Job 28:28 "And he said to man, 'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.'" ESV
Job is responding to his friends and he is asking them a rhetorical question: Where can you find wisdom? He knew the answer…he just wasn't sure they did. He said that it isn't in man. It isn't in nature. It can't be bought. The creatures of the world don't have it. Even Abaddon (a place of destruction) and death have said that they have heard rumors about it. Only God knows the way to it and this is it: Fear Him. And to turn away and run from evil shows that you get it.
Sounds familiar: David said it: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!" Ps 111:10 ESV And this Dad was smart enough to pass this on to his son because Solomon also said: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!" ESV Prov. 9:10 And where do you think these guys learned it? Maybe from guys like Job. This truth passed down through centuries of time…and it never changed…and it is still the same.
Want wisdom? Fear God. Respect God. Honor God. And as I have written before, yes, be terrified of God. How do I show that I understand wisdom? When I turn away from evil every chance it rears its ugly head.
So many times I am faced with a decision to make. Do I do that dumb thing? Do I say that dumb word? Do I think that stupid thought? Run. Turn away. Go the opposite way of the dumb because running toward evil is dumb. Running away from it is smart. And I should run because I fear who God is. He is the Maker and Author of everything who knows how it all works. Why would I not listen to Him? Why would I do or say the opposite of what He commands? That is truly dumb because He knows what is best.
God today, as I face different challenges let me fear You and run from evil. Let me be smart and get it.
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