Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Ps 23:6b "and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever." ESV


I love this because this was David's perspective in life. He knew that his Shepherd would provide and give rest and refreshment and restoration and provision and abundance and would chase after him. He knew that this is what life would be like and it is an amazing life that our Shepherd gives us. But when he decided to close this Psalm, what did he close it with? Home. His eternal perspective. He knew life was temporary. He knew that it was a breath. He knew that it was like a vapor. The reality was the end result and the end result was that he was going to live in the Eternally Existing One's house forever.


My favorite place on this earth is my home. I love coming home. Not because it is nice. Not because it is warm. Not because it has nice things in it, but because of what I know is here. Comfort, relaxation, love. My home is not the structure. My home is my wife and kids and the love and joy that they bring when I am here with them.


In comparison, God's home is going to be amazing. Not because of it's beauty…although it will be beautiful. Not because of all of the stuff that it will have…although it will have a lot of stuff. The reason God's home is amazing is because of who lives there. He does. And David realized that someday he would live with God in His home forever. His perspective in life was his eternal home with God.


We just finished a series on Heaven at church. It made me consider all that I think I live for. It made me consider all the stuff that I do here. And it made me recalibrate my brain to start thinking eternally. What am I living for? What am I doing? Do I have David's mind…that I will someday live with God in God's place forever? This is reality. This is home.


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