Sunday, December 11, 2011

Walking, Walking, Walking

Eph5:15,16 "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." NKJV

Walking, walking, walking. Walk worthy, walk in love, walk as children of light, walk circumspectly. I am beginning to think that Paul is trying to tell us that the way we live is extremely important.

Walk circumspectly. Circumspectly is a word that is not used a whole lot in our culture. I have heard preachers say that this means to walk looking all around you…like circumference. Maybe. But the Greek actually means walk accurately, walk diligently, walk exactly. In other words, be careful. I remember the song: "Oh be careful little eyes what you see…Oh be careful little feet where you go…Oh be careful little hands what you do…Oh be careful little mouth what you say." That is walking circumspectly. We live accurately, diligently, exactly. And what does this look like? Well here comes practical Paul again helping us understand what this means:

Walk redeeming the time. Strongs says: "Make wise and sacred use of every opportunity." I wonder, do I do that? How do I use my time? Do I just flit it away or am I intentional about my use of time?

My kids and wife bought me an iPad2 for Father's Day (and birthday and Christmas). It is an amazing tool, but I have to admit, it can suck me in. There are so many apps, so many things that I can do to fill my time. Is it wise? Is it sacred? Am I redeeming it? Kind of convicting. The same can be said of playing games on the computer, or watching TV, or reading mindless books, or whatever. God has given me this precious thing called time. I need to use it well.

Then Paul gets down to other practical ways to walk circumspectly. Understand His will. Be filled with the Spirit. How we speak (and sing). Give thanks. Submit to one another. And then he hits family relationships. I hope to get into all of this in the future, but for now… How circumspect is my walk in using my time? How intentional am I?" God help me.

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