Thursday, April 5, 2012


Job 32:20 "I must speak, that I may find relief; I must open my lips and answer."


Job's friends were done. They ran out of words. Their advice…not that great. The result: disappointment. A younger guy, Elihu sat and listened to all that Job's friends said and he kept quiet. He thought the older guys should teach. He thought that they would have the wisdom so he kept his mouth shut. The problem was, they didn't and he could not help it any more. He had to open his mouth. He had to share what he was thinking because it was about ready to make him explode. "I must speak, that I may find relief…".


Now that I am an older guy, do I speak words of truth in love? Do I share valuable words? The question is whether I, as an older guy, I share God's thoughts or my thoughts? Do I talk about what I want or what God wants? Do I tell other people my perspective or God's perspective? The problem that this young guy had was that the old guys were just spouting off their own stuff.


I have an opportunity this weekend to talk to a group of around 60 guys at a men's retreat. I think that I have something that is valuable to share, but is it my stuff or God's stuff? My thoughts or God's thoughts? My words or God's words? If it is my stuff then forget it. Don't say it. But if I am convinced that this is what God wants these guys to hear then be like this young guy and let it out. Don't hold it in. No restraint. Let God speak through me as I speak His word to these guys.


I pray that what I have to say is not me. I pray that what I have to share is something that God has given me and not something cute that I have dreamed up. I pray that what I have to say makes an eternal impact. I pray that what I have to say is something that we can apply: "Receive instruction from His mouth..." I want this to be from His mouth, not mine.


I want God to work through this old guy.



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