Friday, August 10, 2012


Hbr 8:12    For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more. ESV


All I can say is: "Thank You God!". This is the relationship. This is the new covenant. This is what God will do for His people...mercy...forgiveness...forever.


I need to face the reality of life: I am a sinner. I screw up. I say dumb things. I do dumb things. I think dumb things. And these dumb things are sin. These dumb things are a violation of God's character. And God does not look favorably on my violation of His character. In fact He has an end result for it: For the wages of sin is death... Not just physical death, but spiritual death. Eternal separation from Him. Total and complete elimination of any chance to have a relationship with Him. This is death. This is really agonizing. It is terrible. To be without God, to be without His presence, to be without His influence...Horrible.


But look at this: I will be merciful toward their iniquities. This is pardon. This is God avoiding, in fact averting what He could and should do because of my violation of His character. Because of this new covenant, He says: "Glen, you deserve separation from Me. You deserve my wrath. You deserve to be without me forever, but I am going to change that because of My new covenant and I am going to put my heart and my Spirit in you and I am going to make you my child." This is head shaking. This is amazing. "In fact..." He says, "I am going to take it even one step further. I will totally and completely forget that you ever violated My character. I am going to never throw this stuff in your face. I will never ever remember your sins again." Whoa...In God's mind, through this new covenant, He looks at me just as if I had never sinned....ever.


This is wild. No more separation, but total relationship, forever. What Jesus did on the cross instituted the new covenant and I am totally and completely clean in God's sight.


So, when I screw up...yes I need to go to Him and confess my sin (I John 1:9) but in His faithfulness and justice (get that...He is just and He should punish me but He looks at Jesus and sees His justice) He forgives me when I screw up and come to Him, I need to remember that when that sin comes back to hit me in the face, it isn't God who is doing the condemning, it is the accuser of the brothers who is bringing it back to haunt me. I need to throw back: "For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more."


That is my standing before God. That is the relationship that I have with Him.


One other thing. If I am going to be like God I have to be merciful and forgive forever others as well.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Risk or Reward

Hbr 4:2    For good news came to us just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened. ESV


Good news. So much better than bad news. Whenever someone comes to me and says: "I have good news and I have bad news, what do you want first?" I tend to accept the bad news first. Why? Because the good news heard later is so much better. The good news later seems to override what I have just heard and I can dwell on the good and not the bad.


The children of Israel had a type of gospel (good news) preached to them. What was it? There is the promised land. Go get it. Go in it. Go after it. Win it. It is yours. The land flowing with milk and honey is for you. Now...go. The problem, they didn't believe it. They were more concerned with what 10 spies told them than what 2 spies could tell them they could do. They were more concerned about the risk than the reward. As a result, they let doubt, they let unbelief control and they stayed in their comfort zone in the desert, while the whole time, just a few miles away they could have lived in the land that God had promised them.


How does this relate to me? Well, I have had good news come to me as well. The good news the news of my promised land. The good news is that Jesus came, died, rose again, ascended into heaven so that I could someday go into that promised land. The good news is that I can now live a life of that this world is not my home. Faith that my focus should be the kingdom of God not the kingdom of this world. Faith that should allow me to takes steps that include some risk because I know my eternal destiny through Christ. The question is whether I am willing to believe. Whether I am willing to marry faith with action. Whether I am more concerned with risk or reward.


The good news is this...that Jesus saved me for an eternal promised land, but the good news does not end there. My eternity is what I am living now. My eternal life began at the point of my salvation. I need to live like it.



Thursday, June 28, 2012

Good-bye America

The recent decision by the Supreme Court on the new health care law is even more dangerous than Obamacare. The basis for their decision was that the penalty an individual must pay if they do not buy insurance is considered a tax and this falls under Congress' power to tax. 

This decision establishes the dangerous precedent that Congress can tax non-acts. Congress now has the power to tax things that are not things. They have the power to tax the non-purchase of insurance. In the past taxes were paid on income that you earned and goods that you purchased. Not any longer. Now Congress has the power to tax non-income. They have the power to tax non-sales. They have the power to tax non-events. This is worse than England and the Boston Tea Party. At least England was taxing tea. Now our government can levy a tax on nothing.  Who knows what Congress will do with this new power.

We have to find assurance in the fact that God is in control.  He is the One who makes kingdoms rise and fall. 

Unfortunately, that sucking sound you hear is the loss of our freedom. Good-bye America.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Pay Attention

Hbr 2:1    Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. ESV


It is so easy to become complacent. Especially in this country. Things are so easy here. Things are so comfortable here. Things are safe here. We have access to Bibles, and Christian radio and Christian books and music, our churches are free to speak without government interference. We really do have a significant amount of freedom...and with that freedom comes ease. And with ease comes responsibility. And unfortunately with that ease many times come apathy...complacency...taking things for granted...laziness...drifting.


The writer of Hebrews understood drifting. He knew that we, as humans, have a tendency to get away from that which is vitally important. The word for drift actually means to "glide by", to have things slip your mind and your life. It means just getting by with no real effort. The writer says: Don't. Don't drift. Don't just get by. Don't let things escape. Rather pay much closer attention. This is extraordinary heed, application and devotion. Why? Well, because of the "therefore". And the therefore is there because it is referring back to what he talked about in chapter one. This One called Jesus, the Son of God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Sustainer, the One worthy of worship, the One greater than the angels. We need to pay much stricter attention to what we have heard about this One and because of this One.


Do I? Am I? Or am I drifting...just floating by in my easy life? Where is the sense of urgency? Where is the discipline? Where is the commitment? When I think about me, I know how much time I spend in the word. I know how much time I spend in prayer. I know how much time I spend encouraging others. I know how much I witness...and frankly, I am drifting. I am floating. I am doing my thing in this easy country of ours. I am not making waves. I am not challenging myself or others. I don't have the sense of urgency that I should. I need to pay much closer attention to this One who loved me and gave Himself for me. Sure, I do the things that I encourage others to do...but I need to do more. I need to read more. I need to pray more. I need to encourage more. I need to witness more. I need to love God more. I need to do what Paul encourage the Thessalonian more: 1Th 4:1    "Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more."


Please more complacency. No more drifting. Help me pay much closer attention. Help me do more. Help me see the urgency of the hour and respond...because of who Jesus is.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Any Questions??????

Hbr 1:8    But of the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom. ESV (Ps 45:6,7)


Now all I have to say about people who say that Jesus is not God is..."Duh!" I mean, really? "But of the Son he says, 'Your throne, O God...". Now does this God-breathed verse really mean "But of the Son he say Your throne O God..." or doesn't it? Does this verse equate Jesus with being God or am I just dreaming? Could it mean something else? Could there be some way to get around the Deity of Jesus in this verse? Or should we just take it as it reads and admit that the Son is called God? If there was a question before this verse when Jesus is called Heir, Creator, the exact representation of His nature, the radiance of His glory, upholds all things by His powerful word, worthy of worship, this verse should dispel any questions.


And just to put an exclamation point on this truth that Jesus is God, the writer of Hebrews says that His throne, His rule, His authority represented by a scepter, is forever and ever. Why is this an exclamation point? Because it is telling us that Jesus will reign for all eternity. He is eternal and His dominion is eternal. Now that sounds a lot like God, doesn't it? (In fact as I continue to read, this eternal exclamation point is emphasized two more times in verses 11 and 12.)


As I think about this, I think about the name of God in the Old Testament: Jehovah. The name: Jehovah means "existing One". Eternal One. Forever One. Who shares this name? Who shares this eternality? The Son of God.


And how will Jesus reign forever? What will He be like and what will His kingdom be like? Upright. This is not talking about His physical position. This is talking about righteousness. Jesus will forever do what is right and holy and pure and true as He rules in His eternal kingdom. Oh to see truth in a kingdom. Oh to see purity in a governmental system. Oh to see righteousness reign. Jesus, the Son of God, God Himself will bring this about.


All I can say is: "Your kingdom come, Your will be done an earth as it is in heaven...".



Thursday, May 10, 2012


Mal 2:15 "Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth." ESV


Wow. There is so much wrapped up in this verse I don't know where to begin. How about God making a husband and wife one? How about all the way back to Genesis 2:24 "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast (cling, cleave, stick) to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." One flesh. What does this mean? It means one flesh. It means one body. It means one unit. It means when you split it up it hurts. It injures. It maims. It kills. It destroys. More on that later.


"With a portion of the Spirit in their union." It is interesting that the Spirit of God is involved in this. God created this thing called marriage. It was His invention. This is why it is said: "What God has joined together let no man separate." God is the One who created this union. Why? So children could be born who were godly. This is the ideal. This is God's plan for marriage. A man and a woman would come together to become one flesh and the kids that they raise have the character of God.


So? So guard yourselves in your spirit. Watch your inner man. Be careful about what you think about, what you dwell on, what you fantasize about, what you stick in your brain because that is where junk starts…and do not be faithless, do not be deceitful to the wife you married when you were young. Be honest. Be open. Be true. Be single focused. Be faithful. Be committed. This is a good word to all of us guys.


Now this is where we have screwed up. If only we would listen to what God said. If only we would do what God instructs. If we did, we would have healthy families and a healthy society. But no…we have decided that we know better. We don't emphasize the covenant of marriage. It is more than a contract. It is more than an agreement between two people. It is a solemn vow between three individuals: the man the woman and God. But of course, we have gotten rid of God so why listen to what He says? We have made it easy for people to split up. We have instituted things like no fault divorce and dissolutions. We have downplayed the importance of marriage and no longer think it is wrong to live together before being married. And the result? Godly offspring? No. Instead we have many screwed up kids who have no stability. No compass in their lives. No direction. No foundation. No truth. Sure there are good single parent families but this is not without pain and problems. Just ask them. God wanted to protect us against that and we said: "Shove it." and did our own thing.


Studies have shown that the most stable kids are those who grow up in a home where Mom and Dad are together and are committed to one another, where the kids see that they love each other and where the kids are loved. This is God's plan, and it is the best plan because it works. Is it Biblical? Yes. Is it smart? Yes. Does it make sense? Yes. Have we paid attention? No. We are so messed up, so sinful, so self centered that we downplay and dishonor the marriage relationship.


And then comes our President yesterday, putting one more nail in the marriage coffin by saying a man can marry a man and a woman can marry a woman…no big deal…just so they love one another. We have screwed marriage up so badly already, he needs to do more? He has. And just like we are living the nightmare of divorce now, years from now we will reap the bitter pill that he wants us to swallow. I feel sorry for my kids and my grandkids. They will have to live in a more messed up society than I face. God help us.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Done for Awhile

Mark 9:50    "Salt is good, but if the salt has lost its saltiness, how will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another." ESV


I have to confess, this one is hard for me. A group of us were in Chicago for a conference at Harvest Bible Church a little while ago. The conference began with a time of corporate worship and prayer. It was the prayer part that got me. Initially we spent time just praising God for who He is. Then we got into a tough time...confession. When you open yourself up God speaks...and He spoke to me...about this blog. What about this blog? It may be that my motivation is wrong. It may be that recognition is still what I crave. It may be that spiritual pride is creeping in and because of that my salt may have lost its saltiness.


As we prayed, I confessed. I told God that I was thankful that He gave me His word. I told Him that I was grateful that He was willing to share truth with me. And I told Him that I just wanted to be used. I want what I write to be effective...I want it to be salty. I want it to impact other people. But He said to me that this was only going to happen is when I get out of the way. The only way that this is going to happen is when I lose my spiritual pride. The only way that this is going to happen is if I shut this down for a while.


Yet, I have to journal. My journal has to be thing between me and God. So that is what is going to happen. I will not be posting my journal on the blog on a regular basis for a least until God gives me the freedom to do so. I don't want this to be a source of pride for me. I kind of have to cut it off, pluck it out. (v43-49) When Jesus said this to His guys, He was talking about how serious sin is. Whether it is your hand or your foot of your eye or your blog.


So off it comes. I am hoping that it is not something that stays down because I love writing. I love sharing. But right now, for this time I have to do this and just go back to journaling...just me and God.


The thing that is reassuring to me is that I don't think that this will stay down. Why not? Because salt has to be distributed to be effective. Salt has to be spread and I am praying that God will make me salty...effective...used.




Friday, May 4, 2012

Receiving Children…Receiving Jesus

Mark 9:37 "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me." ESV


I love little kids…so did Jesus. In fact, in His teaching that the disciples had to become small He used a little child as an example. If you want to become great, if you want to become a real leader it will be revealed in how you treat children. So many times we think that we can schmooze adults. If I want to get ahead, I have to mix it up with the big boys. I have to find the shakers and movers and get to be known.


Not in Jesus' economy. The way to become first was to become last. The way to become a leader what to become a servant. And how you treat children is a measuring rod.


The key in this verse is the word "receive". It actually means to take by the hand. It means to take up. It means to befriend. It means to receive in hospitality. It means to receive into one's family and educate. Whoever does these things isn't just receiving that child, but they are also receiving Jesus. And they aren't just welcoming Jesus, they are welcoming His Father.


And the question I have to ask myself is: "How am I receiving children?" What little kids are in my life now? Sure, my granddaughter, Maddie. But who else? Maybe my neighbor's children, but as I think about it, I really am not involved with many children. What does that say about me? What should I do? How should I change? What may God be leading me to do? Work with kids in my church? Maybe. Mentor a young man? Maybe. Become a big-brother. Maybe.


Lord let me listen. I want to welcome You…let me welcome children.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Be a Servant

Mark 9:35 "And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, 'If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.'" ESV


While the boys were walking along with Jesus, they had a little discussion. They were trying to figure out who was the greatest. What a bunch of competitive guys. Trying to determine who was the best. Who would be in charge. Who was going to lead. Who knows, maybe this discussion was prompted by Jesus telling them that He was going to die. Well if He is going to die, someone has to take over. Who is it going to be?


Enter Jesus. Jesus asks a simple question that He already knew the answer to: "Hey. What were you guys arguing about back there?". Well, not wanting Jesus to know that they were talking about who was going to take over once He was gone, they kept their mouths shut.


Time for a lesson. Time to once again listen to God's Son. "If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all." Last. This is last in time. Last in place. Last in position. Last in rank. Last in worth. Lowest. This stinks. No one likes to be last in anything. I know that when I drive I want to get ahead of other cars. When I stand in line at the grocery store, I want to be first. When I am at Cedar Point I rush to get ahead of other people. When I play games I like to win. This is human nature. This is the source for competition. Jesus said: Get rid of it. Do you want to be first? Be last.


Do you want to lead? Be a servant. And not just a servant to some. A servant to all. Be a waiter to all. Serve other people's needs first. This is tough stuff. I know that I am lazy and I like to be waited upon. Jesus said: No more of that. Serve everyone. From the greatest to the least. That is the only way you will become a leader.


Leadership. Do we want it? Do we desire it? Do we want to be in charge? Do we want people to look up to us? Do we want people to follow us? Do we want to be decision makers? If so, this is the key. This is the big kahuna. Be last…be a servant of all. Am I listening?



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Be Like John

Mark 9:31 "for he was teaching his disciples, saying to them, "The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days he will rise."" ESV


Listen to Him…believe…pray…and now the tip off: "Men are going to grab Me and kill Me, but don't worry, three days later I will come back to life." If the disciples were going to listen to anything, this had to be it. If they were going to grasp any truth, this is one that they had to rely upon. Why? It was the heart of the Gospel. Jesus was going to die. He was telling them ahead of time what was going to happen. He was telling them so that they would not be surprised. He was telling them so that they could have assurance. They needed to listen to Him…they really needed to listen to Him. They needed to hear Him loud and clear and understand that His death was not going to be the end of everything. In fact it was going to be the beginning because He was going to rise three days later.


Did they listen? Did they understand? Did they apply this? Well one guy did. John hung in there and stood with Jesus at the cross, but the rest of the guys took off. In fact, two of the guys that were on the mountain with Him earlier, two of the guys that He told that He was going to rise from the dead as they were coming down the mountain, Peter and James, ran. Peter even betrayed Him.


Too many times I am like Peter, but I want to be like John. Too many times I do dumb things and say dumb things that may even betray who I claim to be. I don't want that. I want to really listen. I want to really hear. I want to really understand and hang in there, even when things look tough. Even when things are at their bleakest, even when there does not look like there is any hope I need to know that at the end there is life. There is resurrection. There is hope. So hang tough.


And when I act like Peter or when I run away I still need to realize the reality of the resurrection, the reality of forgiveness, the reality of starting over.


Listen…believe…pray…be like John.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Dependent Prayer

Mark 9:29 "And he said to them, 'This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.'" ESV


What else did Jesus say? Pray. If you want to see the power of God move in people's lives, then pray.


The nine disciples that did not go on the mountain had a problem…they had no power to cast out the spirit out of the boy. The Dad brought him to the guys, but nothing happened. The question that they asked was: "Why couldn't we do it?" v28 Jesus answer: "Because you didn't pray. You weren't dependent. You tried in your own power and your own power brought nothing." What did they have to hear? What were they to listen to? What were they to apply? Pray…and you will see the hand of God move.


This admonition to pray goes along with the admonition to believe. If we believe Jesus we will go to Him. If we believe Jesus we will bring Him our requests. If we believe Jesus we will show our dependence and talk to Him.


My problem? I am a lot like the disciples. I try to do it on my own. I try to fix problems myself. I try to address issues in my own power. This effort will bring no lasting results. If I want to see God work in my life, in my family's life, in my church, in my community, in this world, I have to do one thing: Pray. Pray specifically. Pray so that God knows that I am relying only on His power, on His ability, on His strength.


Oh…and as an aside, a little fasting would not hurt either. (Fasting is included in this verse in some manuscripts.) Fasting doesn't just show dependence, it shows intensity. To give something up for a time, whether it is food, or the TV, or the computer, or sports, or dessert, or sex shows that I am passionate about this thing. That this matter that I am bringing to God is more important than my creature comforts. It shows God that I mean business.


Do I want to see God move with might? I have to listen to Jesus and pray.



Friday, April 27, 2012

Believing Jesus

Mark 9:23 "And Jesus said to him, "'If you can'! All things are possible for one who believes."" ESV


"This is my beloved Son; listen to Him." And what does the Son say? "All things are possible for one who believes."


Now the disciples are sitting around wondering why they were not able to cast out the demon out of this man's son and Jesus response to the Dad was: "If you believe it will happen." I wonder what James and John and Peter were thinking as they observed this? They weren't with the other guys who were not able to cast out the demon. They had been with Jesus and did not see what was going on with the other nine. "Listen to Him." Understand this. Apply this. Use this. "All things are possible for one who believes." I think that they understood that the other guys did not get it…and they may not have either. The fact that they could not cast out the demon had to do with their lack of belief. And the father's doubt as to whether Jesus could do this was answered by this statement…a statement that centered on what Jesus could do. "If you can…".


The point: Belief and Jesus are intertwined. Oh, I can believe anything I want to believe, but unless that belief is centered in what is credible, it is just a pipe dream. If I just believe in myself, that is dumb. If I believe in a pastor or a business leader or a politician, that is misplaced. But when belief is centered on what Christ can do then watch stuff happen.


My daughter, Elise, taught me a powerful lesson last week. She and her husband just came home from a medical mission's trip to Ecuador a couple of weeks ago. Closely following that trip, someone from her church approached her and said that they needed a nurse on another mission's trip that was going to Northern Africa in just a couple of months. Well, she kind of put it out of her mind because she had just returned from Ecuador, until she was sitting in a class in church and was challenged to take another step of faith. There were all kinds of hurdles that had to be overcome. Her work schedule was one. And raising $3000 in six weeks was another. Short story. Work cleared the way…then on Sunday, while she was here in Cleveland visiting us she got a text from a friend. The text said: "Your trip has been paid in full." Her response after she got done screaming was: "I didn't doubt it for one minute." Why? Because she believed Jesus.


"All things are possible for one who believes." Am I listening?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Listen to Him

Mark 9:7b "This is my beloved Son; listen to him." ESV


Jesus took His inner circle, James, John and Peter up the mountain. While they were there a weird thing happened. Moses and Elijah appeared. Now, I don't know about you, but if I were hanging around with a bunch of guys and two dead guys showed up I think I might book. Apparently, these guys were so astounded they couldn't move. All that happened was that in Peter's nervousness, he blurted out something about making an altar to each one of them. Then another crazy thing happened. God spoke from heaven. Now, this is fall on your face time. This is get as low as you can possibly get time. This is cover your head time.


Now God could have said anything. He could have explained how Moses and Elijah were there. He could have told these guys that they had a mission to fulfill and He could have laid it out for them. He could have told them about some amazing prophecy in the future...but He didn't. Instead God the Father said the thing that was uppermost in His mind. He said what was primary. He didn't mince words…He only used eight of them. This is what He said: "This is my beloved Son; listen to Him." Short. Pointed. Direct.


"This is my beloved Son". Why this? I think that this is something that God wanted to communicate all through Jesus' ministry. When Jesus was baptized what did God say? "This is my beloved Son…". This is my esteemed Son. This is my dear Son. Frankly, this is my favorite Son because He is the only begotten Son of God. God the Father's love for Jesus was always on His mind. His love was deeper and wider than my love for my kids. It was more passionate that my love for my granddaughter. And it must have grieved Him to know that the only way He could deliver mankind was to sacrifice His Son…but He did it. But before this happened He wanted these guys to get something:


"Listen to Him". This is huge. This is what I have to get. This is what I have to grab. This is what God the Father wanted these guys to walk away with. An eight word sermon with the application: Listen to Him. This word listen means to hear. It means to consider. It means to understand. It means to comprehend. It means to learn. God was taking these guys back to Jesus' role as their Teacher. They needed to hear Him, grab what He said and use it. It wasn't just hear it and forget it. It was he who has ears to hear…hear it. Listen to it. Internalize it. Apply it. Use it. Obey it.


Do I? Do I really listen to the words of Jesus? Do I really apply the words of Jesus in my life? The rest of the chapter has some pretty powerful stuff that Jesus says that I need to apply. I am going to hit those this week.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Deny and Die

Mark 8:34,35 "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it."


This is it. These are tough words. This is laying it on the line. After Peter's great confession that Jesus was the Christ, and then after his dumb rebuke, Jesus decided to lay down the gauntlet and tell these guys what it was really going to cost to follow Him. The cost: death. Jesus wasn't beating around the bush. He just told them that He was going to die and that if they wanted to follow Him they would have to die too.


The American church tries to spiritualize this. We say that this means that we have to die to self. That we have to act as if we are dead to all that is in this world and our own desires. That is true, but I think that Jesus was going beyond this. You see, we don't suffer the persecution that Christians do in North Korea, or China or Iran, or many other countries. The Christians in those countries know that when they name the name of Jesus, once they say that they are believers, that it could mean literal death.


Jesus was telling His disciples, before He went to the cross that they would have to take up their own cross. Jesus was telling His disciples that they may have to lose their own lives for the sake of the Gospel, before they really understood what the Gospel was. This was total, sold out, uncompromising commitment without knowing the full story. Oh sure, after Jesus died and rose again they got it…they understood it. But before then it was just an intangible concept to them.


Over 2000 years later it is still an intangible concept. We know that Jesus died and rose again, but we did not see this with our own eyes. The disciples did and they all died as a result of it. They all took up their crosses and lost their lives because of it. I wonder what we are doing? I mean, many of us are not even willing to spend time in the word every day and we think we would die for this? Many of us are not even willing to take the time to pray with other people and we are going to take up our crosses? Many of us are not even willing to open our mouths and declare that we are Christians and we think that this means dying to self? Really?


I know that I have to take a good long hard look at my own life. I think we all do.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Worship Teaching

Mar 7:7    "in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men." ESV


These are piercing words: "in vain do they worship Me". Jesus was talking about the Pharisees and scribes of the day, and why did He say this? Because these spiritual leaders of the people had the opportunity to teach. What did they teach? Their own agendas. They didn't teach God's word. Instead they said that their rules, their commandments, their order of doing things was of God...that it was doctrine...that it was truth...that this was how you honored God. But nothing could have been further from the truth, yet they taught it and the people obeyed. What did Jesus call this? Vain worship. Fruitless worship. Futile worship. Empty worship. They replaced God's commandments, God's law, God's word with their own rules and it was worthless in God's eyes.


Unfortunately, I am afraid that there are many preachers and teachers who do the same thing today. Tomorrow as we go to church, men and women will stand up in front of groups of people and teach. Some will use this opportunity to take God's word and reveal its truths. Others will not do that. Others will not even open God's word. Others will get up and sound good and talk about how we need to love one another, or how we need to be involved in caring for our society, or how we need to be involved politically or socially and they will not tie it into God's word at all. They will preach their own agenda. Jesus tells us...that is vain worship. It is worthless. It is fruitless.


What is true worship? What is teaching that would be considered worship in the eyes of God? The doctrine of God. The teaching of God. The word of God. Forget this junk that we get up and spout off about that tickles the ears of the hearers. Forget this junk that tells everyone that they are OK. Forget this junk that promotes illicit lifestyles in the name of love. "Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching." 2 Tim 4:2 This is true worship. This is fruitful worship. This is purposeful worship. God seeks worshippers who worship in spirit and in truth. We need to preach and teach the Word of God.


As I get up in front of people and help lead on the Word. To do anything else is worthless worship.


Friday, April 20, 2012


Mark 6:34    "When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things." ESV


Interruptions...I hate them. But not Jesus. He was all about interruptions because He knew that this is where He met people in their point of need.


The verses that precede verse 34 outline that Jesus wanted His guys to get some rest. So He encouraged them to "'Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.' For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat." v31 Now this is cool. Jesus saw that His guys were tired and hungry so He told them to get some rest. But what happened? "Now many saw them going and recognized them, and they ran there on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them." v33 Give me a break! These guys wanted to get away and take it easy and the people would not let them. When they got to their destination the desolate place was no longer was filled with people. (There were 5000 men plus women and children.) I know if I was one of the disciples I would have done anything that I could to get out of there. I am so human.


Not Jesus. "He saw a great crowd, and He had compassion on them...". Why? They were like lost sheep and they needed a shepherd. They needed direction and protection. So He gave it. He thought of this interruption as a teachable moment. In His compassion He used this interruption to teach them and then to feed them through an amazing miracle.


That is my problem. I am more centered on my own comfort than the needs of people. This is not compassion, this is selfishness. This is not the Spirit, it the flesh. This is not Christlike, it is Glenlike. When I am at lunch and I get a phone call from a difficult client, what do I do? Huff and complain and put them in voicemail? I shouldn't. If I want to be like Jesus I need to be moved with compassion and look at this interruption as a teachable moment...for them and for me.



Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fall Down

Mark 5:6,22,33a "And when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and fell down before him…And when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and fell down before him…But the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came in fear and trembling and fell down before him…".


Three very different people…the same response. First, there was a guy who was terribly demon possessed. Then there was a guy who was totally on the opposite end of the spectrum, a big deal ruler in the synagogue. Finally there was an unclean woman. They all had needs and Jesus met them where they were at and ministered to those needs. It didn't matter what they had done. It didn't matter what their status was in society…Jesus met them in their point of need.


The interesting thing is that they all knew that they had a need. The demon possessed guy was really messed up and asked Jesus not to torment him any longer. The ruler had a daughter who was going to die and he came to Jesus for her healing. The woman who had an illness realized that all she had to do was come to Jesus and touch Him. (Kind of secretly admitting her need.) In their realization they all did the same thing…came to Jesus. Relied on Jesus. Admitted their need before Jesus.


This is the way it is. We are all needy. We all need deliverance. We all need healing. When we come to Jesus and admit that need, realizing that there is absolutely nothing that we can do to remedy that need, but rely totally on Him, that is when we see Him work. The thing is, we won't see Him work until we admit our need and are utterly dependent on Him.


And then what? What did they all do in Jesus' presence? Fell at His feet. This is total dependence. This is absolute yieldedness. This is complete worship. And this should be my constant position before Him.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Good Seed

Mark 4:14 "The sower sows the word." ESV


For some reason, as I am reading through the book of Mark and I keep coming back to this (at least for the last four days). In this chapter, Jesus is teaching people in parables. He gives them three: The parable of the sower, the parable of the seed, and the parable of the mustard seed. The similarity between these stories is threefold. First, it is seed that is being sown. Each time seed is being scattered. Second, the seed that is scatter produces. In the first parable when the seed is sown on good ground it produces fruit. In the second parable of the seed, the farmer sows it and goes to bed and when he gets up in the morning the seed has sprouted and he really does not understand how that happens. In the third parable the mustard seed is planted and it grows into a large tree. In all three parables there is seed. In all three parables there is growth. Finally, in all three parables there is fruit.


The thing is, it all starts with the seed. Nothing happens unless good seed is planted. And what is the good seed? The word of God. It is only the sowing of the word of God that produces fruit. It is only the sowing of the word of God that produces a crop. It is only the sowing of the word of God that produces a tree. It is only the sowing of the word of God that expands the kingdom of God. Nothing else does it. Programs don't do it. Policies don't do it. Promotions don't do it. PR doesn't do it. Only the word of God. And the wise sower scatters the word of God.


This is important in churches. We have to be sowing God's word. Like the farmer, we don't know how it grows, but it does and we can watch it happen. We don't understand how it expands, but it does and we can be amazed when we see the results. "so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it." Is 55:11 It is only sowing the word of God that will impact people's lives.


This isn't just important for churches, it is important for life. It is important when I talk to people. They may come up with fancy arguments. Give them the word. They may talk about excuses. Give them the word. They may marginalize. Give them the word.


And for me…I have to stay in the word. It is the only thing that is going to bring results in me. Books are nice. Devotionals are nice. They are all helpful…but the word of God is the seed that will bring about fruit, that will bring about a crop, that will grow into a tree.


Stay in it. Use it. Proclaim it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spending Time With Jesus

Mark 3:14 "And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach" ESV


During Jesus' life he preached/taught, lead and served. The thing is, He knew that His ultimate purpose was going to kill Him, so He needed to entrust what He did to some other guys who could continue to do what He did. He picked twelve guys and the first thing these guys had to do, the first responsibility that they had was to be with Him.


Sometimes I think we miss this. We want to go out preaching or teaching. We want to lead others. We want to serve and we ignore the most important thing…being with Jesus. We have to spend time with Him. We have to get into His word and know His mind and talk to Him and listen to Him. That is what these twelve guys did for three years. They spent time with Jesus talking to Him. Listening to Him. Watching Him. If this part of my ministry is not there, then I am just spinning my wheels. I am operating under my own power and what I do will be worthless. I need to be with Him. It is an absolute necessity that I get in His word and let Him speak to me. I need to hear from Him and watch Him and talk to Him.


It was only after these twelve spent time with Christ that they were able to do their next responsibility: preach. Publicly proclaim the Gospel. If I try to preach or teach and I have not spent time with Jesus, there will be no power. There will be no work of the Spirit of God. There will be no reality in my life. But when I spend time with Christ, I can then hear from Him and open my mouth effectively and accomplish what God wants.


The public proclamation of the Gospel is huge. It was the disciple's first order of business. Jesus knew that the proclamation of truth was the only thing that was going to set people free. Sure, verse 15 tells us that the disciples would also have authority to cast out demons…to minister to people so that they would be set free from all of the garbage that binds them, but this authority and power came from spending time with Jesus and then proclaiming His word.


Do I see my words making an impact? If so…it is for His glory. If not, I wonder if it is because I am not spending enough time with the Lord? Something to consider.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Only The Word

Mark 2:2 "And many were gathered together, so that there was no more room, not even at the door. And he was preaching the word to them." ESV


This kind of reminds me of last Sunday. Easter Sunday is always a big deal at church. We always have more people than usual. This year was no different. We had the largest crowd that we have ever had at church. In fact, when the stats came out this week, it said that we had 106% of capacity in the auditorium. That means that we had to set up more chairs than we normally have. Now, it was not as jammed as when Jesus was in this house, but it was pretty full. Many were gathered together. It was close to no more room, but people were not hanging out the door. The point? What was being preached.


When Jesus taught and preached what did He preach? Wonderful ideas of the day? Did He get political and talk about how the Jews should rise up and defeat Rome? Did He tickle people's ears with self-help pointers? Did He tell them how wonderful they all were? None of the above. Jesus taught the word. He preached the word of God to all of these people. Oh, He had a huge crowd. He could have entertained them in some way, but that is not what He came to do. He came teach the Word, serve and lead.


I am thankful that our pastor is committed to this. I am thankful that he does not get all wrapped up in hot topics or current events. Sure, he addresses them, but when he does, he does it in the light of the scripture that he is preaching through. And frankly, this is what people are hungry for. The crowd at church did not come to hear how wonderful they are. The people at church did not come to hear who they should vote for in November. They came to hear the word of God. Why? Because the word of God is the word of God. It is the voice of God. It is the very mind of God. It is the mouth of God speaking to all of us. And who wouldn't want to hear what God thinks and says. It is more important than any news of the day. It is more important than any self-help analysis. It is God…talking to us.


How does this hit me? Well, I do a lot of talking on Sunday as well. I have to be sure that what comes out of my mouth is what God is saying, not what I am saying. I have to center my thoughts and my words on the Word. It is the only thing of any value.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Job’s Final Answer

Job 42:2 "I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted."


In chapter 41 God confronted Job with the power and might of Leviathan. A massive creature created by God that revealed the power of God. Don't tell me that men and dinosaurs did not exist together. Here is proof that Job knew what God was talking about when He talked about this animal.


So here it is. God asks Job if he can answer the One who has created all things. Job's final answer: "God you are God. You can do anything You want. No one anywhere can change whatever you have purposed to do." The point: God has a plan and that plan will be carried out no matter what. Sure, men think that things are all up to them. We think that we can change things. We think we can direct things. We think that we can mold things to accomplish our purpose. Frankly, that thinking is a bunch of pompous poppycock. (And I am not talking about the popcorn.)


Who knows, maybe Job was here at one time. Yes God said that he was a man of integrity and that no one was like him on the earth, but I wonder if Job, in his secure comfortable position, thought that he was, in part, responsible for all of the stuff he had. The lesson that he learned was that nothing was up to him. Everything was up to God…everything. When he learned how small he really was, when he acknowledged the Authorship and Lordship of the God of the universe, God doubled his fortune and his family. It wasn't up to Job…it was all up to God.


Sometimes I think it is humorous what we in the American church think we can accomplish. We are self reliant, self confident, and self absorbed. That is dangerous territory to be in. We can't be self anything. We have to be God dependent and know that He controls it all. No purpose of His will be thwarted. We have to get to the place where Job was and acknowledge our utter helplessness without the Lord. It is then that He can take us small, needy people and use us to expand His kingdom.


No matter what, however, God's purpose will prevail. He will get it done. He doesn't need us but He wants to use us. I need to totally rely on Him and He will do it.


Friday, April 13, 2012

The Position of Smallness

Job 40:4 "Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer you? I lay my hand on my mouth." ESV


Chapter 39 continued where 38 left off. God laid out more things that He controls. This time it is centered on some of the animals that He created: The goat, donkey, ox, ostrich, horse, hawk, eagle. After laying all of this out in the last two chapters, what is Job's response? Only what it should be: "I am of small account. I can't talk. I putting my hands over my mouth so nothing comes out." Even though Job had just been through the toughest time anyone could imagine, he still did not have the authority or wisdom to answer God. God was too huge and he was too small.


That is the best position to be in…the position of smallness. The realization that I am nothing and God is everything. As a result, I can't question God. I can't answer God. All I can do is sit still and be silent.


This is a good reminder to me. I must remember that everything that I have, every ability that I possess, every ministry that I may be involved in is all from God. I can't lay claim to any of it. I can't selfishly say: "This is mine." I have to hold on to things and positions loosely. I have to come to God with opens hands and a shut mouth. Why? Because "I am of small account". God controls it all. God oversees it all. God orchestrates it all. I am simply His instrument to use where He desires.


This position of smallness, that of open hands and a shut mouth is a position of humility. This is a position of freedom. This is a position of peace. It is the right position before a holy God.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

In Charge

Job 38:4 "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding." ESV


Finally…God speaks. Job heard from his three friends. He also heard from the young guy, Elihu. But now, the Lord enters the picture and has a few questions for Job. In fact, this chapter is full of questions and the questions all center on who God is and what He has done. God wants to know whether Job gets it. He wants to know if he understands who He is.


God then outlines all of the things that He has created: The earth's foundation, the sea, clouds, morning, dawn, the deep, death, darkness, earth's expanse, light, snow, hail, wind, rain, lightning, dew, ice, frost, the solar system, dirt, food for His creatures.

"Job, do you get it? Do you have understanding? Do you realize that I am the Creator of all things? I formed it all. I control it all. I have a purpose for all of it."


Now, I haven't gotten to chapter 39 yet, but it seems like the implication here is: "I created all of these things for My purpose, and I have created you for My purpose as well. Nothing escapes My notice or My authority. Not even what you have experienced lately in your life."


God hasn't changed. He is the Creator of all things and He has created everything for His purpose. Not my purpose. Not someone else's purpose. God is orchestrating all of life. He oversees the weather. He oversees the days. He oversees all of time. He oversees what is happening in the solar system. He oversees what is happening on the earth. He oversees world affairs. He oversees governments. He oversees businesses. He oversees economies. He oversees leaders. He oversees churches. He oversees families. He oversees my life. Nothing escapes Him. If He is capable of controlling everything, why do I think that He is not capable of controlling my life? Why do I grab the reigns of control from Him? Why do I question what He does…for where was I when He laid the foundation of the earth?


I need to remember this: God is in charge of it all to accomplish His purpose and plan.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Weather

Job 37:5 "God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend." ESV


Elihu is a meteorologist. He spends a great deal of time talking about snow and ice and rain and thunder and lightning. The point…God controls it all. It all starts with God. He causes the rain to fall. He causes the snow to come. He even mentions that God gives weather for three purposes: For correction or to feed His land or because He loves us. (v 13) I don't think that I have ever thought of the weather like that before…that it is from the very hand of God and He has a specific purpose in bringing rain and wind and snow and ice and tornados and hurricanes and typhoons.


In fact, Elihu says that when God speaks He thunders. "Keep listening to the thunder of his voice and the rumbling that comes from his mouth." (v2) and "After it his voice roars; he thunders with his majestic voice" (v4) And now this: "God thunders wondrously with His voice". I know that Elihu may have been looking at this simplistically. He could not explain thunder so he said it was the voice of God. Or, on the flip side, maybe we think of it too simplistically. Maybe thunder is from the voice of God and we just don't get it. Sure there is a scientific explanation for thunder, but we also have to consider that all of creation is crying out with God's voice. It is all shouting out His existence. (Rom. 1) Maybe the next time I hear thunder I should consider that God is speaking…I should shut up and listen.


Then this: He does great things that we cannot comprehend. Why? Because He is God. He is awesome. He controls it all…and I have a finite, tiny brain. My understanding is limited. "Oh the depth of the riches of both the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are His judgment and unfathomable His ways." "Now to Him who can do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think." This is God. He is at work and His work is beyond us. When He works we can't explain it. When He moves we can't understand it. But He does. And He is still at work today.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Do What’s Right

Job 34:4 "Let us choose what is right; let us know among ourselves what is good." ESV


Here is more advice from Elihu. This was advice that is being given to all of the guys…Job and his three friends. This was a corporate thing. This was an "us" thing.


I remember when our girls were little. Every now and then they would get on each other's nerves and get a little testy with one another. At one particular time I came to them and gave them a phrase that sticks with us to this day: "Do what's right". I knew that deep down they knew what was right and what was wrong. I was not happy when they did or said the wrong thing. But I really didn't care what they did or what they said or how they acted as long as they did what they knew was the right thing to do. There were always points of decision. Should I say this? Should I do this? Should I go there? Should I follow the crowd? Constant points of decision. Their compass? "Do what's right."


Elihu was there. He got it. But he didn't just get it on an individual basis, he got it on a group basis. "Let US choose what is right. Let US know among OURSELVES what is good." Not only is this something that I can decided, it is something that a group can decide. It is something that many can determine corporately.


As I think about the weekend the guys had, I wonder what group decisions were made? I wonder what we as a group of guys are going to pursue in the future? What are we going to be committed to? Whatever it is, let's together do what is right and good. Let's together pursue what pleases God. No matter what our society is doing, no matter what our culture pushes, no matter what our government dictates…let us choose what is right.


One thing that I think is cool is that most of the New Testament was written to groups. Sure we read it as individuals but Paul's letter were written to churches…corporate bodies who did things together. Group decisions. Group movement. Group passion. Group life. Let US choose what is right.


Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Game Changer

I Cor 15:42-44 "So is it with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable; what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body." ESV


As I think about it, the day that we call "Good Friday" was a very bad day for many. It was a bad day for Jesus who was tortured and crucified and died. It was a bad day for His mother Mary, who watched her Son go through a horrific death. It was a bad day for John who watched his best Friend get nailed to a cross and who was given the responsibility of taking care of Jesus' mother. It was a bad day for the disciples, who were so cowardly they all scattered and were nowhere to be found. Good Friday was not good at all, and it would have remained bad…until three days later when something happened that had never happened before. This dead Guy, Jesus, walked out of the tomb that He was buried in…alive. He walked out of the tomb under His own power and has not died since. This dead guy, Jesus, is no longer dead. He is alive. This is the resurrection. It is the hope that is reflected in this day, Easter. That is what today is all about. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead is a game changer…not just for Jesus but for Mary and John and the disciples. It was such a game changer for the disciples that these scattered cowards all preached the truth of this eternity changing event and they all died martyrs, clinging to its truth.


Not only was this event a game changer for these guys, it is a game changer for all of us. All of us who will perish. All of us who are weak. All of us who have physical bodies. That is all of us. And it is a game changer because we no longer have to perish or be weak or have just a physical body. Because Jesus rose from the dead we who were going to perish now can live forever. Those of us who have bodies that decay and are dishonorable can be raised in glory. Those of us who are weak can be raised in power. Those of us who have physical bodies can have spiritual bodies.


I say: "Can" because there is one caveat. It is this…"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live even if he dies. And whoever lives and believes in Me will never die." John 11:25 The caveat: Belief in Jesus and what He did on the cross. He took my sin. He took my punishment. He took my grief. Why? "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God…". I Pet. 3:18 That one act did it. That is all that was needed. No good works on my part. No blowing myself up. No lighting candles. No self flagellation. No meditation. Just Jesus…on the cross…risen from the dead. That is all. That is enough.


That is what this day is all about. The game changer…the resurrection…insuring eternal life for all who believe.

Friday, April 6, 2012

I Love This!

Job 33:26 "then man prays to God, and He accepts him; He sees his face with a shout of joy, and He restores to man His righteousness." ESV


So far I like this young guy, Elihu. What he has to say so far is true and compassionate. He doesn't come at Job as a superior, but he comes to him as an equal, a man, a guy who puts his pants on one leg at a time, a "piece of clay". He says to Job: "I desire to justify you." No condemnation, just sympathy and encouragement.


Here are some encouraging words, not just for Job but for me: "man prays to God, and He accepts him; He sees his face with a shout of joy, and He restores to man His righteousness". I love it. When I talk to God He accepts me. He looks at me with favor. He is pleased with me. When I talk to God, it makes Him happy. That is wild. That I could satisfy God's heart and that He would embrace me. When you try to spend time thinking about this, it has to blow your mind. This God of eternity accepts puny me.


Not only that, when He sees me He verbally rejoices. He shouts. Another verse puts it this way: "The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing." Zeph3:17 This eternal God likes to see me. He is thrilled to see me. When I come to Him and He sees my face, He shouts out a loud: "YES!".


And then He does something that I cannot do. He gives me His righteousness. I am dirty. I am sinful. I am a mess. There is nothing right in me. But when I come to Him, when I talk to Him, He embraces me, He rejoices over me and He gives me His character.


So pray? Talk to God? Should I? You bet. As much as I can.


Thursday, April 5, 2012


Job 32:20 "I must speak, that I may find relief; I must open my lips and answer."


Job's friends were done. They ran out of words. Their advice…not that great. The result: disappointment. A younger guy, Elihu sat and listened to all that Job's friends said and he kept quiet. He thought the older guys should teach. He thought that they would have the wisdom so he kept his mouth shut. The problem was, they didn't and he could not help it any more. He had to open his mouth. He had to share what he was thinking because it was about ready to make him explode. "I must speak, that I may find relief…".


Now that I am an older guy, do I speak words of truth in love? Do I share valuable words? The question is whether I, as an older guy, I share God's thoughts or my thoughts? Do I talk about what I want or what God wants? Do I tell other people my perspective or God's perspective? The problem that this young guy had was that the old guys were just spouting off their own stuff.


I have an opportunity this weekend to talk to a group of around 60 guys at a men's retreat. I think that I have something that is valuable to share, but is it my stuff or God's stuff? My thoughts or God's thoughts? My words or God's words? If it is my stuff then forget it. Don't say it. But if I am convinced that this is what God wants these guys to hear then be like this young guy and let it out. Don't hold it in. No restraint. Let God speak through me as I speak His word to these guys.


I pray that what I have to say is not me. I pray that what I have to share is something that God has given me and not something cute that I have dreamed up. I pray that what I have to say makes an eternal impact. I pray that what I have to say is something that we can apply: "Receive instruction from His mouth..." I want this to be from His mouth, not mine.


I want God to work through this old guy.



Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Job 31:24-28 "If I have made gold my trust or called fine gold my confidence, if I have rejoiced because my wealth was abundant or because my hand had found much, if I have looked at the sun when it shone, or the moon moving in splendor, and my heart has been secretly enticed, and my mouth has kissed my hand, this also would be an iniquity to be punished by the judges, for I would have been false to God above." ESV


This is in toward the end of Job's discussion of what he had done with his life and what had become of it. He outlined that he helped the poor, the widow, the needy. People listened to him, respected him, stood in his presence, ask for advice from him. He didn't rejoice in his enemy's calamity. He helped the foreigner. He invited people into his home. His children were around him and they were happy. He honored his wife. Frankly, this guy was exactly what God said about him…there was no one like him…blameless and upright. Job lived a life that pleased God and it resulted in good. But then…then things went south. Total calamity overtook him. He lost it all and people mocked him.


The thing is, back when he had it all he didn't trust it at all. He didn't put his confidence in all of his stuff and wealth. When he had respect he did not congratulate himself. He didn't kiss his own hand. Why? Because this "would have been false to God above".


How true. When we trust our stuff, when we trust our bank accounts, when we trust our 401k's and mutual funds we are being false to God above. When we kiss our hands, when we pat ourselves on the back, when we think we are all that, we are being false to God above. Unfortunately, this is the world. This is the way it is. Our money says: "In God we Trust", but that is false. We don't trust God anymore. We think that we can do it on our own. We can make our own way. We can grab the inner strength and be a self made man and then we can tell everyone how great we are. This is deception. This is a lie. This is being false to God above.


Why? Because He is the Source of all things. He gave Job all he had. "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away". Job knew the Source of it all and he was not going to trust the stuff that God provided or the press clippings that he read. It was all God. It was always all God. It will always be all God.


So, when I am tempted to think about my bank account, my retirement fund, Social Security and I start to rely on those things…STOP. When I think that all of the things that I have came from my abilities…STOP. Be true to God.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Get Smart

Job 28:28 "And he said to man, 'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.'" ESV


Job is responding to his friends and he is asking them a rhetorical question: Where can you find wisdom? He knew the answer…he just wasn't sure they did. He said that it isn't in man. It isn't in nature. It can't be bought. The creatures of the world don't have it. Even Abaddon (a place of destruction) and death have said that they have heard rumors about it. Only God knows the way to it and this is it: Fear Him. And to turn away and run from evil shows that you get it.


Sounds familiar: David said it: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!" Ps 111:10 ESV And this Dad was smart enough to pass this on to his son because Solomon also said: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!" ESV Prov. 9:10 And where do you think these guys learned it? Maybe from guys like Job. This truth passed down through centuries of time…and it never changed…and it is still the same.


Want wisdom? Fear God. Respect God. Honor God. And as I have written before, yes, be terrified of God. How do I show that I understand wisdom? When I turn away from evil every chance it rears its ugly head.


So many times I am faced with a decision to make. Do I do that dumb thing? Do I say that dumb word? Do I think that stupid thought? Run. Turn away. Go the opposite way of the dumb because running toward evil is dumb. Running away from it is smart. And I should run because I fear who God is. He is the Maker and Author of everything who knows how it all works. Why would I not listen to Him? Why would I do or say the opposite of what He commands? That is truly dumb because He knows what is best.


God today, as I face different challenges let me fear You and run from evil. Let me be smart and get it.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Knowing God

Job 26:14 "Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways, and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?" ESV


I think that it is pretty cool how Job knew about astronomy and weather. He knew that the earth hung on nothing. He knew about the clouds holding water. I think he also had an idea about the earth's rotation. (vs 7-13) And this is what he has to say about creation…these are the outskirts of his ways…these are but a whisper about God. In comparison, who can really understand the magnitude of His power?


And here I am again, back to the theme that has been smacking me in the head and heart for over a year…the massiveness of God. Is God huge? Yes. Can we fully know Him and what He is like in all His splendor and power and awesomeness? I don't think so. But that does not mean that we can't know Him. That does not mean that we cannot grow to know Him more. That does not mean that He is totally undiscoverable. He wants us to know Him. He wants us to grow in our knowledge of what He is like and how He works. How do I know this? Because this is what Jesus prayed. "And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." John 17:3 That is the definition of eternal life… to know God and His Son? Yes, because our knowledge of God will never end. It begins the day we repent and believe that Jesus death is all we need for our salvation and it will go on for eternity.


So when should I get to know God in all of His majesty? As soon as I believe. "Truly truly I say to you He who hears my word and believes on Him who sent Me has eternal life…". Right now. At the very moment eternal life begins our knowledge of God starts. Not just a head knowledge, although that is part of it. But a heart knowledge, a relationship, an understanding of who He is and what He wants. It begins on the day of salvation and goes on from there for all eternity…because it will take all eternity to understand the magnitude of His power.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Job 23:12 "I have not departed from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food." ESV


This is kind of a follow up from yesterday where Eliphaz told Job to "Receive instruction from His mouth, and lay up His words in your heart." Job's response was that he has been obedient. In fact, God's word to him was more precious than food.

I can kind of relate to that right now because I have not eaten in over 36 hours. Oh no, this was not a chosen fast for me. It was forced on me because of some GI problems. Right now all I want to do is feel better and eat some good food. Hopefully I will be on the rebound today. The thing is, here is Job, going through all kinds of physical pain and problems. He probably had not eaten either and what was on his mind? God's word. The words from God's mouth were more important to him than is daily food. He had a hunger for them. He had a thirst for them. And when he devoured them, it didn't just stay in his spiritual system, he did something. He obeyed the commandment that God gave him, even if he was suffering.

I love to eat. My wife is one of the best cooks I know and she does a fantastic job of feeding me all kinds of delicious food. I look forward to a good meal. When I know it is coming, I anticipate it. I want it. And when i sit down to eat it, I don't pick at it. I don't just look at it and say how nice it is. I dig in. I devour it. I consume it until I am full. (Lately I have been trying to control my portions because sometimes you can just keep eating.)

The question: Am I like this with God's word? Do I look forward to getting into it? Do I anticipate what God is going to teach me? Do I want it? Do I really get into it and devour it, or do I just pick at it or rely on leftovers from other people? Do I consume it until I am full? Am I like Job who said: "I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food"? Or do I just rotely go through the process of reading it, writing about it and then I am done for the day? Do I look forward to what others have to preach and teach or do I just go to church because it is what I am supposed to do?

And then, once I am in it, what do I do with it? Do I obey it or do am I like the guy who looked in the mirror and walked away not remembering what he looked like?

Oh God, give me that passion for your word. Even now as I sit here hungry, may I be hungrier for the words from your mouth.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Job 22:22 "Receive instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart." ESV


Wow. Eliphaz is really coming down hard on Job with some unsubstantiated accusations. With friends like this, who needs enemies? It is kind of interesting how his friend's "concern" for him has morphed into condemnation.


Yet, again, in the middle of it all sits truth and some good advice. Here it is: Let God teach you, listen to what He has to say and grab it. Also, when you get that word from God, don't just listen and let it go but establish it, set it, put it in your inner man.


We are unbelievably blessed. God has given His words to us in written form in the Bible. We don't have to wonder what He is saying, it is right in front of us. We can read it. The problem is, sometimes I find that I read it and I let it go. I don't spend time with it. It doesn't go down deep and when that happens, it does not change me. Frankly, that is just foolishness. Here is God's word. He speaks to me. He wants to speak to me. He wants me to know His mind and His heart. To not pay attention is dumb.


I love the word for "receive". It actually means "marry'. It means that when God speaks, let His instruction become one with you. Let it become an integral part of your life. David said something similar: "Your word have I hid in my heart (inner man) that I might not sin against You." Ps 119:11 How do I do this? What do I do? What should I do? Read it. Study it. Meditate on it. Memorize it. Live it. This is God's word. We can't get anything more valuable.


It is weird, but we can memorize the dumbest stuff. Lines from movies. Words from songs. But God's word? We don't even try. My challenge is to begin doing this. Memorize scripture. Make it an integral part of my brain and not just my brain, but my life.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tough until Eternity

Job 21:7 "Why do the wicked live, reach old age, and grow mighty in power?" ESV


Job is asking the age old question: Why do the wicked prosper? I was just talking to someone the other day and we were discussing how those who live lives that try to honor God have difficulty and those who couldn't give a rip about God seem to live in ease? Why is that? It just seems so unfair…so wrong. It has made some consider God and turn their backs on Him because they can't see the reasoning behind this. Do I have an answer? Not really. It is a very good question. It would seem that God would want to bless those who honor Him and curse those who dishonor Him.


Oh wait…He has. The problem with me, the problem with us is that we are bound by this thing called time. We are bound by this thing called the human existence here on this earth. We are stuck with what we see in the here and now, and when we hit hard times it is difficult to take and even more difficult to understand when we believe that we are living our lives in obedience.


Take my friend, Joe. He has been battling cancer for many years. They thought they had it beat but it reared its ugly head again and now he is going through chemo. Now this guy is a godly man. He lives for Christ, he anonymously serves others, he is trying to live a faithful Christian life…but he is dealing with some pretty tough stuff right now. Or my friend Gary. This guy has a heart of gold. His desire is to see the men of our church grow. He wants to honor God with all that he is, but he is suffering from unbelievable pain that will not go away. Or my friend Dave. He has been dealing with a problem now for a long time, just had to see the doctor for a procedure yesterday and is very uncomfortable….but a godly guy with a godly family. Or how about the Apostle Paul? He asked God to remove a problem in his life and God told him that His grace was all he needed.


Other than building character (James 1) what is the deal with this stuff? Maybe it gets our minds and our hearts set on other things…like the temporariness of this life and the promise of the life to come. "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal." 2 Cor 4:16-18 ESV


Light momentary affliction. It doesn't seem like it at the time, but in comparison with eternity, it is nothing. The wicked? They have all that they are going to get here then there is massive trouble.


The point? Focus on eternity.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Godly Fun

Job 20:4,5 "Do you not know this from of old, since man was placed on earth, that the exulting of the wicked is short, and the joy of the godless but for a moment?" ESV


More advice from another friend. It probably wasn't what they said that was offensive, but in the way that they said it…because what they said was true. (Of course, why would they be telling Job about the wicked unless they thought he belonged in that camp? If they thought that he was suffering simply because he was being attacked and not because of something that he had done, I think that their words would have been more encouraging…more supportive.)


Back to the truth of what Zophar said. From the very beginning of time this has been true: Boasting is short lived and the fun that comes from godless living does not satisfy long term. This is something that our society needs to figure out. Why? Because we are surrounded with individuals who want to tell us how great they are and we are surrounded by a hedonistic culture. The truth: No one should boast because none of us are great and if you want joy that lasts, do what God wants.


Sometimes it is tempting to toot your own horn. When I think about that, however, who am I exulting…me or God? And frankly, who deserves to be lifted up? Me or God? If I am going to boast, this is what I should boast about: "My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!" Ps 34:2,3 "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord." I Cor 1:31


Then joy. I think that what Zophar is referring to here is fun…pleasure. There is nothing wrong in having fun. God created fun. But when that fun comes at the expense of others, or when that fun comes as a result of immoral activity it is godless. It is wicked and it does not last. Fun that lasts is the fun we can have doing what God wants. This fun is really considered joy because it brings inner satisfaction. The other stuff brings inner emptiness. You always are looking for more from another source. When you have godly fun you get this inner sense that this is what it is all about. And as I think about it, I think heaven is going to be a blast.


So today, as I go through my day, boast about God and have godly fun.