Saturday, December 31, 2011

Truth and Personal Agendas

Esther 6:13b "If Mordecai, before whom you have begun to fall, is of the Jewish people, you will not overcome him but will surely fall before him."


This was it for Haman. Even his wife and friends knew it. Mordecai had been honored in Haman's presence and before the people, and this really bugged Haman. This was the guy that Haman hated. This was the guy that would not bow before Haman. This was the guy that caused Haman to issue a decree that he and all of the Jewish people would be destroyed. And now Mordecai was being honored? What was going on? This isn't how things were supposed to work out. Haman's plan was that Mordecai and the Jews would be annihilated and he would be a big deal in the kingdom. This plan was unraveling before his eyes. What did he do? He went to his wife and wise men for advice...and their advice? You are going to fall before him. Not exactly the advice he wanted to hear, but it was the truth, and he had to hear it.


Truth is like that sometimes. We make plans. We think they are good plans. We think everyone should be on board and then things start to unravel. Something went wrong. Maybe it was our motivation. Maybe it was our attitude. Maybe it was pride or a desire for recognition. Maybe our agenda was all wrong. Maybe we really did not hear from God but our plan was all self centered. And then the truth comes. Someone is kind enough but real enough to tell us the truth and it hurts. It isn't what we want to hear, but we know that it is what we should hear. At that point we have a choice. We can either repent and turn around and change or we can continue on with our dumb, self centered plans and watch what happens. Haman probably thought that his plan was still going to work when he went to have dinner with the king and queen the second time. He should have begged for mercy immediately when he went to dinner. After all he had been warned, but he didn't. He sat there and sucked in their food and watched the total destruction of his life play out before him during dinner. (Chapter 7)


What do I do when I am confronted with the truth? What do I do when someone comes to me and is real with me? Most of the time, the truth is spoken to me by my best friend, my wife. I don't always like what I hear, but I know that she is telling me what is right. Do I respond by continuing to go my own way? Do I ignore her warnings? Do I get defensive? Do I continue on with my selfish agenda? The smart thing to do is to repent. To change. To really listen and heed. To immediately admit my wrong and go down the right path.


To do otherwise is foolish. To do otherwise is dangerous. To keep pursuing my selfish agenda is destructive. Don't do it.



Friday, December 30, 2011

Big Deal

Esther 5:11 "And Haman recounted to them the splendor of his riches, the number of his sons, all the promotions with which the king had honored him, and how he had advanced him above the officials and the servants of the king."


Here was a guy who thought he was a big deal. He had been selected by the king for a position of leadership. He had been individually invited by Queen Esther to join her and the King for dinner, not once, but twice and now he was gloating. This was it. This was the best. It couldn't get any better. So what did he do? He started to show off. He started to brag. He grabbed his wife and friends and told them how wonderful and how rich he was. He was saying: "Look how great I am. I have all of these riches. I have this wonderful family. I have been promoted and honored by the king far above anyone else. And now I get to have dinner…again, with the King and Queen."


Little did he know. He had no clue that this was a set up. He didn't consider the words of Solomon: "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." Prov 16:18. He didn't have the words of Paul: "Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall." I Cor 10:12 No. He decided that if he had it he was going to flaunt it. He was going to tell everyone he knew just how wonderful he was.


There is danger in being honored…or, in Haman's case, thinking that he was being honored. Being honored is actually a test. How will you handle it? Will it go to your head? Will you start thinking that you are all that? "The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but man is tested by the praise he receives." Prov 27:21 NIV Haman failed this test big time. He would realize later just how much he failed. He experienced a forever fall. He experience total destruction.


This is a huge warning to me. God has allowed me to see some very nice things happen as a lawyer. Big deal. Complements and honors and recognition are a great pat on the back, but it should not, it cannot define who I am. Who am I? Nothing. I have to remember: "God is everything, I am nothing, but He wants to make me something." And that something is not a pride filled, boasting, pompous jerk. Rather, it needs to be a thankful, humble servant of God. When I get away from that, I am doomed.


No big deal here. Just someone who wants to (going back to yesterday) accomplish His purpose and be used in any way God desires.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

For Such a Time as This

Esther 4:14 "For if you keep silent this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"


Mordecai was becoming an embarrassment to Esther. Here he was sitting outside the king's palace in sackcloth. There was a law that no one was to do this. So Esther tried to send him clothes to wear, but he refused. She really did not know what was going on because she was not politically connected to Haman. Mordecai had to tell her that there was a law that was enacted that would result of the destruction of all of the Jews on a certain day. Because of this he had one request and that was that Esther go to the king and beg for mercy for her people. Right away red flags went up in Esther's mind. She knew that if she tried to approach the king without being summoned, that one of two things could happen. Either he could extend his scepter to her and ask her to approach, or he could kill her. Frankly, she was not sure that she liked this 50/50 proposition. She reminded Mordecai of her chances and Mordecai really reminded her of her chances. It was either 50/50 that she would be killed now, or a one hundred percent chance that she would be killed later. I guess when you put it in those terms, things become clearer.


I love Mordecai's confidence in God. He reminded Esther that she and her family would not survive if she did not go to the king, but he had confidence that God was not going to destroy all of the people. He knew in his heart of hearts that God would raise someone else up to deliver the Jews.


I kind of look at my witness this way. As I studied in Ephesians 1, "He predestined us for adoption as sons thought Jesus Christ, for the purpose of His will" and He did this before the foundation of the world. (v4,5) As a result, God is not dependent on me to save anyone. God will get His work done regardless of what I do or the words that I say. Relief and deliverance will rise from another place.


But, I have to keep in mind: "Who knows whether I have come to this situation for such a time as this?"


God had everything under control with the Jews. He was not losing any sleep over what was going to happen, but he wanted to use a girl that He placed in this position at this time. The key here was not the need. The key here was Esther's obedience.


The same is true today with me. He has placed me where He has placed me for a reason. God is not only in control of my destiny, He is in control of my path getting to that eventual destiny. He wants to see whether I am going to listen and be obedient along that path. In short, He wants to use me to accomplish His purposes. Now, He doesn't have to use me. He will get done what He wants to get done regardless, but He, in His grace, wants me to be in on it. Amazing.


The question I need to answer is how I will respond regardless of the risk. Will I open my mouth? Will I say the word? Will I do the deed? Will I obey and watch God work through me, or will I sit back and watch Him use someone else?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Esther 3:6 "But he distained to lay hands on Mordecai alone. So as they made known to him the people of Mordecai, Haman sought to destroy all the Jews, the people of Mordecai, throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus.


So what else is new? Here is this guy that the king promoted and gave authority to, Haman. (What was Ahasuerus thinking?) He set out a law that said that everyone needed to bow to him...and everyone did, except one guy, Mordecai.


Wild how the many will succumb to stupid and unbiblical laws. I wonder what laws we are following that God will one day say: "Why did you do that?"


I digress. So, Haman is not a happy camper. He is so teed off that he decides to issue another decree. This decree did not only apply to Mordecai, but to the entire people of Mordecai, the Jews. This new decree issued an order that all of the Jews, young and old, women and children, would be rounded up and killed on one certain day. (v 13)


Like I said: What else is new. For some reason throughout history, there has never been one people group who have been hated like the Jews. It seems like they have always had a target on their backs. Multiple nations and multiple leaders have attempted to wipe them out. Some of the noteworthy are guys like Pharaoh seeking to destroy them. Here is Haman seeking to destroy them. Then there was Hitler seeking to destroy them. And there is Ahmadinejad who is currently seeking to destroy them. There is nothing new under the sun. The Jews will always be sought out to be destroyed. Just look at Mark 13:14 and something called the "Abomination of Desolation" where the Jewish temple is desecrated, and you will see that this is going to continue until Jesus returns. I just think of Israel, this tiny little country about the size of New Jersey. Why are people so intent on destroying it? What is so special about this nation? Why don't the Swiss have a target on their backs like the Jews?


The reason the Jews have a target on their backs is because they are a special people. They are a chosen people. They are God's people...and their persecution through the ages just proves it. But then I think of verses like I Pet 2:9 that says that "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession...". Peter was writing to Christians. We too are a special people, a chosen people. We have an inheritance with the original people of God, and we too can expect that we will have targets on our backs. We already do. Look who is being persecuted across the world...Christians. Look at where an article on FOX yesterday outlined how Christians are being destroyed and driven out of Afghanistan right now. The Jewish people and Christians are both in for it.


That is why, when I pray for the world, I pray that God will strengthen and protect and allow both the Jews and Christians to endure.


There is nothing new. God's people will always be targets because we are God's people.



Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Empty Nest Dad

Esther 2:11 "And every day Mordecai walked in front of the court of the harem to learn how Esther was and what was happening to her." ESV

So Ahasuerus is teed off at his wife so what does he do? Banishes her from his presence and determines to find a new wife. They gathered beautiful, young virgins for a beauty contest. These virgins would be observed by Ahasuerus and he would pick one of them to be his queen. There was one, in particular, who really stuck out. The king "loved" her more than any of the others. Her name was Esther. Esther was a Jewish orphan who was raised by her uncle, Mordecai. Now Uncle Mordecai was more than just an uncle…he was in a very real sense, a Dad. I am not talking about a Dad in a physical sense. I am talking about a Dad who loves, and nurtures, and teaches, and provides and protects his daughter. This is a Dad. We have way too many Dads in the physical sense who really are not Dad's in a real sense. They ignore their responsibility to nurture, teach, provide and protect. And they don't have a clue about loving their children. Not Mordecai. This guy was on it. Even though Esther was taken to the king to see if she would be the one the king wanted to become the queen, Mordecai did not abandon his responsibility to care for his niece. Even though he was now an "empty nest Dad" he would daily walk in front of the harem and find out what was going on. Every day he would get news from the people who knew, how Esther was doing.

I am thankful to be a Dad. I am grateful to God that He blessed me with two beautiful daughters. I am thankful that they still come to me to ask questions from time to time. It is fun to see how God has worked in them and developed them into capable young adults. The thing is, even though they are out of the house, I will always be their Dad. I may not walk outside their houses every day to see how they are doing, but they know that I am always there. I am always interested. Their Mom and I are always available. That is how Mordecai was. He was not going to interfere, but he was there if Esther needed him.

Come to think about it, that is how my Dad was. When I was a kid…loving, nurturing, teaching in his own way, providing and protecting. Sure, the provision, nurturing, and protection one day ended when I left, but he was always there to love and encourage. I am thankful for that. I am thankful that God blessed me with the heritage that He did. I am thankful that God gave me a great example in my Dad.

I hope and pray that I can be the right kind of empty nest Dad that God intends.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Respect and Honor

Esther 1:12 "But queen Vashti refused to come at the king's command delivered by the eunuchs. At this the king became enraged, and his anger burned within him." ESV


Well, I finished my study in Ephesians. Man, that was a good one. Then I did a short study leading up to the birth of Jesus at the beginning of Matthew and Luke. Now Christmas is over and I wondered: "What am I going to study now?" For some reason I landed in Esther. Who knows why, but here goes.


King Ahasuerus was a big deal king. He reigned over 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia. Now this is pretty large land mass. In fact, if you were to fly from India to Ethiopia it would take you almost five and a half hours. I am thinking that this guy had a lot of power. Not only that, but he had a lot of money. He decided to throw a party for his officials and servants for 180 days. The purpose of the party? To show off. To show the Medes and Persians just how powerful and rich he really was. This guy had it all. Fine linens, furniture and utensils of gold and silver; floors of marble, porphyry (igneous rock with large crystals) mother of pearl and precious stones (just think, you throw emerald and diamonds in your floor); and all of the finest wine and as much as the finest wine that anyone wanted to drink. And his wife, Vashti, was beautiful and "lovely to look at". This guy lived in the lap of luxury and was surrounded by beauty.


After he got done showing off all of his stuff, he wanted to show off his wife. Only one problem. Vashti wanted nothing to do with it. He summoned for her, but she refused to come. He wanted to show everyone just how lucky he was to have such a beautiful and complying wife. Beauty? Maybe. Complying? No. The result? Embarrassment. Well no one, not even his wife was going to embarrass this guy. He had it all. He could get it all. Everyone was to respond to his command and his wife did not.


Now, why did I pick this verse today? What hit me? I realize that it does not matter how much stuff I have. I does not matter how rich I am. It doesn't matter how powerful I am. It doesn't matter what accolades I receive or how impressive I am. What matters is my relationship with Georgann. Yes she is beautiful but her real beauty is her inner person. Vashti missed this. The problem is, Ahasuerus also missed some things. He probably did not respect her. He probably did not treat her well. Sure, she had it all but it doesn't matter. What matters is relationship, and these two obviously did not have this together. He only cared about status and using her. She only cared about her own personal control. These are not elements of a good marriage and when they exist, things cave in.


My question is how do I treat my wife? With respect and honor...or do I take her for granted? How do I respond to her when we don't agree? Do I get angry? Ahasuerus did. God, let me respond appropriately and let me honor her. Please allow our relationship be what You want.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Jesus’ I.D.

Luke 2:11 "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

My imagination gets going sometime. I am thinking back around 2011 years ago when some shepherds were out in their fields taking care of their sheep. It was a quiet night. The sheep were probably sleeping. In fact, the shepherds were probably getting in a few winks themselves. In the middle of one of their snores a blast of light came out of the sky and something that looked like a person, but could not be a person because it came to them in a flash, in a blaze of glory, stood in front of them and made an announcement. Weird. An angel came to lowly shepherds. God made this major announcement to some rag-tag group of guys who watch sheep. Why didn't He tell Pharaoh? Why didn't He go to the High Priest? Why shepherds?

Anyway, this angelic being stood in the middle of the shepherds with the glory of God surrounding him and this is what he said: "There is born to you this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

Now, would the shepherds grasp this news? Would they understand what this angel was talking about? Well, in case they didn't, the angel made it very clear who this little baby was.

First, where he was born…in the city of David. Wait. Isn't Jerusalem the city of David? Was the baby born in Jerusalem? No. Micah predicted that this child was going to be born in Bethlehem. How is Bethlehem the city of David? Because Bethlehem is where David was from. In I Samuel 16, Samuel was instructed to go to "Jesse the Bethlehemite…So Samuel did what the Lord said, and went to Bethlehem" and found a king…David. The real city of David is Bethlehem…and the shepherds knew this.

Then a couple of identifiers: A Savior. A Deliverer. A Preserver. A Rescuer was born. These were tough times. Israel was in a rough situation. And the world was lost. In fact, we are still in tough times, in rough situations…we are still lost and we all need a Rescuer, a deliverer, a Savior. Here He is. No need to look anywhere else. The Savior was born.

Then the angel called Him something that had not been heard before. He didn't call this baby by His given name, Jesus. Instead the angel called Him "Christ". What's with that? Another name. Christ means "anointed" or "anointed one"…Messiah. This Rescuer was also the anointed one of God. No one else. God had placed His anointing on this One. "There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12. This Savior is the only anointed One. Not Krishna. Not Buddha. Not Mohammed. Not Joseph Smith. Only this baby who was born in the city of David. He alone is the anointed Savior of the world.

And then the big identifier: Lord. Kyrios. The same Kyrios found in Luke 1:9 (the temple of the Lord),28 (when the angel said to Mary: "the Lord is with you"), 45 (what was told to her by Lord) and 46 ("my soul magnifies the Lord"). This One born in the city of David, this Savior, this Christ is Lord-God…born as a human being. This Jesus is God.

Amazing. The God of all creation came to this earth in the form of a baby, born in a manger, announced to shepherds…His name: Jesus…Jehovah is Salvation…for He will save His people from their sins.

This Baby saved this person from his sins. Thank you God.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas is Coming

Matt 1:21 "'And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.'"

(Written on 12-13)

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. The snow hasn't fallen yet, but the lights are on the houses, the trees and wreaths are up in the living rooms, and last night at our house the stockings got hung. You turn on the radio and on a great number of stations all you hear is Christmas music. And then of course, the stores. All decorated and stocked for what looks like a good shopping year.

Christmas is in the air. Very unlike what happened when the first Christmas occurred. The first Christmas? A pregnant girl, a fearful and wondering fiancé, and angels in dreams. The focus? Not lights, or snow, or music, or buying stuff. The focus was on: How? What? Why? The how? A virgin having a baby. Conceived by the Holy Spirit of God. Strange. Unlike anything that ever happened in history and has ever happened since.

The What? A Son. A little boy who would one day grow up to be a man. And His name? Jesus. This was not a family name. This was not a name that had been used in the genealogy of this child. Just look at all the names that came before Him. No Jesus in those names. What gives?

The why: "For He will save His people from their sins." The name "Jesus" actually means: "Jehovah is salvation". Built into the name of Jesus was an identifier: Jehovah. And who is Jehovah? The first time the word "Jehovah" is used in the Bible is Gen 2:4 "This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens," The word "LORD" is the word Jehovah. It means: the existing One. In this little baby boy was the infleshment of creator Jehovah, the eternally existing One. And this Jesus, whose name identifies Him as God also identifies Him as Savior.

Savior…why Savior? Because His people, the Jews needed a Savior. Why did they need a Savior? Because they had sin. They missed the mark. They failed to live up to the standard that God had set and screwed up. They needed to be rescued because sin really messes us up. Jesus' role was to save. Save means "to preserve one who is in danger of destruction, to save or rescue". (Strongs.) These people were in danger. They were in danger of destruction and they needed to be rescued. They were in danger of destruction because of their sin. They needed a Savior who could take care of this.

And frankly, we all need this. We are all on the path to destruction because we all sin. We have all violated God's standard. We all miss the mark. So God did something, He sent Jesus. He sent Jehovah is Salvation so that we all could be rescued from destruction. "For God so loved the world (all of us) that He gave His one and only Son, so whoever believes in Him would not perish (destruction) but have everlasting life." John 3:16 We are all on the path of destruction. We are all doomed to perish. We all have been condemned. Without a Savior we are done. We are gone. It is over.

But then Jesus came. Jehovah is Salvation came. We have a Rescuer. We have a way out. We have relief. We have safety. But it only comes through one Person…Jesus. "There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved."

People may argue: "There are other ways. There has to be other ways. I can be good enough. Or, I can believe in whoever I want to believe, it all leads to God." No. No other name. No other Savior. No other Jehovah is Salvation. No other way, truth or life. Jesus is it. To think otherwise is totally illogical, for if there are other ways, then Jesus did not have to die. It was stupid for Him to die. He should have just said: "Forget the cross…go the other way." But He didn't because Jehovah is Salvation. And then I was thinking yesterday, if there was another way, then Jesus did not even have to come. He didn't have to be born. This virgin birth stuff did not have to happen. We could have gone another route if there was another route. Forget Christmas. It isn't necessary. Yes it is, because Jehovah is Salvation.

It's all about Jesus because He said that it was all about us. Doomed to destruction and given a Savior. Praise God!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Peace, Love, Faith

Eph 6:23 "Peace to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." NKJV

Once again, I thought this was it. I thought this was going to be the last verse, but it isn't. This is just setting things up for the last verse.

Look at what Paul desires for this church: Peace, love, faith. Look at what he started with: "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Eph 1:2 And then Eph 3:17,18 "rooted and grounded in love…to know the love of Christ" and 4:15 "speaking the truth in love", and 5:2 "walk in love", 5:25 "husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church", and 6:16 "above all (above all…big deal piece of armor) taking the shield of faith." These are big deal qualities that I should have in my life…peace, faith and love. Just think if we all had this. Just think if the church of Jesus Christ truly possessed these three qualities, peace, love and faith, people would absolutely be drawn to what we have. We would not be able to keep people away. People would be asking us: "What is the deal? Why are you so peaceful? Why are you so loving? Why do you have this unbelievable trust in God?...I want that."

I wonder. I wonder why that does not happen? I wonder why people don't ask me those questions? Do I lack these qualities? If so, how do I get them?

"From God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." This is stuff that we can't manufacture. This is stuff that we are incapable of developing in our lives. This all goes back to chapter one: "It's all God." God gives peace. Jesus gives love. God gives faith. He is the source of it all. We get these spiritual character qualities "from God our Father (there that is again…walk as children of light…spiritual DNA) and the Lord Jesus Christ."

So what do I do? How are these qualities developed? Well, "faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God"…so get in the word. And "don't be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." And love? "God is love"…I have to find my very existence in the God of love.

Peace, love, faith…pray for them.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Man Up!

Eph 6:19 "and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel," NKJV

Today I thought I was going to wrap up the book of Ephesians. I thought I was going to hit one last verse and then move on…but no. There is more. This is the verse that hit me today. Why? I think because what Paul was asking that the Ephesian church pray for him is something that we all need to pray for one another. Because what Paul was asking for is something that we all need. Because what Paul was requesting is something that needs to be evident in my life.

Here is Paul, the Apostle. Sitting in jail. Possibly waiting for his execution. And what is he thinking about? His last meal? Is he feeling sorry for himself? Is he hoping that people would come to visit him? Does he want someone to send him some candy? What does he want? Boldness. A guy who has been bold his whole life, who has gone out on missionary journeys, who has helped establish churches,. who was in jail because of his boldness wants more. He wants to have the words to say (utterance is actually "logos") so that he may speak freely, openly, frankly about the mystery of the Gospel. Here we are, back in chapter three…the mystery…understanding the incomprehendable. He wants to tell whoever he can, whenever he can.

And I get nervous. And I hesitate. And I wonder if I should. And I…Give me a break! I need to Man Up. That is what our guys in church are challenging each other to do…Man Up. Don't be a wimp. Speak boldly.

The cool thing is we can help each other. How? By praying for one another. That is what Paul wanted this church to do for him. It is what we should ask our church to do for us. We should ask others to ask God to give us the words to speak openly about Him. That is a good first step and then watch what happens.

God, give me words. God give these guys words. Allow us to open our mouths and tell people the Good News.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Eph 6:13 "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." NKJV

We have a formidable enemy. He is out to steal and kill and destroy. This is not a picnic. This is war. All we have to do is look around and we can see destruction. Destruction in culture, destruction in society, destruction in leadership, destruction in business, destruction in government, destruction in families, destruction in individual lives. Really, if you do not have something more powerful than your own smarts and energy, you are doomed. We can't fight this battle in our own strength...we need something more, and that something more is the whole armor of God.

I love Paul's emphasis on taking up the whole armor of God. He didn't want the church at Ephesis to fall because they failed to protect their heads because they didn't put their helmet on, he wanted them to cover themselves in God's complete armor, in God's protection, in God's security. Why? So they and we can withstand in the evil day.

I don't know about you, but I sure see an evil day. I don't want to sound like a negative Nancy, but when I see what is going on in our world, I just don't see it getting better. In fact, the Bible said that things were going to progress from bad to worse. Not real encouraging. But the cool thing is that God has given us the tools to withstand. To withstand means to resist. It means to oppose. It is not a wimpy "Oh no, what are we going to do?" It is a force. And then when have done everything we can, we will stand. We will be fixed. We will not move. We will be established.

I think that this is something that the church needs to hear right now. It is something all believers need to hear as we watch our world. We have to be ready for what is going to come. And how do we get ready? Take up every piece of God's armor: truth, and righteousness, and the Gospel of peace, and faith, and salvation, and the Word of God, and prayer. Every piece is vital. Every piece is needed. Every piece protects and defends. And one piece is an offensive weapon...the Word of God. Each piece needs to be firmly in place in my life so that I can withstand and finally stand firm. No moving. No wavering. No compromising. No wimping out. Stand firm.

These were Paul's final words to the Ephesian church. This is what he wanted them to grasp. It is what I have to grab and hold on to. A life of truth, righteousness, the Good News of peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God and prayer. Take it all up. Live it. Walk it. Every day. Stand.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Eph 6:10 "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." NKJV

Paul is wrapping it up. He is coming in for a landing. He is getting ready to end his letter. He has said a ton up to this point. I have really enjoyed going through the book of Ephesians. So rich. So practical. But this is it. This is what he wants these people to remember. If they forget it all (and they wouldn't) this is the one thing that he wants them to hang on to: "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."

I remember him saying stuff like this before. Eph 1:17-20 "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places," And how about this: Eph 3:20,21
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen." Paul is bringing these people back to the power of God. Paul is reminding these people of their dependence. "Not by (human) might, nor by (human) power, but by My Spirit says the Lord." Zech 4:6 Paul is reminding these people that they are in a battle and they cannot win this war on their own. They have to rely on the power of God's might. Our strength is not in ourselves, it is in God's Spirit.

This verse could actually read: "Finally, brothers, receive strength in the Lord and in the force of His strength and ability." It all goes back to chapter one. It all goes back to the fact this is all God. It is His choosing. It is His adoption. It is His forgiveness. It is His Will. It is His purpose. It is His glory. And it is His power and might. I can't live this life successfully on my own. I can't fight the battles, overcome the temptations, defeat the habits, eliminate the thoughts, correct the attitudes on my own. I have to receive strength from God. I have to live in the power that raised Jesus from the dead. I am totally and utterly dependent on God and His ability…not my ability.

The thing that I love about this is that Paul does not just leave it here. He tells us how. That is tomorrow.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Working for Jesus

Eph 6:5,6 "Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart," NKJV

Paul is giving it to us right where we live. He hits wives and husbands and children and Dads, and now employees. He was addressing servants who gave themselves freely in the service of other people. That sounds an awful like an employee to me. When you think about it, most of us are employees not employers (Paul hits them too.). As a result, this verse applies to probably 90 percent of us.

What am I supposed to be like as an employee? What should characterize my life when I work at Bentoff & Duber? Obedience and sincerity. Obedience deals with listening and submitting (there is that submit to one another thing again). Sincerity deals with mental honesty (and I would think ethical honesty) and a generous spirit.

Now, I have been very blessed. God has given me a great job with a great boss. Doing what Michael wants is not really an issue. But I know that there are times when I can be tempted to complain. God says that complaining on the job and because of our jobs is out of the question. We have to be genuine. We have to be sincere. And this one, we have to be generous. Not necessarily with money but with our time. I know that I love to go home at the end of the day. My home is my refuge. Yet, if I need to stay and work, I need to stay and work. And while I am there, I need to use my time well. I need to be obedient and sincere and work hard.

Why? I am not really working for Bentoff & Duber. I am working for Jesus Christ. He is my ultimate boss. He is the One who calls the shots. He is the One who put me in the position that I have. I am accomplishing His will where I am at, so work hard at it.

Paul was getting this message out to other churches as well: "Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men," Col 2:22,23

I wonder what it would be like if every Christian did this? I wonder how much work would get done? I wonder how productive would our companies be? How much evangelizing would get done because employers would see a different attitude in believers?

For me, today…work hard. I am working for Jesus.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Dads…Read This

Eph 6:4 "And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord." NKJV

Wow. Before I began writing today I looked up some words in Strongs. I looked up "provoke", "bring them up", "training" and "admonition". What did I find? We Dad's have a huge responsibility. I would venture to say that if we do what this verse charges us to do, we will see our kids walking in the truth as adults and they would be doing this with their kids.

I think that it is huge that this is given to fathers to do. It doesn't say: "Mothers…bring them up". This responsibility is for Dads. This responsibility lays squarely at our feet. God expects believing Dads to do this with their kids. And what does He expect?

Don't provoke your kids to wrath. I know that when my kids were growing up, I could get impatient. I especially got impatient with Elise's study habits. One night, and I remember this like it was yesterday, she was sitting at the piano and I told her to get studying. I told her that if she continued in her study habits she could expect to really screw up in college. Now that is encouraging, isn't it? Those are words that should exit a Dad's mouth…words of edification…promoting her growth. Not! Well, who was right? Did she know what she was doing or was I just trying to squeeze her into my little mold? She graduated as the Salutatorian in High School. Then she went to college. You think that my "encouragement" would end. No. I had to keep going. She started as an art major. I thought this was cool because both she and Mich are very artistic. She went through her first year and did very well…and then something happened. God invaded. She wanted to change her major to nursing. Was I encouraging? Did I say…"Great, whatever you want"? No. I had to hassle her. What a dummy I am. Who was right? Again, she graduated with a nursing degree with honors and is working in her nursing field right now. I am sure that I could give other examples about dumb stuff I did with Mich too. I am just thankful that God protected Mich and Elise from my stupidity and they were not provoked to anger, to discouragement, to exasperation.

What are we as Dads supposed to do? Bring our kids up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Bring them up means to nourish to maturity. Training means the whole education of our kids in their mind and morals that includes cultivating the soul by correcting mistakes and curbing passions and giving them instruction that increases their purity. Admonition means exhortation. In sum, it means that Dad's need to disciple their kids. I wonder how we are doing? Are we nourishing our kids to maturity. To nourish means to feed them good spiritual food. Do we? Do we even think about it? Do we spend time nourishing ourselves so we can feed our kids? This is very similar to husbands love your wives, sanctify your wives with the word. We should be doing the same thing with our kids.

And how are we doing on the training end where we educate their minds and establish their morals. What are our kid's passionate about? Sports? Clothes? Popularity? Grades? Money? Or God and His word? What they see and hear is what they will catch and live. I hope that is what happened on my end.

Even now as I think back about how my girls were raised, I know that I should have done a better job. I thank God He is gracious and merciful and that my girls are godly women now. Apparently, I (and especially my wife) did something right. One thing I know…God is faithful.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Guys…Read This

Eph 5:25,26 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,"

A couple of months ago, the guys at church had something called "Inside Without". Every year we have a retreat in March that is called "Inside Out" and the guys who lead our men's ministry thought it would be cool to start the new year with a time of prayer and fasting. As a result, we spent a weekend together "Inside Without".

One thing that came from that weekend was a discussion of these verses. What does it mean for us to love our wives as much as Christ loved the church? What does it mean that we are to sanctify her and cleanse her? And how do we do that?

So many times we reflexively say that we are to love our wives as much as Christ loved the church, and that means we have to be willing to die for her. That is true. Jesus gave His life for the church and those of us who are married should be willing to give up our lives for our wives. That is, until we have to do the dishes, or help with the laundry, or spend time talking to our wives instead of watching the game on TV. Then giving up our lives seems little in comparison. We say that we are willing to die, but then we don't die to self. We don't submit. Hey, I thought this submitting thing was for the woman? No. Eph 5:21 says to submit to one another. That means yielding what I want for what she wants...and being thankful about it. (5:20) Let's face it, sometimes death seems easier.

And this loving thing does not end with the willingness to die, it also is proactive. It is my responsibility to make sure that my wife is clean, is pure, is holy, is sanctified (set apart). Jesus did what He could do to make the church clean, we have to do what we can do to make our wives pure. How? "With the washing of water by the word." Sanctified in truth.

This is what hit me that weekend, and it hits me again today. I have to pray with my wife. I have to read the Bible with my wife. And I have to share what God is teaching me with my wife. (That is assuming that I am in the word and being taught. If I am not, then that is a real problem for me, my wife and my family.) For some reason guys are not prone to do this. When we fail to do it, we are not loving our wives like Jesus loved the church. We are negligent. And when we are negligent, our wives are on their own. This is not what God intended.

My take away point today is that I have to be more consistent in sharing what God is teaching me. It doesn't have to be a long dissertation, just a point of conversation. Watch what happens.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Eph 5:18 "And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit,"

This is just a continuation of the thought from yesterday…the Spirit's work in our lives in having a mental understanding of the will of God. It all works together, but it only works when we are filled with the Holy Spirit.

It is kind of weird that Paul would combine being drunk with being filled with part of the Trinity. Now, thankfully I have never been drunk, but I have seen people who are, and it isn't pretty. They do things that they would not normally do. They say things that they would not normally say. They act in ways that they would not normally act. Why? Because they are filled with booze. They are controlled by a substance that is foreign to their bodies and it brings about an unusual reaction. It brings about dissipation. That is a strange word. It simply means an abandoned life.

"But be filled with the Spirit." The word for filled means to be filled to the top so nothing else can get in. It means that the Spirit of God is totally in control of your life with no competitors. It means that we will do things that we would not normally do. It means that we will say things that we would not normally say. It means that we act in ways that we would not normally act. Why? Because we are filled with the Spirit of God. We are controlled by a Person that is foreign to who we are and it brings about an unnatural reaction in our lives. We are different. Not strange different. Not weird different. But godly different.

We will sing to one another and God (v19) in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Let's face it, man has created a lot of junk when it comes to music. Unfortunately, a lot of this junk creeps into our brains and we start to sing it without thinking. I have to admit, that when that happens, I am not filled with God. I am filled with other junk. I am making room for other things to control me. If I am totally and completely filled with the Spirit of God, there will be a check in my spirit. I will be drawn to sing other stuff, good stuff, godly stuff.

And I will give thanks. (v20) This is the second time in this chapter that Paul reminded this church that they needed to be thankful. Remember, the antidote to uncleanness and filthiness is giving thanks. (v3,4) When I am filled with the Spirit of God, I will naturally be grateful. Complaining will be gone. Discontent will be gone. It will be replaced by a thankful spirit.

And I will submit. (v21) I will be humble. I will yield my way and what I want. I will not demand respect or authority. I will not try to control everything. I will think of the other person as more important than me. Boy, this is hitting me.

This is not natural. This is acting differently. This is speaking differently. This is doing differently. Spirit, fill me so I see these things in my life.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Use Your Brain

Eph 5:17 "Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is." NKJV

This verse carries on from the previous thought. Paul was telling the Ephesian church to have a diligent walk, to walk carefully…don't be fools, don't be unwise, but be wise, be skilled be learned and walk with diligence. Then he followed up with this, as a result, don't be unwise but understand the will of the Lord. Now the word for unwise actually means "stupid". And the word for understand means to "set or join together in your mind". So this verse could read: "As a result, don't be stupid, but use your brain to know God's purpose."

The amazing thing is that God wants me to know His mind. God wants me to know what is on His heart. God wants me to determine His desires. To fail to do this is stupidity. Instead, He has given me a brain. He has given me a mind that needs to be used. It isn't an emotion. It isn't a feeling. It isn't something that just comes upon me. It is cognitive. It is cerebral. It is something that I can grasp with my finite gray matter.

Sometimes I think that Christians have a tendency to minimize their ability to think. We say that we are "Spirit lead" and this means that there is this inner sense that we should do something. Well guess what? God uses His Spirit to work in our brains. He wants us to fully understand what He is up to. It isn't a guessing game. It is a mental exercise where we actually use our minds to search His mind. And how do we do that? His word. He has given all that we need to know His mind and to understand His will in the direct communication that He has given us in the Bible. Does this eliminate the Holy Spirit? No. It empowers what He does. "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth…".John 16 Next chapter: "Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth." John 17. This is why it is so huge that we get into the Bible. This is why it is so important that I spend time digging deep. Because, when you combine the power of God's word with the work of the Holy Spirit, what do you get? An understanding of the will of the Lord.

Keep digging.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Walking, Walking, Walking

Eph5:15,16 "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." NKJV

Walking, walking, walking. Walk worthy, walk in love, walk as children of light, walk circumspectly. I am beginning to think that Paul is trying to tell us that the way we live is extremely important.

Walk circumspectly. Circumspectly is a word that is not used a whole lot in our culture. I have heard preachers say that this means to walk looking all around you…like circumference. Maybe. But the Greek actually means walk accurately, walk diligently, walk exactly. In other words, be careful. I remember the song: "Oh be careful little eyes what you see…Oh be careful little feet where you go…Oh be careful little hands what you do…Oh be careful little mouth what you say." That is walking circumspectly. We live accurately, diligently, exactly. And what does this look like? Well here comes practical Paul again helping us understand what this means:

Walk redeeming the time. Strongs says: "Make wise and sacred use of every opportunity." I wonder, do I do that? How do I use my time? Do I just flit it away or am I intentional about my use of time?

My kids and wife bought me an iPad2 for Father's Day (and birthday and Christmas). It is an amazing tool, but I have to admit, it can suck me in. There are so many apps, so many things that I can do to fill my time. Is it wise? Is it sacred? Am I redeeming it? Kind of convicting. The same can be said of playing games on the computer, or watching TV, or reading mindless books, or whatever. God has given me this precious thing called time. I need to use it well.

Then Paul gets down to other practical ways to walk circumspectly. Understand His will. Be filled with the Spirit. How we speak (and sing). Give thanks. Submit to one another. And then he hits family relationships. I hope to get into all of this in the future, but for now… How circumspect is my walk in using my time? How intentional am I?" God help me.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Walk…Reflecting Jesus

Eph 5:8 "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light." NKJV

My wife asked me a question the other day on the way home from our visit in South Carolina. She asked me: "How do you look at yourself?" Now, how would you like to have a deep conversation with your wife about stuff like that? My response? "I look at myself as a child of God." Now, she had a point that she was trying to make, and she clearly made it, but my answer was a pretty good one.

How are we identified tells a lot about how we act and react. Paul told the Ephesian church that they were once darkness. He didn't say: "You were once in darkness." No. He identified them as darkness. Now by darkness he meant blind, ignorant, clueless. This is our identification…this is the world's identification. The reason we act certain ways and the reason we say certain things is because we are darkness, we are blind, we are ignorant, we are clueless. We should not expect people to respond in any other way, because they are blind. We should not expect most of our politicians to respond in any other way, because they are ignorant. We should not expect the Hollywood elite to act any other way, because they are clueless.

But at some point, something happened to these people in Ephesus. They became identified another way. They became light. They understood moral and spiritual truth. They could see. As a result, they needed to act differently. They needed to respond differently. They needed to walk (there it is again…walk…a way of living) differently. How? As children of light. This light thing didn't just happen. It came about as a result of a birth. A new birth. A birth from darkness to light because of the Light. Jesus said: "I am the light of the world." John 8:12, John 9:5. He also said: "You are the light of the world." Matt 5:14 Weird. Jesus is the light of the world and I am the light of the world…how does that happen? A spiritual birth. Spiritual DNA. Being like Jesus because I am a child of God.

Walk as children of light. Reflect Jesus. Do I?

Friday, December 9, 2011

Walk in Love

Eph 5:2 "And walk in love as Christ also loved us and given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God sweet smelling aroma." NKJV


So, be imitators of God. How? Walk in love as Christ love us and gave Himself for us.

This is heavy stuff. Sure, how can I imitate God? Love. After all, God is love. So when I love others, when I agape others, when I give others unconditional love, I am imitating God.


This, however, is not just a once in a while thing. This is a constant. This is a walk. This is a way of life. This is what should characterize my life. And the thing that characterizes this love? Giving and sacrifice. Whew. This is not something that comes naturally. In fact, I know that I am pretty self centered. I am not as generous as I should be and as far as sacrifice is concerned...well...


But Jesus' love was characterized by giving and by sacrifice, and this is how Paul challenged the Ephesian church to walk, and this is how I am being challenged to walk.


Giving and sacrificing my time. Giving and sacrificing my money. Giving and sacrificing my stuff. Giving and sacrificing my abilities. Giving and sacrificing my life? Guess what? That is what Jesus did and that is the extent of His love.


I have a long way to go.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

God’s DNA

Gal 5:1 "Therefore be imitators of God as dear children." NKJV


God. What comes to mind? All powerful. Creator. Sustainer. Ruler. Sovereign. Righteous. Loving. Kind. Compassionate. Just. Pure. Holy. Faithful. Wise. Smart. Merciful. Gracious. Awesome and so much more.


Therefore, imitate Him? How in the world can I imitate God? This just seems to be so impossible. I mean, God is God. I am me. A human acting like God? Yes. Not in the things that are beyond me such as all knowing, all powerful, all present. But in things that His character can reveal itself in, kindness, compassion, true, holy, righteous, faithful, just, to name just a few.


And how can this happen? Because I am His child...His offspring. I carry His DNA. If I carry His DNA then I should look like Him.


It is weird, we were in South Carolina for the Thanksgiving holiday, spending it with our daughters and sons in law and Maddie. When a baby is born and is growing up you always wonder who she looks like...Daddy, Mommy, Grandma, Grandpa...who? Well we found out when we were going through some of Elise's old pictures. Maddie looks like her aunt Elise. The funny thing is, the same is true with me and my nephew. We look alike. Why does this happen? DNA. We have some of the same genes. Hopefully Maddie will act like her Mommy or Aunt as well when she grows up.


As God's child...and not just as His child but His dear child, His special child, in fact the word for dear means favorite child I, and all of us who claim the name of Jesus need to look like God. My attitudes, my actions, my words need to reflections of His character...His DNA. When people look at me they should see beyond what I am like, they should see the character of God.


Do they?


Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Eph 5:3,4 "But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks." NKJV

Poison is not a good thing. Not long ago, Maddie got a hold of one of those Tide sticks that you use for stain removal and stuck it in her mouth. (Why do kids discover stuff with their tongues…weird.) Mich contacted poison control and they said that the contents of it were harmless…but it sure concerned her Grandpa. Had it been a harmful substance poison control would have told us to have her drink water, or milk, or syrup of ipecac or something to get it out of her system. I know that when a person takes in too much of a medication (Coumadin, heparin, Tylenol) an antidote needs to be given to counteract the poison…or else they could have serious physical damage or die.

That is what sin is like. We need an antidote. If we don't get this poison out of our lives, it will kill us. Jesus came and gave the ultimate antidote, His blood on the cross. This gets rid of the penalty of sin. But for some reason, we humans tend to be drawn to the junk that poisons us. Junk like sexual sin (fornication), lust or impure motives (uncleanness), wanting what others have (coveting), or obscenities (filthiness), or saying dumb stuff (foolish talking), or bad humor (coarse jesting). The poison seems to lure us and we get caught. Paul told the Ephesian church and he tells us…Don't. This stuff should not even be named among us. There should not even be a hint that this stuff is going on in the church.

How to avoid the poison? How do we get it out of our systems? What is the antidote? Giving thanks. Think about it, being thankful for my wife gets rid of fornication and lust. Being thankful for what God has given me gets rid of impure motives and coveting. And letting thankfulness come out of my mouth replaces obscenities, foolish talking and bad humor.

So the next time I am tempted to complain about a client, or cut someone down, or think improperly…give thanks. It works every time.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Put off…Put on

Eph 4:22-24 "that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man, which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness."

Like I have said before, I love Paul's practicality. I know that some preachers and teachers don't like to tell people what to do. They say that they will preach the word and the Holy Spirit will do the work of practical convicting and convincing. That is true. That is a job of the Holy Spirit, but I also know that God has given us apostle, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip and encourage. In my mind, that includes giving people practical application of the word of God. I think Paul felt this way too

Take for example these verses. Paul tells the Ephesians that they need to put off the old man and put on the new man. I suppose that he could have left it at that, and said that the Holy Spirit would tell the people what this meant in a practical way. He could have said that, but he didn't. Instead, he went on to tell people what he meant. And what did he mean? Here we go:

Put off the old man. This was the old man, the old nature that put off lying, and anger, and stealing, and corrupt words, and things that would make God sad, and bitterness, wrath, anger (hit this twice), clamor, evil speaking and malice. He was probably stepping on some people's toes, but he did not care. He was getting down to the basics. If you want to get rid of the old man then eliminate these things from your life. This is both interior...attitudinal...anger, bitterness, malice, and exterior actions...lying, stealing, wrath (the hot working out of anger), corrupt words.

And put on the new man. This is speaking the truth, working hard, using edifying words, being kind, compassionate and forgiving. Do you think that anyone in Ephesus had any questions about what Paul meant? I don''t think so. The fact is that the Holy Spirit used those words to convict people of their rotten attitudes and actions and gave them a positive response to replace it.

I wonder how I am doing with the old man/new man thing? I don't think I lie or steal or use rotten words. My battle comes on the inside...potentially bitterness or anger. Sometimes when that happens it can reveal itself in not so complimentary words. I believe that I speak the truth and work hard, but how kind am I? How compassionate am I? How forgiving am I?

I know one thing, I have a long way to go. I have to actively put off, intentionally put off the old man and with the same intentionality put on the new By renewing the spirit of my mind. v23 and Rom 12:2. How? Saturate my mind in God's thoughts…Stay in the word. Stay in the word. Stay in the word.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Pie in the Sky? No

Eph 4:16 "from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love."

Equipped, edified, unified mature, stable, growing. That would be an amazing church. How does it happen? Through apostles, and prophets, and evangelists and pastors and teachers...but get this, through everyone. We all play a part. The whole body, joined and knit together. This is a cool picture. It is a picture of a building that is perfectly framed. It is picture of a group of people that fit, that are close, that are connected...compacted together. Now, many times when people are this close in proximity, the thing that happens is not unity but strife. We start to get on each other's nerves. We want some space. But not the church. What happens when we live in proximity to one another is that we supply for one another. Where I am weak someone else is strong. Where someone else lacks, someone else picks up. When there is a need, someone else helps. We work together because every part does its share. No one is over-burdened. No one burns out. It isn't the 20 percent who do 80 percent of the work. The church is where every joint supplies and every part does what it is gifted to do with the end result that we edify each other, we promote the growth of each other in wisdom, godliness, happiness and holiness. And it is done because we care for one another and love each other.

Ideal? Pie in the sky? Never can be a reality? Not true. If the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers and all others are doing their part, we will see an unbelievably growing, encouraging, stable church.

Why don't we see that more often? Why is this the exception and not the rule? Now Lake Ridge is not there, but I am thankful that we are trying to get there. People who walk into what God is doing there have said that they are thankful that they found our church. They have actually said that they are experiencing something new there. This is not tooting our own horn because we have many faults, problems, issues, room to grow. I just pray that we would eventually see the encouraging, edifying, unifying, maturing, stable, growing community that God intended for His body to be. It is possible.

The key? Solid and effective communication of the Word. This is a huge responsibility for those that God has placed in positions of leadership. God help us.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Eph 4:14 "that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the craftiness of men in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head -- Christ--"

Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers...communicators of the equip, to edify, to unify, to mature, to stabilize. One thing that may have been a problem in the early church, and something that continues to this day are people who want to come into the church to deceive, to mislead, to trick, to confuse. Back in Paul's day it may have been the Gnostics or the Judiazers. Today it is Rob Bell or people in the emerging church. I know that this may seem harsh, but to tell people that there is no hell, or that everyone is going to have a chance, even after death is just plain unbiblical. To say that God and God's truth (theology) is all inclusive and progressive does nothing to support absolute truth. Rather it is built to confuse, to question, to make people doubt. And when that happens we are like children being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Nothing is stable. Nothing is sure. We can't build our lives on anything. The very words of scripture are to be doubted.

This is why God placed in the church people who could clearly articulate, who could clearly communicate...apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. These people should not give those in the church a reason to doubt. Rather, these gifted people need to give assurance in the truth. The need to speak the truth and do it in a loving way. Maybe part of the reason those in the emerging church, or guys like Rob Bell have responded in the way that they have is because all they did or all that they observed were people who spoke the truth, but not in love. Sure it was the truth, but it may have been the harsh truth shared in an arrogant manner. That is not what God intended for these gifted communicators. Instead, He wants them (He wants us...I include me because I have the privilege of holding the microphone on Sunday mornings) to communicate His truth, His absolutes in a loving way. In a way that tells people that God cares.

I have heard some harsh truth in my life. Guys that like to pound the pulpit or scream and yell. Are they preaching the truth? Yes. Are they communicating the truth? No. They are just alienating the hearers. We need to lay out the truth of God before people in a way that they know that God desires their best. He does not want them to get hurt. He does not want them to be punished. He does not want them to be condemned. He loved them so much that He sent His best who was willing to lay down His life. Talk about communicating the truth in love. Jesus did it on the cross. We need to remember that when we open out mouths.

And what will happen? Growth. Maturity. Stability. Christlikeness.

That is the church. That is what communicators of the word need to do and when they do they will see stable people who live like Jesus.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gifted for a Purpose

Eph 4:13 "till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;"

This is a continuing thought from the previous verses. Why did Jesus give gifts to believers who would be able to use words to communicate to others so that they are equipped and edified? (I love the word "equipped". It means to promote another person's growth) So that we are unified and so that we understand the incomprehendible (there it is again) that we would know Jesus and that we would become perfect and grow to maturity to the point when we are like Jesus.

Here it is, oneness and knowledge. Unity and understanding. Not for the purpose of just head knowledge, but the purpose that we are like Christ, in His words, actions, attitudes.

When I think about the importance and the power of what Christ has given to the church, it is enormous. Jesus has given gifts to people who will bring about equipping, edifying, unity, knowledge and maturity in the body of Christ. Wow. I really don't think that we tell others the importance of the gifts that God has given. We really don't emphasize why we need one another. We absolutely need to do this on a more frequent basis. We have to open our mouths and declare this truth. We have to tell others that God has gifted them for a purpose and we have to tell them what that purpose is.

Not only do we need to tell others about gifting, we need to be thankful for those God has given us to mature us. Thank you God for Randy and Todd and others who use the spoken word to promote our growth in You.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Equipping Communicators

Eph 4:11,12 "And He gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,"

Here we go...Jesus keeps giving. Not only has He extended His grace to us and given us salvation, but He went one step further "and He gave...". He continues to give, not just for salvation, not just for eternal life, not just to have a relationship with Him although that would be enough. We really don't need anything else, but the nature of Jesus could not stop there, and He had to continue to give. Now you can look at this two ways: You can look at this verse and realize that Jesus cared so much for His body, the church, that He gave us people. People who would allow us to be equipped. People who would bring us to the point of ministry which would eventually edify us.

He gave apostles. Now this can be Apostles with a large "A" or apostles with a small "a". With the large "A" it is those guys who saw Jesus. These are the guys who lived and died for His message that they delivered to others who became the church. The small "a" guys are simply messengers. A delegate. An ambassador for God who gives us orders from God. Why? To equip for ministry to build us up.

He gave some prophets. Again, this can be taken two ways. These are the prophets who heard directly from God and told us what was to come. These guys wrote what we read in the NT. Then we have current prophets who are declarers of God's truth. Some pastors are prophetic. Some worship leaders are prophetic. Some teachers are prophetic. They just have this ability to take God's word and communicate it clearly so that it instructs, encourages, rebukes, stimulates other to action. Why? To equip for ministry to build us up.

He gave some evangelists. These are the people who are able to clearly communicate the Gospel to others. These are the people who take the good news that Jesus came and lived and died and rose again for each one of us. We all should do this but some people have the ability to clearly lay this out so that it clicks for the hearers. Why? To equip for ministry to build us up.

And He gave some to be pastors and teachers. Pastors are shepherds. These are people who care and manage and tend the flock.

And teachers are those people who take the truth of God's word and clearly explain it to us. Why? So we can be equipped for ministry and built up.

Jesus did not leave us helpless. Jesus did not leave us alone. He gave us the Holy Spirit and people so we can be equipped, totally furnished to do the work of service so we all can be edified and built up.

It just hit me, but much of what Jesus gave was in the area of communication. Apostles work through words. Prophets work through words. Evangelists work through words. Pastors work through words. Teachers work through words. Not their word...God's word...and it totally equips us to do those things that we need to do to minister and serve others and we all grow.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Giving Grace

Eph 4:7 "But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift." NKJV


Grace. What is it? Getting what I don't deserve. Amazing grace…what is it? Receiving grace that is measured by the gift that Jesus, the God of all creation gives.


This past week was Thanksgiving. I look all around me and I see grace. I look at my computer and I see grace. I look at this room and I see grace. I look at my clothes and I see grace. I think about my ability to write and I see grace. I look at my wife and I see grace. I look at my kids and I see grace. I look at Maddie and I see grace. I look at my job and I see grace. I look at my ministry and I see grace. I look at my friends and I see grace. I look at my church and I see grace. I look at life and I see grace. I look at eternal life and I see grace. I look at Jesus and I see grace. This is not an exhaustive list, but I get the idea. Jesus is full of grace. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above…".


The amazing thing is this: Jesus is in the business of giving. Grace was given according to His gift. It was His gift to give and He gave it.


And I think about this: I am not more like Christ than when I extend grace. I am not more like Christ than when I freely give. I am not more like Christ than when my attitudes are gracious and when I hold my stuff loosely. This is tough. I like to hang on to my attitudes. I like to hang on to my stuff. Jesus didn't. He gave it all. Even on the cross He was extending grace to those who were still alive. The thief on the cross. His mother. The entire world. How generous am I?


The cool thing is what comes next. This grace, this giving nature of Christ resulted in giving gifts to men. Look at verse 8. He ascended on high, a pretty big deal. He led captivity captive, a huge deal. And in the middle of all of this amazing work, He gave gifts to men. And He still gives gifts to men. Sure all of the stuff that I listed earlier, but He went even beyond that and gave me a special gift. A spiritual gift. Something that I could not possess without Him. Just wait…



Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Eph 4:4,5,6 "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."


All of God's word is significant. All of God's word is true. If He says something even once, we need to sit up and pay attention. But I have heard people say, if He says it twice, we need to really pay attention, and if He says it three times, it is something that He is trying to drill into our heads and hearts. How about seven times? How about repeating something seven times? He does it here in these three verses. Seven times in three verses He uses the word "one". Why? Why this emphasis on "one"?


In order to grab onto this, I think we have to go back to what Paul was talking about in verse three: unity. We have to exert effort to keep the unity of the Spirit. Unity is huge in the church because it reflects the character, nature and work of God. When we, as a body, are divided, we distort who God is. We misrepresent His work.


Look at God's work: There is one body. There is only one church. It is the church universal of blood bought believers. It isn't the Baptist church, or the Methodist church, or the Catholic church, or the Lutheran church, or the non-denom church. It is the church. It is the body of Christ. Man, have we really screwed it up. The world does not understand who God is because we have decided that some of our petty issues need to divide us. Now, of course, the real church is the one whose family members all have the same lineage in them. The lineage is the blood of Christ. Only those who have trusted in Jesus' finished work on the cross are a part of this family. Anyone who is trusting on their own works, their own smarts, their own ability to get in this family is not a part of it. But if you have repented and trusted in Jesus alone, we are one.


There is only one hope of your calling. I mean what else is there? There is only one "joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation". (Strongs) Hope for anything else is useless. It is worthless. It is hopeless. And there is that calling thing again. It is only the work of God that calls us into that hope.


There is only one faith. There is only one confident conviction of truth, because there is only one truth. Sure, people can run around espousing other beliefs, other faiths, other ideas, but there is really only one faith…"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6 Narrow? Yes. But truth is narrow.


There is only one baptism. This seems kind of weird in this list of things. What does Paul mean by baptism? Back then, people may have been confused. There was the baptism of John and there was the baptism of Jesus. Which one was right? Which one evidenced true faith? Only the immersion that comes after faith in Christ. I know that some people struggle with baptism. I am not sure why. I mean, it should be the next step. You get saved and you get baptized. The Ethiopian did it this way with Philip. The early church did it. Jesus instructs us to do it. What is the big deal? There is only one.


And then look at the character of God. One Spirit, One Lord, One God and Father. Kind of looks like the trinity to me. God is One. God's work is one. The church should be one. Petty squabbles need to be put aside.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Getting Practical

Eph 4:2,3 "with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."


I love practical application. To me, if you are filled with a bunch of truth but you can't or don't do anything about it, it is not really very helpful or real. That is what is so cool about Paul's writing. He just doesn't fill you will a bunch of information, but he gives you real, practical ways to live out what he has taught. These two verses are just an example of that.


In verse one he gives us a principle: Walk worthy. That is great. And as I wrote yesterday, this means live a life that shows God's worth, a life of worship. But what does that mean really? How can I do this an everyday way? Here come verses two and three.


Walk in lowliness. That doesn't sound like too much fun. It may not be, but it is how we walk worthy. The word for lowliness actually means that you have a deep sense of how little you really are. The understanding that this salvation that you have is not up to you, the realization that this relationship with God that you have is totally His doing, knowing that this is all God and my location in His presence is His work and that He wants me to know the unsearchable, should result in a deep sense of my littleness. "I am nothing, He is everything, but He wants to make me something." This is how I have to live my life. When the world around me is so "me centered", my worthy walk has to be the opposite.


Walk in gentleness. How do I respond when things don't go the way I think that they should go? How do I react when I see something that I think is wrong? What do I do when I can't control a situation, or direct an outcome? Am I loud? Do I scream? Do I lose my temper? Does my face get all contorted? Do I climb into my shell and give the silent treatment? To walk worthy means to walk in gentleness, to respond in a mild, calm, even way. Why? Because God has it all under control and if I am not all that big of a deal to begin with, then I should not get all bent out of shape. (Yikes…too practical. This is hitting me right between the eyes right now.)


Walk with longsuffering. I have been pretty vocal lately about faithfulness. I have told several people that the key in the Christian life is not the highs and lows, but the constancy. The consistency. This verse just hits it again. Longsuffering means constancy. It means endurance. It means steadfastness. No matter what happens, no matter what hits, be patient. Be steady. I think of the story of the tortoise and the hare. It was the constant, steady, sometime plodding tortoise that won the race. Not because he was faster, not because he was better, but because he was determined and constant. Even though he could have stopped to smell the roses and eat the grass, he didn't. He didn't get distracted. He kept going no matter what. That is another way to have a worthy walk. Junk is going to hit us, junk is going to hit me. People are going to rub me the wrong way, or an obstacle may seem to impede…be longsuffering.

Walk in forbearance. This is the KJV word. Yes, it means to endure one another…and sometimes we must. I know that my wife has to put up with a lot…but she endures it in love. But it goes beyond that. To bear means to hold up, to support. Don't just endure one another, but support one another in unconditional love. Am I irritated by someone? Bear it in love. Does someone need my help or encouragement? Give it in love. "Bear one another's burdens."


I am starting to see that these verses really indicate that a worthy walk is one that is outside myself. Little, gentle, patient, bearing and…


Walk in unity. I appreciate the fact that Paul understands that being peacefully unified takes work. It isn't easy. It doesn't come naturally. The word for endeavoring means that we have to be diligent. We have to exert effort. But, if we practice being little, if we practice gentleness, if we practice patience, if we practice endurance and support, what do you think the result is going to be? We will be bound together in peaceful unity. Can I do it myself? Nope. It has to be the unity of the Spirit. This has to be a work of God in me. No matter how much I try, no matter if I take this verse and plaster it all over my walls, it isn't going to happen unless God's Spirit does an amazing work in me.


Man I need this…and I need to keep it before me all the time. Like I said, pretty practical.