Job 23:12 "I have not departed from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food." ESV
This is kind of a follow up from yesterday where Eliphaz told Job to "Receive instruction from His mouth, and lay up His words in your heart." Job's response was that he has been obedient. In fact, God's word to him was more precious than food.
I can kind of relate to that right now because I have not eaten in over 36 hours. Oh no, this was not a chosen fast for me. It was forced on me because of some GI problems. Right now all I want to do is feel better and eat some good food. Hopefully I will be on the rebound today. The thing is, here is Job, going through all kinds of physical pain and problems. He probably had not eaten either and what was on his mind? God's word. The words from God's mouth were more important to him than is daily food. He had a hunger for them. He had a thirst for them. And when he devoured them, it didn't just stay in his spiritual system, he did something. He obeyed the commandment that God gave him, even if he was suffering.
I love to eat. My wife is one of the best cooks I know and she does a fantastic job of feeding me all kinds of delicious food. I look forward to a good meal. When I know it is coming, I anticipate it. I want it. And when i sit down to eat it, I don't pick at it. I don't just look at it and say how nice it is. I dig in. I devour it. I consume it until I am full. (Lately I have been trying to control my portions because sometimes you can just keep eating.)
The question: Am I like this with God's word? Do I look forward to getting into it? Do I anticipate what God is going to teach me? Do I want it? Do I really get into it and devour it, or do I just pick at it or rely on leftovers from other people? Do I consume it until I am full? Am I like Job who said: "I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food"? Or do I just rotely go through the process of reading it, writing about it and then I am done for the day? Do I look forward to what others have to preach and teach or do I just go to church because it is what I am supposed to do?
And then, once I am in it, what do I do with it? Do I obey it or do am I like the guy who looked in the mirror and walked away not remembering what he looked like?
Oh God, give me that passion for your word. Even now as I sit here hungry, may I be hungrier for the words from your mouth.