Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Man Up!

Eph 6:19 "and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel," NKJV

Today I thought I was going to wrap up the book of Ephesians. I thought I was going to hit one last verse and then move on…but no. There is more. This is the verse that hit me today. Why? I think because what Paul was asking that the Ephesian church pray for him is something that we all need to pray for one another. Because what Paul was asking for is something that we all need. Because what Paul was requesting is something that needs to be evident in my life.

Here is Paul, the Apostle. Sitting in jail. Possibly waiting for his execution. And what is he thinking about? His last meal? Is he feeling sorry for himself? Is he hoping that people would come to visit him? Does he want someone to send him some candy? What does he want? Boldness. A guy who has been bold his whole life, who has gone out on missionary journeys, who has helped establish churches,. who was in jail because of his boldness wants more. He wants to have the words to say (utterance is actually "logos") so that he may speak freely, openly, frankly about the mystery of the Gospel. Here we are, back in chapter three…the mystery…understanding the incomprehendable. He wants to tell whoever he can, whenever he can.

And I get nervous. And I hesitate. And I wonder if I should. And I…Give me a break! I need to Man Up. That is what our guys in church are challenging each other to do…Man Up. Don't be a wimp. Speak boldly.

The cool thing is we can help each other. How? By praying for one another. That is what Paul wanted this church to do for him. It is what we should ask our church to do for us. We should ask others to ask God to give us the words to speak openly about Him. That is a good first step and then watch what happens.

God, give me words. God give these guys words. Allow us to open our mouths and tell people the Good News.

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