Thursday, March 29, 2012


Job 22:22 "Receive instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart." ESV


Wow. Eliphaz is really coming down hard on Job with some unsubstantiated accusations. With friends like this, who needs enemies? It is kind of interesting how his friend's "concern" for him has morphed into condemnation.


Yet, again, in the middle of it all sits truth and some good advice. Here it is: Let God teach you, listen to what He has to say and grab it. Also, when you get that word from God, don't just listen and let it go but establish it, set it, put it in your inner man.


We are unbelievably blessed. God has given His words to us in written form in the Bible. We don't have to wonder what He is saying, it is right in front of us. We can read it. The problem is, sometimes I find that I read it and I let it go. I don't spend time with it. It doesn't go down deep and when that happens, it does not change me. Frankly, that is just foolishness. Here is God's word. He speaks to me. He wants to speak to me. He wants me to know His mind and His heart. To not pay attention is dumb.


I love the word for "receive". It actually means "marry'. It means that when God speaks, let His instruction become one with you. Let it become an integral part of your life. David said something similar: "Your word have I hid in my heart (inner man) that I might not sin against You." Ps 119:11 How do I do this? What do I do? What should I do? Read it. Study it. Meditate on it. Memorize it. Live it. This is God's word. We can't get anything more valuable.


It is weird, but we can memorize the dumbest stuff. Lines from movies. Words from songs. But God's word? We don't even try. My challenge is to begin doing this. Memorize scripture. Make it an integral part of my brain and not just my brain, but my life.

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