk about assurance. Short and sweet. Paul asks a rhetorical question: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Answer: No one. God is there on my behalf and there is no competition. Even though we can look around us and think that the world is against us (it is), and this culture is against us (it is), and some political mindsets are against us (they are), and philosophies are against us (they are), and other religions are against us (true), and Satan is against us (he is), and some individuals may be against us (most likely)…none of these things are a match for God. They all may try to raise their voices, they may all try to battle the believer, but God is on our side. The almighty God who created all things and rules over all things and is in control of all things is there on my behalf, and nothing can defeat Him.
Shall tribulation be against us, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword be against us? Yes. But, look at what comes next, even though much may come against us we are more than conquerors through Jesus. We don’t just win, we win big. We overcome everything that is against us. We will gain a “surpassing victory” over all.
I know that this is what the persecuted church hangs on to every day. People in China and North Korea and Somalia and Cuba and Iran and all over the world deal with real threats every day. Yet, they don’t give in. They don’t give up. They don’t deny their faith. Why? Because God is for them and they know that they have a surpassing victory.
When stuff hits me in the face, whether outside threats or inside threats, keep this in mind…hang on to this reality: God is for me. No one can stand up to Him. I am not just a conquerer, I am more than a conqueror through Jesus. He has already gained a huge victory for me and all of His church.
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