Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Passionate Communication

Ez 21:1 (8,18) "The word of the LORD came to me:" ESV


I have noticed that this phrase occurs over and over again in the book of Ezekiel. It has hit me before, but this time it really stood out. Maybe because it is said three times in this chapter, or maybe because of what I have been mulling over in my brain lately. Just think about it…"The word of the LORD came to me.". What a responsibility. What a privilege. Here is Ezekiel, a pretty normal guy, and God just keeps talking to him. God just keeps showing him stuff that he has to declare to his people. God just keeps revealing His mind. And what does God want Ezekiel to do when His word is given to him? Talk. Open his mouth. Declare His word. God didn't just give His word to Ezekiel to make him smarter or give him private insight. God gave Ezekiel His word to proclaim to his people what God was up to.


As I sit here writing this, I can't help but think that God wants that for me. I mean, I am really thankful that I get to read the Word of God every morning. I am really thankful that I get to spend time meditating on it by journaling. I am really thankful for the things that God teaches me…but what am I doing with it? Sure I send it out as a blog and people have the opportunity to read it and hopefully are encouraged and challenged, but when do I open my mouth and declare it? And when I do, how is it communicated? As something that is only an option, or do I communicate it with passion?


I get the idea that Ezekiel didn't just blandly talk about what God was showing him. I bet his heart was behind his words. I bet there was urgency in those words. I bet there was emotion and passion. How do I know? Look at verse v6. Ezekiel was to groan with breaking heart and bitter grief. This was something he felt. This was something that impacted his inner man to such an extent that it came out in how he communicated it.


Now does this mean I have to cry every time I talk? No. But it does mean that when I share God's word, it better have impacted my life first. It better be real to me. It better be something that I have chewed on so that when I share it, it is clear that this hasn't just impacted my mind but it has changed my heart so that I share it with my heart.


Why is this a big deal? Because it is the word of the LORD and nothing is more vital.


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