Mark 9:29 "And he said to them, 'This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.'" ESV
What else did Jesus say? Pray. If you want to see the power of God move in people's lives, then pray.
The nine disciples that did not go on the mountain had a problem…they had no power to cast out the spirit out of the boy. The Dad brought him to the guys, but nothing happened. The question that they asked was: "Why couldn't we do it?" v28 Jesus answer: "Because you didn't pray. You weren't dependent. You tried in your own power and your own power brought nothing." What did they have to hear? What were they to listen to? What were they to apply? Pray…and you will see the hand of God move.
This admonition to pray goes along with the admonition to believe. If we believe Jesus we will go to Him. If we believe Jesus we will bring Him our requests. If we believe Jesus we will show our dependence and talk to Him.
My problem? I am a lot like the disciples. I try to do it on my own. I try to fix problems myself. I try to address issues in my own power. This effort will bring no lasting results. If I want to see God work in my life, in my family's life, in my church, in my community, in this world, I have to do one thing: Pray. Pray specifically. Pray so that God knows that I am relying only on His power, on His ability, on His strength.
Oh…and as an aside, a little fasting would not hurt either. (Fasting is included in this verse in some manuscripts.) Fasting doesn't just show dependence, it shows intensity. To give something up for a time, whether it is food, or the TV, or the computer, or sports, or dessert, or sex shows that I am passionate about this thing. That this matter that I am bringing to God is more important than my creature comforts. It shows God that I mean business.
Do I want to see God move with might? I have to listen to Jesus and pray.
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