Sunday, February 19, 2012


Eze 33:11 "As I live, declares the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live;" ESV


Sometimes I wish that God would bring justice to those who hate Him. You know, the leaders in various countries who want to destroy Israel. Others who promote the idea that He does not exist and that Christianity is a farce. Those who look at the cross of Christ and the resurrection and say that it is a fairy tale. I really have no patience for those who promote baby killing and who want to destroy the sanctity of marriage. Frankly, it is a good thing that I am not God because I am not as merciful as He is. And I am glad that you are not God because I would probably be annihilated. I am thankful for verses like this that tell me that God's desire is not for our destruction but for our life. Why is that? Because He is the God of life. Look at how this verse starts: "As I live...". As God lives He wants us to live.


As I read through the book of Ezekiel I see that people were ignoring, abusing, taking God for granted. They were not honoring Him as God and were basically spitting in His face in the way that they lived their lives. God told them that these actions were going to lead to death, destruction and dispersion...but they did not care and they continued to disobey His principles. God had every right to bring the hammer down. God had every right to pay them back and kill them all, but He instead says this: "I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked." Really. I mean these people are dirt. They are wicked. They don't deserve to live. And God says; "You are right. They don't deserve to live, but I want them to live. All they have to do is turn from their way. All they have to do is turn around and go the right direction. All they have to do is admit that they were wrong and commit to doing what is right. All they have to do is repent. and they will live."


So simple, but so hard. We want to be right. We think that our way is the best way. We don't want anyone telling us what to do, we want to play God, but God says: "Repent and live. Admit that you are not right, your way is not the best way, turn around, turn to Me and the result will be life. This is what I really want. I am not willing that any should perish. I want all to come to repentance."


The point: God loves life and He wants us to live as He lives...eternally, and He did gave His life to make this possible. The only thing standing in the way is my stubbornness. The only thing standing in the way is my unwillingness to change. If I get out of the way, I will live.

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