Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Empty Nest Dad

Esther 2:11 "And every day Mordecai walked in front of the court of the harem to learn how Esther was and what was happening to her." ESV

So Ahasuerus is teed off at his wife so what does he do? Banishes her from his presence and determines to find a new wife. They gathered beautiful, young virgins for a beauty contest. These virgins would be observed by Ahasuerus and he would pick one of them to be his queen. There was one, in particular, who really stuck out. The king "loved" her more than any of the others. Her name was Esther. Esther was a Jewish orphan who was raised by her uncle, Mordecai. Now Uncle Mordecai was more than just an uncle…he was in a very real sense, a Dad. I am not talking about a Dad in a physical sense. I am talking about a Dad who loves, and nurtures, and teaches, and provides and protects his daughter. This is a Dad. We have way too many Dads in the physical sense who really are not Dad's in a real sense. They ignore their responsibility to nurture, teach, provide and protect. And they don't have a clue about loving their children. Not Mordecai. This guy was on it. Even though Esther was taken to the king to see if she would be the one the king wanted to become the queen, Mordecai did not abandon his responsibility to care for his niece. Even though he was now an "empty nest Dad" he would daily walk in front of the harem and find out what was going on. Every day he would get news from the people who knew, how Esther was doing.

I am thankful to be a Dad. I am grateful to God that He blessed me with two beautiful daughters. I am thankful that they still come to me to ask questions from time to time. It is fun to see how God has worked in them and developed them into capable young adults. The thing is, even though they are out of the house, I will always be their Dad. I may not walk outside their houses every day to see how they are doing, but they know that I am always there. I am always interested. Their Mom and I are always available. That is how Mordecai was. He was not going to interfere, but he was there if Esther needed him.

Come to think about it, that is how my Dad was. When I was a kid…loving, nurturing, teaching in his own way, providing and protecting. Sure, the provision, nurturing, and protection one day ended when I left, but he was always there to love and encourage. I am thankful for that. I am thankful that God blessed me with the heritage that He did. I am thankful that God gave me a great example in my Dad.

I hope and pray that I can be the right kind of empty nest Dad that God intends.

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