Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

Ps 23:3b "He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake." ESV


Here is God leading again. Before, He led to still, quiet waters for refreshment. Now He is leading us down each path that we should go.


I love this because I don't have to rely on my own GPS system, my own brain and reasoning…it is God who shows me where to go. And the paths that He leads me down are the right paths and the righteous paths. God is not the kind of shepherd who lets His sheep wander. God is not a shepherd who takes us down rocky, rough, wrong routes. Instead, God's desire is for me to know what He wants and the places that He wants me to go. This isn't a guessing game. He is the One who leads. He is the One who reveals. Do I have a question whether I should make this decision? Ask Him. Talk to Him. Ask Him to lead me down the right path. And one way to know if it is the right path is to ask the question: Is this right? Is this righteous? Or is it self-seeking and driven by my personal agenda? What does His word say? How is the Holy Spirit leading? God will lead. God will direct. God will show. How do I know? Because of this promise: "He leads me down right paths…".


Why? For my glory? For my edification? For my benefit? No. For His Name's sake. God wants to take me down right paths so He can be glorified. He wants to show me the right way to go so His Name can be exalted. So that is another question I can ask when making decisions: "Will this glorify God or me?" Will going down the right path benefit me? Of course. God is a kind, loving, leading shepherd. He will not do something that is not for my good, (Rom 8:28) but the ultimate result is not my good but His glory.


So today, as I make decisions do two things: 1. Ask God to specifically lead me down the right path of righteousness. 2. Ask: "What is going to glorify You the most?" I think making decisions just got a whole lot easier.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chardon makes me Angry

As I think about what happened in Chardon yesterday I am angry. I am angry at our society. I am angry at our legal system. I am angry at our churches. I am angry at Satan. I realize that scripture tells us that things are going to progress from bad to worse. I realize that men will be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. I realize that children will be disobedient. I know that the Bible is prophetic about this. Yet it still does not absolve us of our responsibility to stand in the do speak out.


What is the solution? The Gospel. Had TJ Lane had Jesus, this would not have happened. If his Dad had the Lord...a totally different scenario. And what about the kids who died? What is the solution? We can't change our society except one life at a time, so we have to go there. We have to open our mouths and share hope. It is imperative.


As far as our legal system? It allows way too much. It does not honor marriage. Divorce is too easy. Single parenting is now the norm, not the exception. I read yesterday that more than 50% of the births in this country for those who are under thirty are to unmarried women. (The Week magazine.) This is sick.


And what about the church? We have succumbed. We have caved. "Christians" are getting divorced as readily at those who do not believe. And what does that do to the kids? And my question for us? Are we speaking out? Are we challenging people to live their faith not just claim it? Are we trumpeting the sacredness of marriage? The covenant of marriage? The fact that once you are married it is not just between two is between two people and God. This vow is sacred and to break it is to violate a promise before the God of all creation. There is no more fear for God...and frankly there is no more love for God. We need to preach. We need to teach. We need to mentor. We need to disciple. We need accountability. We need to hold each other's feet to the fire. Couples should never ever consider divorce as an option and if they do we have to grab them and shake them and speak truth into their lives. And Dad's…step up to the plate. Do your job to lead and love and provide.


I am angry. What am I going to do about it? Jesus is the answer. He always was. He always will be. I have to pray for boldness and then I have to open my mouth. I am a lawyer...I need to make a difference where I am at. I need to see what can be done in our legal system to make divorce difficult. I am an elder at my church...I have to be a shepherd and be in people's lives. Not just on Sunday, but during the week. Pray for them. Call them. E-mail them. Meet with them.


I am angry. Do something.


Monday, February 27, 2012


Ps 23:3a "He restores my soul." ESV


Rest, refreshment and restoration. What a cool God we have. One who cares about our bodies (lie down-rest), our minds (get rid of stress-refresh) and now this, our souls –restoration.


These are only four words, but they are powerful. Here we go:


He. This is referring to the Lord our Shepherd. This is a God thing. What is happening here is His work, not mine. What is happening here is His responsibility, not mine. This is something that He is going to do for me because He is a caring, nurturing, loving Shepherd.


Restores. The word for "restores" is actually the same word that is used for "repent". To return. To turn back. To bring back. To reverse. God is in the business of restoration. He is in the business of bringing things back. He is in the business of turning us around when we are going the wrong way. Again, this is not something that I do…He does it.


My. This is personal. This is intimate. God knows what I am like and He knows exactly what I need when I need it. He knows the direction that I am taking. He knows what I am thinking and what I am doing and He is going to bring restoration to…


Soul. This is my inner man. This is my very life. My desire. My emotion. My passion. What makes me tick inside. This is the thing that gets weary when garbage hits. This is the thing that gets sapped when disappointment comes. This is the thing that gets drained when we feel let down.


And what does God do with my soul? He turns it around. He brings it back. He reverses the negativity and turns me toward what is positive…toward what is true…toward Him.


I have a friend, Joe. This guy is one of the most positive men that I know. He always seems to be up, no matter what. Joe has been battling cancer for years. The constant tests. The recurrence. The chemo. And through it all, Joe has had an unbelievable attitude. I saw something in Joe last week that I have not seen before. He is weary. He is tired of the chemo and its effects and he is ready to stop the treatment. What does Joe need? "He restores my soul.". My prayer for Joe is that God would reach down and bring that restoration. That refreshment. That rest. That God would invade his inner man and bring him hope. That God would invade his body and bring healing.


And what Joe is feeling many of us feel whether we hit illness, or divorce, or financial problems, or kid problems, or job situations, or whatever. It all can hit our souls. That is where God steps in and reverses our inner man and restores and renews our souls. It is all God…He does the work.


If you are reading this, please pray that God would do this work for Joe.


Friday, February 24, 2012


Ps 23:2b "He leads me beside still waters." ESV


Laying down in fresh, green grass is nice. My Shepherd wants to take me there...away from the stress and pressure that I may run from, He wants me to rest there.


But here is another place He wants me to still waters. By pools of water that are calm, and still and cool and clear. He wants me to be there. He wants me to be rested and refreshed. What a Shepherd!


Sometimes I think that we believe that we need to burn ourselves out. That it is our obligation as believers to wear ourselves out. That is not where David was. If any guy had stress, if any guy had pressure, if any guy had a ton of responsibility, it was David. I am not sure when David wrote this. It could of been when he was shepherding sheep, or it could have been when he was shepherding Israel. Either way, he had to deal with burn out. If Saul was not after him, other nations were. In it all, he knew that he had a Shepherd who wanted him to rest and be refreshed.


How would he get there? God. God had to lead him. If he did it in his own power, in his own strength, in his own knowledge then he could expect pressure. But if he let God be is Shepherd, his Guide, his Leader, then God was going to take him to places of refreshment.


So it is with me. Who is leading me? Am I leading me or is the Great Shepherd leading me? All I need to do is look at my life. What characterizes it? Am I burning out or am I resting? Am I frantic or am I refreshed. Sure God will challenge me, but in that challenge I will find rest and refreshment, because it is what God wants for me.


So what is it? Am I rested and refreshed or am I tired and weary? They that wait upon the Lord, wait for His movement, wait for His leading, will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and NOT be weary, they shall walk and NOT faint.



Thursday, February 23, 2012


Ps 23:2a "He makes me lie down in green pastures." ESV


Rest. What a great word…what a great thing. I think it is something that everyone desires, everyone craves. I love it when I have a chance to come home and get away from pressure and stress. Rest was so important to God that He actually created a day to do it.


What is with this thing about laying down in green pastures? Sheep don't seem to be active animals. In fact, whenever I see sheep they are kind of standing around doing nothing…that is unless they are threatened. When that happens, when sheep sense danger, they run. Sheep panic when they are under stress. I wonder what I am like in the face of stress? Get uptight? Get short with my attitude? Use words that I regret later? Do I run? And when I do, do I end up in places that will not feed me?


This is when I need to remember that the LORD is my shepherd. He brings me to a place where I can stretch out and lay down in new, fresh green grass. God is not in the business of stressing me out. That is Satan's job. Instead, when stress hits my life, when I sense danger around me I need to rest in the care of the LORD who is my shepherd. He knows what is going on. He knows danger way before I even have a clue that it is on the horizon and He wants to bring me to a place where I can lay down, rest and be fed.


This world is filled with garbage. There is always something or someone who is trying to take us down. The Devil prowls around looking for people to devour. The political landscape, the world's situation and economic realities gets scarier by the minute. Should I fear? Should I get stressed out? Should I run? No. I should rest. My Shepherd knows what is going on. He sees it all and He is leading His flock to places where they can lay down, refresh themselves and be abundantly fed. So, lay down, take it easy and rest in the care of the Shepherd. "Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you…rest."


Today, as I face all kinds of hearings and time deadlines…breathe, be fed and rest.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The LORD is my Shepherd

Ps 23:1 "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."


After reading Ezekiel 34 and the responsibility of shepherds, I thought I would go to the most famous chapter in the Bible about shepherding and study it for a little while…Psalm 23. So here goes…


First, I have to remember who is writing this, David. David had a little experience in this area of shepherding. After all, that was his profession before he became King of Israel. Not much by way of a resume builder, but it was exactly what was needed in God's plan. It was exactly what was needed to write this Psalm.


The LORD. The LORD is the subject of this sentence. The LORD. It is all about this One who is Jehovah. The Existing One. The Eternal One. The only One who has no beginning. The only One who has no ending. I know that I have said it before, but this One who is called LORD is beyond all of us. He is beyond all of our understanding. He is so massive, so awesome, so amazing that we really cannot fathom all that encompasses who He is, yet look at this:

Is. Not much of a word. It is a verb. It's root word is "be". Yet it reveals something descriptive and definitive and active. This word implies something that is real. Something that is true. Something that I can hang on to.


My. Again, not much of a word other than it is an identifier. When coupled with the word "is" reveals possession. "This is my wife." "This is my car." "This is my job." To say that the Lord "is my" reveals something amazing. When Lord and my are combined, it reveals that this One who is eternal is involved with something that is mortal. This One who is everlasting is involved with someone who has a beginning and He is mine.


Shepherd. What does a shepherd do? Go back to Ezekiel 34: Feeds, strengthens and protects, binds and heals, goes after, and brings to rest. This One who eternally exists is the One who cares for me. Who watches over me. Who feeds me. Who protects me. Who guides me. Who pursues me. Who heals me. This One who is so far beyond me or any mortal that ever lived is my shepherd. He is my provider. He is my guide. He is everything. No wonder He is called: "I AM" because He is all that I will ever need. No wonder the next line is: "I shall not want." How could anyone want when we have all that we need in Him?


I am afraid that I don't always have that mindset. I want stuff. I want relationships. I want money. I want satisfaction. I want recognition. I want…But I need to realize that when I think that I want something, then my sufficiency is not the Lord. This Psalm is telling me that I have all that I will ever need in Him and He will supply my every need because the Lord, the Eternally existing One, is my Shepherd.


The astounding thing is that He cares and watches over this dumb sheep. Amazing.



Monday, February 20, 2012


Eze 34:2    "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy, and say to them, even to the shepherds, Thus says the Lord GOD: Ah, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep? ESV


I wonder what it would be like to be a shepherd? Your sole responsibility is to take care of a flock of sheep. That is it. Watch after them. Lead them. Feed them. Look for them when they stray. Fix their injuries. Round them up. Take them to places where they should go to eat that are safe and secure. Protect them from wild animals. Pretty basic stuff.


God's word came to Ezekiel again and he told him to talk to the shepherds of Israel. Now, He was not talking about the actual shepherds...he was talking about the guys who were leading the people of Israel. "And you are my sheep, human sheep of my pasture, and I am your God, declares the Lord GOD." Eze. 34:31 The sheep were people and God was their ultimate Shepherd, yet He still placed individuals in positions of leadership who were to shepherd his people.. The problem was that these guys did a horrible job. All they cared about was what they wanted. All they cared about was their needs. All they cared about was feeding themselves. They didn't care about the sheep.


This chapter clearly lays out the responsibility of shepherds. Shepherds, leaders of people, are responsible to feed, to strengthen, to heal, to bind wounds, to go after those who stray and are lost, to protect, and to bring to places of rest. The problem was that these guys weren't doing any of this. All they cared about was their comfort. All they cared about was their own security. All they cared about was filling their own stomachs...and if I am not careful, and if we in leadership are not careful, we can get sucked into this trap. This is the trap of selfishness. This is the trap of "its all about me, my wants, my needs, my control, my power". When this happens, it is time to remove those shepherds. If this happens to me, it is time to take myself out of the game.


I want to look at these responsibilities:


To feed. This is the big one in this verse. We have to realize that people are hungry. They are not hungry for fast food. They are not hungry for scraps from the table. They are hungry for substance. For meat. For that which is going to fill and satisfy them. This is not easy. This takes time. This takes energy. This takes effort. In short, feeding sheep takes hard work. If I am not willing to put the time into gathering and preparing the meal, don't be a shepherd.


To strengthen and protect. Sheep are not strong animals. They need help. They need protection from wild animals. They need shepherds who realize that things are dangerous. There is always someone or something that is ready to attack. As a result, the shepherd needs to be alert. He needs to be aware. He needs to be paying attention. He can't be asleep at the switch. Frankly this culture and Satan are always ready to pounce on unsuspecting sheep and I have to pay attention to what is going on in this world. Why? To protect. And I need to make people aware in order to prepare and strengthen them.


To heal and bind up wounds. We have to realize that people are sick and hurting. God has placed shepherds in the position to bring healing. We have to be sensitive to this. We have to be aware of the needy. This is hard stuff. Many times we want to avoid the people who are hurting but this is our responsibility. To go to them with healing words and with words of encouragement. We need to be there for them and help.


To go after those who stray and are lost. This is particularly hitting me right now. It seems like we have taken a position that these people need to come to us. We have put out the offer that they need to come and meet with us and resolve things. That is not how sheep operate. Shepherds go after their sheep. Shepherds look for them. Shepherds seek them out and find them and bring them back.


To bring to places of rest. Sheep need to rest. Shepherds need to bring them to places where they can be still. Why? Because sheep need to hear the voice of the ultimate Shepherd. If there is so much activity, if there is so much noise going on around them they may be distracted and run after other stuff. Shepherds need to provide places of peace and quiet so people can be still and know that He is God.


I wonder how I am doing? I wonder how we are doing? How hard do we work? How intentional are we? How sensitive are we? How searching are we? I know I need to get better. I need to not be so self absorbed. People are hungry and hurting and in need and tired. Be there.



Sunday, February 19, 2012


Eze 33:11 "As I live, declares the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live;" ESV


Sometimes I wish that God would bring justice to those who hate Him. You know, the leaders in various countries who want to destroy Israel. Others who promote the idea that He does not exist and that Christianity is a farce. Those who look at the cross of Christ and the resurrection and say that it is a fairy tale. I really have no patience for those who promote baby killing and who want to destroy the sanctity of marriage. Frankly, it is a good thing that I am not God because I am not as merciful as He is. And I am glad that you are not God because I would probably be annihilated. I am thankful for verses like this that tell me that God's desire is not for our destruction but for our life. Why is that? Because He is the God of life. Look at how this verse starts: "As I live...". As God lives He wants us to live.


As I read through the book of Ezekiel I see that people were ignoring, abusing, taking God for granted. They were not honoring Him as God and were basically spitting in His face in the way that they lived their lives. God told them that these actions were going to lead to death, destruction and dispersion...but they did not care and they continued to disobey His principles. God had every right to bring the hammer down. God had every right to pay them back and kill them all, but He instead says this: "I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked." Really. I mean these people are dirt. They are wicked. They don't deserve to live. And God says; "You are right. They don't deserve to live, but I want them to live. All they have to do is turn from their way. All they have to do is turn around and go the right direction. All they have to do is admit that they were wrong and commit to doing what is right. All they have to do is repent. and they will live."


So simple, but so hard. We want to be right. We think that our way is the best way. We don't want anyone telling us what to do, we want to play God, but God says: "Repent and live. Admit that you are not right, your way is not the best way, turn around, turn to Me and the result will be life. This is what I really want. I am not willing that any should perish. I want all to come to repentance."


The point: God loves life and He wants us to live as He lives...eternally, and He did gave His life to make this possible. The only thing standing in the way is my stubbornness. The only thing standing in the way is my unwillingness to change. If I get out of the way, I will live.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Eze 31:10,11    "Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Because it towered high and set its top among the clouds, and its heart was proud of its height, I will give it into the hand of a mighty one of the nations. He shall surely deal with it as its wickedness deserves. I have cast it out." ESV


Here we are again...pride. It's a killer. Here is God using trees again to draw a picture and teach a lesson. He compared Assyria to a tree. This was not an ordinary tree. This was a tall tree. This was a beautiful tree. In fact, it was so tall and beautiful that it exceeded any tree that was found in the Garden of God. But as I saw yesterday, position and beauty are dangerous, because they can lead to the killer...pride. Assyria was proud. Its pride lead to wickedness and this lead to its destruction.


It is interesting. Georgann and I are in Charleston South Carolina This is a beautiful area of the country and it is full of young, beautiful people. In fact, as you walk around downtown you can tell that style and beauty are something that people strive for. King Street has all of the fancy dancy stores that you can think of. Clothes, jewelry, perfume, restaurants...its all here. It is what Americans want. It is where people think they can find happiness because the right clothes, the right styles, and the right connections imply importance and we all want to feel important. Why? If I am important, then I am significant. If I am significant, then I am elevated. If I am elevated, then I am elevated over others. If I am elevated over others, I am proud. If I am proud, I am dead.


The tough lesson is this: We all want to be beautiful but beauty is not something that should be pursued. We all want to be important but position is not something that should be pursued. Rather, run hard after something else: character.


I think that this beauty thing is really important to women. Just look at this: "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised." Prov 31:20 And..."Do not let your adorning be external--the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear--but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." I Pet 3:3,4 Beauty is also important to guys. How? We like beautiful women. This is where men and women are both messed up because character is more important than anything, and we emphasize the wrong thing.


I think that this position thing is really important to men. We are a very competitive bunch. But just look at this: "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves." Phil 2:3 Position is also important to women. How? Women seem to like guys who have power. This where men and women are both messed up because character is more important than anything, and we emphasize the wrong thing.


Character: The fear of the Lord. Gentleness. Humility. All way more important than what we can buy at a store to make us look better. All way more important than position.


As I think about this, what am I running after? What do I want? Really?




Thursday, February 16, 2012

Look Out

Eze 28:17    Your heart was proud because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I exposed you before kings, to feast their eyes on you.


What are some of the things our society treasures? Beauty. Wealth. Intelligence. Power. If you are rich and smart, beautiful and have great influence, look out. I mean it. Look out.


This was the king of Tyre. This guy had everything and his kingdom had everything. Apparently he was a good looking guy who was given the smarts and the ability to develop a nation that was the envy of the world. It was the center of trade and culture.

"When your wares came from the seas, you satisfied many peoples; with your abundant wealth and merchandise you enriched the kings of the earth." Ez 27:33 And it was all under the leadership of this one handsome, wise, rich, powerful king.


So what is the problem with that? Isn't this what we all want? Isn't this sort of thing what the world clamors for? Yes it is, but like I said: Look out. This verse talks about this king's beauty and wisdom and splendor which were cast to the ground. Why? Pride. Unfortunately, when we are rich, or powerful, or beautiful, or smart we, as humans, have a tendency to become full of ourselves. We think we are all that and a bag of donuts. We start to think like this king started to think and believe: "I am a god". 28:2 Oh, we may not say it. We may not be that bold, but we live that way. We put ourselves above God and do the things that we want and not the things that He wants. In fact, this is the basis for all of our sin. Go back to the garden. What was Eve tempted with? "You will be like God.". Pride. This never-ending battle to compete with God. We are all in it. We all do it. And it doesn't matter how pretty or rich we are.


It just seems that when beauty, or money, or power or smarts get involved in the equation it heightens it. So should we desire to be plain and poor and unimportant? If those things are getting in the way of humility, then yes. We need to be willing to give those things up if they are a source of pride. We need to desire humility above any of these trappings...for they can trap. We need to understand who we really are...and that understanding will not come until we start to get a glimpse of who God really is. This king of Tyre took his eye off of this. Eve took her eye off of this. We all take our eyes off of this, and that is the beginning of pride. When we truly see who God is, it will shake us to the core. It will throw us on our faces in humility. And we will never, ever think our beauty or riches or power or intelligence are anything of significance. We will, I will bow to the only significant look out.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bow Now

Eze 25:17    I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon them."


I sit here at Cleveland Hopkins Airport waiting for our flight to go to Charleston to see Elise and Austin. As I wandered around, I looked at all the people and I thought to myself: "I wonder what all these people think about God? I wonder if any of them think that they are the center of the universe and simply live their lives without any thought of the fact that there is a mighty, sovereign, powerful, awesome God who controls it all. I think the answer to my question is pretty obvious...the answer is "Yes", this is how most people live. In fact, it is how we all live, doing our thing. How do I know? "All have sinned...". We all do our own thing, not God's thing. And by doing our own thing we are ignoring, avoiding, disobeying the God of all creation.


This was the deal with the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites and Philistines. These people decided that they were going to take on Israel. They decided that they were going to bring grief to this nation. They decided that the Jews were not worthy of life, so they did what they could do to destroy them. God's response? "I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon them." In other words: "You think you are going to do your own thing and play with Israel. Let's see who wins this game. I am going to play with you. I am going to execute great vengeance. You are going to be rebuked in My wrath." This is not an enviable position....but it is the position that we are all in when we turn our backs on God. If we do not surrender, if we do not bow down to this powerful, awesome Creator of all, we will also experience His great vengeance and be rebuked in His wrath. This should send chills down every human spine...but it doesn't. We think He is some benevolent Father who will overlook our rebellion. He won't.


I also think about the stupid guys who rule in Iran. I call them stupid because they think that they can take on Israel...and by taking on Israel they think that they can take on God. Dumb. To believe that you are smarter, more powerful, more authoritative than God is the height of pride...and stupidity. Some day, Ahmadinajad will know something: "He will know that I am the LORD." When that day comes, he will be on his face in front of the Almighty Lord.


The thing is, his fate is everyone's fate. We all take on God. When we refuse to listen to Him we are taking Him on, and we will eventually all know that He is the LORD. "Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God the Father."


All the better to do it now, for "there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." No condemnation. No wrath. No vengeance. Why? Because of Jesus. If only Ahmadinajad would bow to Christ now. If only Putin would bow to Christ now. If only Obama would bow to Christ now. If only I would bow to Christ now.



Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Promises, Promises

Ez 24:14 "I am the LORD. I have spoken; it shall come to pass; I will do it. I will not go back; I will not spare; I will not relent; according to your ways and your deeds you will be judged, declares the Lord GOD." ESV


The fact that God is true to His word has always brought me comfort. It has given me a firm foundation…stability. I am thankful that what He says He will do He does…that is until it comes to judgment. Then, I am not so sure. The thing is, God is true to all of His promises, good and bad. If He promises to bless, He will bless. If He promises to curse, He will curse. You can't take one and not the other. He is God and all that He says is true and will happen.


I am sure that Samaria and Jerusalem were not real happy about God's promises. His promise was that if they prostituted themselves with other nations, He would punish them. At the time, they ran after their own desires, they didn't care. Their immediate pleasure was more important to them than the ultimate fulfillment of the promise of God to bring judgment. So they ignored God's promises, they ignored God's word and did what they wanted. God's response: I am true to My word. "I am the LORD. I have spoken; it shall come to pass; I will do it. I will not go back; I will not spare; I will not relent; according to your ways and your deeds you will be judged…". In other words, you may want Me to let up when you are dealing with the consequences of your sin, but I am going to stay true to what I said and you will experience all that I have promised.


Decisions. We all make them. When am I going to get up? I have a choice. What am I going to eat? I have a choice. What am I going to say? I have a choice. What am I going to think about? I have a choice. What am I going to watch? I have a choice. Who am I going to hang with? I have a choice. Am I going to obey God? I have a choice. The fact that we have a choice is not the problem. The problem is that in our decision making we fail to consider the promises of God. We want what we want when we want it and who cares what God thinks, is dangerous. Why? Because God is true to His promises. He has spoken and it will come to pass. "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose life that you and your offspring may live," Deut 30:19


There it is. Life or death. Blessing or a curse. Decision making time. God is true to His promise.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One Guy

Ez 22:30 "And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none." ESV


One guy. Just one guy. That is all that was needed to prevent the hand of God's judgment to fall on Israel, but God looked and didn't find anyone.


Israel was a mess. Idolatry. Sexual immorality. Usury. Extortion. Violence. Power. Abuse. It was all there…and it was all encouraged. The leadership acted like they had direction but it didn't come from God. Kind of sounds familiar.


And God looked. He tried to find a guy who would repair the destruction. Who would bridge the gap so that He wouldn't destroy the country, but even God could not find a guy willing to do this. They were all interested in what they wanted. They were too consumed by their personal comfort. They were having too much fun and making too much money. No one was willing to take a stand.


As I think about this, I wonder what is going to happen in our country. As I write this our religious liberties are under attack. We have a President who thinks that he can tell religious organizations that they have to violate their long held beliefs, practices and convictions in order to fulfill his own agenda. We have a culture that is tolerant of every organization and every lifestyle with the exception of those who name the name of Jesus. I wonder how long this is going to go on? I wonder if there are men who will stand in the gap? I wonder if there are guys who will say: "Enough is enough.". Will we petition? Will we protest? Will we strike? Will we open our mouths? Will we pray? Will we act focused on eternity?


Probably a more pointed question is: What will I do? Will I stand in the gap? Will I be one guy?


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Passionate Communication

Ez 21:1 (8,18) "The word of the LORD came to me:" ESV


I have noticed that this phrase occurs over and over again in the book of Ezekiel. It has hit me before, but this time it really stood out. Maybe because it is said three times in this chapter, or maybe because of what I have been mulling over in my brain lately. Just think about it…"The word of the LORD came to me.". What a responsibility. What a privilege. Here is Ezekiel, a pretty normal guy, and God just keeps talking to him. God just keeps showing him stuff that he has to declare to his people. God just keeps revealing His mind. And what does God want Ezekiel to do when His word is given to him? Talk. Open his mouth. Declare His word. God didn't just give His word to Ezekiel to make him smarter or give him private insight. God gave Ezekiel His word to proclaim to his people what God was up to.


As I sit here writing this, I can't help but think that God wants that for me. I mean, I am really thankful that I get to read the Word of God every morning. I am really thankful that I get to spend time meditating on it by journaling. I am really thankful for the things that God teaches me…but what am I doing with it? Sure I send it out as a blog and people have the opportunity to read it and hopefully are encouraged and challenged, but when do I open my mouth and declare it? And when I do, how is it communicated? As something that is only an option, or do I communicate it with passion?


I get the idea that Ezekiel didn't just blandly talk about what God was showing him. I bet his heart was behind his words. I bet there was urgency in those words. I bet there was emotion and passion. How do I know? Look at verse v6. Ezekiel was to groan with breaking heart and bitter grief. This was something he felt. This was something that impacted his inner man to such an extent that it came out in how he communicated it.


Now does this mean I have to cry every time I talk? No. But it does mean that when I share God's word, it better have impacted my life first. It better be real to me. It better be something that I have chewed on so that when I share it, it is clear that this hasn't just impacted my mind but it has changed my heart so that I share it with my heart.


Why is this a big deal? Because it is the word of the LORD and nothing is more vital.


Monday, February 6, 2012

King Jesus

Ez 20:33 "As I live, declares the Lord GOD, surely with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with wrath poured out I will be king over you." ESV


Yesterday was a good day at church. Pastor Todd challenged us to fight for the heart of our King. Why? Because He is King and people are desperately in need of a real Ruler, a real Leader, a real Savior. Not this political garbage that we are being fed. These guys who are running for President are just fallen sinners like the rest of us. They need a King too. We are all in this sinful state together destined for eternal destruction. That is until we embrace our King…King Jesus.


And if there is any question, just do what Israel did…the dumb thing…try to be like the other nations who clamored for a king. Try to be like the other nations who run after other things, other gods, other leaders and ignore the One True King. What will happen? "…surely with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with wrath poured out…". God is going to reveal Himself. He did it with Israel, He is going to do it again. This is why it is important for us, for me to declare that Jesus is my King now. Jesus rules over my life now. And this is why it is important for us to declare this King to others now because no one will stand when He exerts His mighty hand and outstretches His arm of wrath.


The last six words of this verse are pretty final, pretty declarative. There is really no question that remains after these words are uttered: "I will be King over you.". The only question is: When? The amazing thing is that we have an option now. We have an opportunity now. We have the privilege of bowing to King Jesus now. When we do, we can avoid the wrath of God. But, if we are like Israel and want another king, if we are like Israel and want to run after our own gods, we will experience God's wrath only to declare He is King. "I will be King over you.". No one else. Nothing else. Only One King…King Jesus.


And for those of us who have said that Jesus is King, we have to live like it. There is nothing worse than a traitor. There is nothing worse than a person who declares his or her allegiance and then backs down. I have to, we all have to fight for the heart of our King…no matter what.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

No More Zombies

Ez 18:21,22 "But if a wicked person turns away from all his sins that he has committed and keeps all my statutes and does what is just and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die. None of the transgressions that he has committed shall be remembered against him; for the righteousness that he has done he shall live." ESV


Here is the backdrop for these verses: "The soul who sins shall die.". v 4,20 We are all in trouble because we all sin. We all screw up and at some time in our life we tell a lie, take something that isn't ours, have a rotten thought…whatever. We all sin. The conclusion…we all die. Paul said it: "For the wages of sin is death…". Pretty clear. But of course, this should not come as a shock. Everyone dies. I think there is more to it than that, though. "The SOUL who sins shall die.". This is more than just the death of our physical body. It is the death of who we are inside. It is the death of our inner man. It is the death of what makes us tick.


The weird thing is, this death can be three-fold. First, a person who sins will die before they physically die. That is their conscience is killed. There is no sense of right and wrong. There is no desire for what is true. They have become zombies. Mindless walking dead. We see it all around us, people just existing and not living. Why? Because of sin. And, they don't even know it. Second comes physical death. This is the thing that we are all familiar with because we have experienced it in our family, see it in the news, whatever. Finally comes spiritual death…eternal death. Going back to what Paul said: "For the wages of sin is death, BUT the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Rom 6:23 Paul is comparing eternal life with eternal death. This death is eternal separation from God. Eternal punishment…forever. That is a long time and no getting out. That is death. That is final death.


This is what puzzles me: People who think that real life means depravity. Those who think that to live it up in this life means to do all the dumb stuff that they can think of. Unfortunately, these are the zombies. They are walking around empty headed and empty hearted with an empty life. I see this right now in the live of several people that I know. The end result…death.


Yet there is this word: "But". "But the gift of God…". "But if the wicked person turns…" what do you get? "He shall surely live, he shall not die." "Eternal life." Physical death? Yes. Spiritual death? No…never. And in this life, no more zombiness. With repentance comes life. With turning away from sins and turning toward what is right by faith in Jesus what do we get? Forgiveness and life. Totally clean and totally alive…forever, with purpose, and hope, and meaning and freedom. How can this happen? "None of the transgressions that he has committed shall be remembered against him". Totally gone, forgiven, wiped clean….and alive…now and forever.


Saturday, February 4, 2012


Ez 17:24 "And all the trees of the field shall know that I am the LORD; I bring low the high tree, and make high the low tree, dry up the green tree, and make the dry tree flourish. I am the LORD; I have spoken, and I will do it." ESV


Is God interested in trees? Apparently. At least when the trees represent people. Ezekiel was given a story in chapter 17. In it God gave him a parable about a tree that grew as a result of an eagle taking part of the tree and planting it. This tree grew strong and prospered, but that may have been its downfall. With strength and prosperity came pride and self reliance. The result? It withered.


The point of the story? "I bring low the high tree, and make high the low tree." "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." James 4:6 & I Pet 5:5 "Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will exalt you." James 4:10 "The Lord lifts up the humble; He casts the wicked to the ground." Ps 147:6 And in nature: "Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low." Luke 3:5 In other words, there is no room for pride or being a big deal in the presence of God. This is back to humbled, confounded and speechless. There is no other attitude and no other position when it comes to facing God.


But that is our problem…that is my problem. When I decide that I want to do what I want to do and ignore God it is pride. It is placing myself above God. It is saying to God: "You don't know what You are talking about…I am smarter." Frankly, that is dumb, but it is what we are all like. When that happens, the high tree is made low, cast to the ground and God opposes us. Talk about a dangerous place.


The safe place? Low. Humble. Submitted. Obedient. It is in that position that God wants to help. It is in that position that God wants to honor. It is in that position that God wants to lift up, make high and flourish. Not because we deserve it because in that position we know that we don't, and that is the point. It's all God and we know it.


So, what will my heart attitude be today, and tomorrow and next week? May it be a short little tree.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Confounded and Speechless

Ez 16:62, 63 "I will establish my covenant with you, and you shall know that I am the LORD, that you may remember and be confounded, and never open your mouth again because of your shame, when I atone for you for all that you have done, declares the Lord GOD." ESV


This is just unreal. As I read through chapter 16, God lays out the sin of Israel. It was nasty. It was horrible. It was really unimaginable. God said that after all He did for Israel, made them comfortable, made them profitable, made them beautiful…they used their comfort and profit and beauty to betray Him and run after other gods. They prostituted themselves with others. Not only that, but they paid others so they could defile themselves with them. God even said that they were worse than Sodom. It was bad. The result, God extended His anger and His punishment so that Israel would be ashamed and disgraced.


But God is God. He didn't want to do this. He didn't enjoy punishing His people. Instead, He wanted to draw them in to a loving covenant relationship. Why? So they could know who He was. The same lesson was being learned in living through the consequences of their sin as well as in God's desire to bring them back: So they shall know that I am the Lord. And in knowing this they would remember. Remember what? How it used to be, how it is and how it can be. How it was: Profitable. How it is: Punishable. How it can be: Pardoned. It is that last realization that would blow them out of the water. It is the realization that even in all their junk, God forgave them, He covered them, He reconciled them…made things right again. What would this do? Confound them, humble them, and leave them speechless.


Isn't that the way it is? God blesses us and we kick Him in the teeth. God punishes us and we start to pay attention. God draws us back and forgives us and we are left humbled and speechless. That is the place that I want to be: humbled, confounded and speechless. "I don't know why Jesus loves me. I don't know why He cares. I don't know why He sacrificed His life. Oh, but I'm glad, I'm glad He did."


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pompous Deception

Ez 14:3 "Son of man, these men have taken their idols into their hearts, and set the stumbling block of their iniquity before their faces. Should I indeed let myself be consulted by them?" ESV


These people were really messed up. They worshipped other gods, they caused others to fall in sin as they followed them and not only did they think that what they said was from God and would be fulfilled (yesterday) but they also tried to give God advice. Talk about pompous deception. These guys had it and they didn't even know it.


Pompously deceived. That is how we can get sometimes. We think we are spiritual, we think that we are walking with God but there is this one thing that we just want to hang on to. There is this one thing that gets in the way. There is this one thing that is so important to us that we make decisions and do things that are so totally contrary to scripture that proves that we have made this thing an idol, and we don't even realize it. In our deception we think we are able to give advice, so we freely share our ideas and our values with others in an attempt to sway them. This is dangerous stuff.


In Ezekiel's day the advice came from these idolaters who tried to tell God's prophets what to do, how to live, what decisions to make. (v4) God had a warning to the advice takers: "Don't listen to them, for if you do, your end will be the same as theirs." (The rest of the chapter.)


This hits me two ways: First, am I pompously deceived? Is there anything there that is blocking my relationship with God? Is there anything there that is taking His place? Is there anything there that drives my decision making more than His word? If there is, don't try to give advice. Don't teach. Don't counsel. First, get the idol out of my life and walk with God…then maybe God will use me in the lives of others.


Second, are there people in my life who try to give me advice who think that they know the right thing to do, the right decisions to make, but things that they have done reveal that they should be the last ones I take advice from? Beware. I need to surround myself with people who are Christ focused, who make decisions based upon His word and not what is convenient.


I need to take an inward and outward look and make sure that I am not pompously deceived.