Friday, March 9, 2012

Spider’s Web

(I jumped ahead today.)


Job 8:13,14 "Such are the paths of all who forget God; the hope of the godless shall perish. His confidence is severed, and his trust is a spider's web." ESV


We work so hard for junk. Really. The guys were talking about this last night at our Bible study. We work hard to accumulate stuff and where does that stuff end up? In a box in the basement, in a bag in the garbage, or with Goodwill. Things that we think will last a long time don't. Cars rust and go to the junk yard. Houses get old and eventually torn down. Nothing that we work for in this life that is material will last. Things that we hope for and want and strive for perish. That is, when we forget God. When all we do is live life for me, myself and I and I leave God out of the equation, it all disappears and what I put my confidence and trust in is just like a spider's web…weak and temporary.


This kind of addresses what I wrote yesterday. How do I use my time? For stuff that will last or for stuff that will one day perish?


Unfortunately, our world is centered on the here and now. We forget the God who made it all, who is all powerful and awesome and majestic and beyond anything that we can imagine. We don't consider that our life is but a breath and then eternity comes. We want what we want when we want it. Our agenda is the only thing that counts. Forget God. He can wait. Oh…is that dangerous. Unfortunately, that is our world. That is our culture. That is our mindset. That is our government.


Speaking of the later, did anyone see this?


Check it out. It just shows that our leaders have forgotten God. Not only have they forgotten Him, but they are trying to eliminate Him. What is the end result going to be? A spider's web. I don't want to be Nancy Negative, but we are headed for destruction if this continues. Why? Because we have forgotten God as a nation and we are in deep trouble.


What can I do? Remember God. Beg God. Pray…and make sure that He is always my focus because when we remember God, when we put His kingdom and His righteousness first, He promises to meet all of our needs. Matt 6:33



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